mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-05-28 11:50:49 +00:00

feat: auto-complete config save/printroot arguments

This commit is contained in:
Régis Behmo 2022-11-17 14:14:49 +01:00 committed by Régis Behmo
parent ee09612326
commit 29eb3398a2
4 changed files with 107 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -1 +1 @@
- [Improvement] Auto-completion of `plugins` arguments: `plugins enable/disable NAME` and `install PATH`. (by @regisb)
- [Improvement] Auto-completion of `plugins` and `config` arguments: `plugins enable/disable NAME`, `plugins install PATH`, `config save --set KEY=VAL`, `config save --unset KEY`, `config printvalue KEY`. (by @regisb)

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@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
import unittest
import click
from tutor import serialize
@ -31,17 +29,15 @@ class SerializeTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_parse_empty_string(self) -> None:
self.assertEqual("", serialize.parse("''"))
def test_yaml_param_type(self) -> None:
param = serialize.YamlParamType()
self.assertEqual(("name", True), param.convert("name=true", "param", {}))
self.assertEqual(("name", "abcd"), param.convert("name=abcd", "param", {}))
self.assertEqual(("name", ""), param.convert("name=", "param", {}))
with self.assertRaises(click.exceptions.BadParameter):
param.convert("name", "param", {})
self.assertEqual(("x", "a=bcd"), param.convert("x=a=bcd", "param", {}))
def test_parse_key_value(self) -> None:
self.assertEqual(("name", True), serialize.parse_key_value("name=true"))
self.assertEqual(("name", "abcd"), serialize.parse_key_value("name=abcd"))
self.assertEqual(("name", ""), serialize.parse_key_value("name="))
self.assertEqual(("x", "a=bcd"), serialize.parse_key_value("x=a=bcd"))
("x", {"key1": {"subkey": "value"}, "key2": {"subkey": "value"}}),
"x=key1:\n subkey: value\nkey2:\n subkey: value", "param", {}
"x=key1:\n subkey: value\nkey2:\n subkey: value"

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@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
from typing import List
import json
import typing as t
import click
import click.shell_completion
from .. import config as tutor_config
from .. import env, exceptions, fmt
from .. import interactive as interactive_config
from .. import serialize
from ..types import Config
from ..types import Config, ConfigValue
from .context import Context
@ -19,13 +21,82 @@ def config_command() -> None:
class ConfigKeyParamType(click.ParamType):
name = "configkey"
def shell_complete(
self, ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, incomplete: str
) -> t.List[click.shell_completion.CompletionItem]:
return [
for key, _value in self._shell_complete_config_items(ctx, incomplete)
def _shell_complete_config_items(
ctx: click.Context, incomplete: str
) -> t.List[t.Tuple[str, ConfigValue]]:
# Here we want to auto-complete the name of the config key. For that we need to
# figure out the list of enabled plugins, and for that we need the project root.
# The project root would ordinarily be stored in ctx.obj.root, but during
# auto-completion we don't have access to our custom Tutor context. So we resort
# to a dirty hack, which is to examine the grandparent context.
root = getattr(
getattr(getattr(ctx, "parent", None), "parent", None), "params", {}
).get("root", "")
config = tutor_config.load_full(root)
return [
(key, value) for key, value in config.items() if key.startswith(incomplete)
class ConfigKeyValParamType(ConfigKeyParamType):
Parser for <KEY>=<YAML VALUE> command line arguments.
name = "configkeyval"
def convert(self, value: str, param: t.Any, ctx: t.Any) -> t.Tuple[str, t.Any]:
result = serialize.parse_key_value(value)
if result is None:
self.fail(f"'{value}' is not of the form 'key=value'.", param, ctx)
return result
def shell_complete(
self, ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, incomplete: str
) -> t.List[click.shell_completion.CompletionItem]:
Nice and friendly <KEY>=<VAL> auto-completion.
if "=" not in incomplete:
# Auto-complete with '<KEY>='. Note the single quotes which allow users to
# further auto-complete later.
return [
for key, value in self._shell_complete_config_items(ctx, incomplete)
if incomplete.endswith("="):
# raise ValueError(f"incomplete: <{incomplete}>")
# Auto-complete with '<KEY>=<VALUE>'
return [
for key, value in self._shell_complete_config_items(
ctx, incomplete[:-1]
# Else, don't bother
return []
@click.command(help="Create and save configuration interactively")
@click.option("-i", "--interactive", is_flag=True, help="Run interactively")
help="Set a configuration value (can be used multiple times)",
@ -35,17 +106,18 @@ def config_command() -> None:
help="Remove a configuration value (can be used multiple times)",
"-e", "--env-only", "env_only", is_flag=True, help="Skip updating config.yaml"
"-e", "--env-only", "env_only", is_flag=True, help="Skip updating config.yml"
def save(
context: Context,
interactive: bool,
set_vars: Config,
unset_vars: List[str],
unset_vars: t.List[str],
env_only: bool,
) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load_minimal(context.root)
@ -71,7 +143,7 @@ def printroot(context: Context) -> None:
@click.command(help="Print a configuration value")
@click.argument("key", type=ConfigKeyParamType())
def printvalue(context: Context, key: str) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)

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@ -1,32 +1,31 @@
import re
from typing import IO, Any, Iterator, Tuple, Union
import typing as t
import click
import yaml
from _io import TextIOWrapper
from yaml.parser import ParserError
from yaml.scanner import ScannerError
def load(stream: Union[str, IO[str]]) -> Any:
def load(stream: t.Union[str, t.IO[str]]) -> t.Any:
return yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
def load_all(stream: str) -> Iterator[Any]:
def load_all(stream: str) -> t.Iterator[t.Any]:
return yaml.load_all(stream, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
def dump(content: Any, fileobj: TextIOWrapper) -> None:
def dump(content: t.Any, fileobj: TextIOWrapper) -> None:
yaml.dump(content, stream=fileobj, default_flow_style=False)
def dumps(content: Any) -> str:
def dumps(content: t.Any) -> str:
result = yaml.dump(content, default_flow_style=False)
assert isinstance(result, str)
return result
def parse(v: Union[str, IO[str]]) -> Any:
def parse(v: t.Union[str, t.IO[str]]) -> t.Any:
Parse a yaml-formatted string.
@ -37,17 +36,18 @@ def parse(v: Union[str, IO[str]]) -> Any:
return v
class YamlParamType(click.ParamType):
name = "yaml"
PARAM_REGEXP = r"(?P<key>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)=(?P<value>(.|\n|\r)*)"
def parse_key_value(text: str) -> t.Optional[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]]:
Parse <KEY>=<YAML VALUE> command line arguments.
def convert(self, value: str, param: Any, ctx: Any) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
match = re.match(self.PARAM_REGEXP, value)
if not match:
self.fail("'{}' is not of the form 'key=value'.".format(value), param, ctx)
key = match.groupdict()["key"]
value = match.groupdict()["value"]
if not value:
# Empty strings are interpreted as null values, which is incorrect.
value = "''"
return key, parse(value)
Return None if text could not be parsed.
match = re.match(r"(?P<key>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)=(?P<value>(.|\n|\r)*)", text)
if not match:
return None
key = match.groupdict()["key"]
value = match.groupdict()["value"]
if not value:
# Empty strings are interpreted as null values, which is incorrect.
value = "''"
return key, parse(value)