mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 10:48:28 +00:00
feat: leverage RUN --mount
for faster image building
We make use of the Docker build cache to install python and nodejs requirements faster in the case of repeated builds. This feature is only possible for users of BuildKit, so we detect whether `docker buildx` is available at runtime. We do not make use of `COPY --link` because the `--link` option is incompatible with `--chown=app:app`: https://github.com/docker/buildx/issues/1408 For reference, see: https://www.docker.com/blog/dockerfiles-now-support-multiple-build-contexts/ https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx_build/#build-context
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
- [Improvement] Considerably accelerate building the "openedx" Docker image with `RUN --mount=type=cache`. This feature is only for Docker with BuildKit, so detection is performed at build-time. (by @regisb)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
from tests.helpers import PluginsTestCase, temporary_root
from tutor import images, plugins
from tutor import images, plugins, utils
from tutor.__about__ import __version__
from tutor.commands.images import ImageNotFoundError
@ -128,16 +128,29 @@ class ImagesTests(PluginsTestCase, TestCommandMixin):
with temporary_root() as root:
self.invoke_in_root(root, ["config", "save"])
result = self.invoke_in_root(root, build_args)
with patch.object(utils, "is_buildkit_enabled", return_value=False):
self.invoke_in_root(root, ["config", "save"])
result = self.invoke_in_root(root, build_args)
self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
self.assertIn("service1:1.0.0", image_build.call_args[0])
for arg in image_build.call_args[0][2:]:
# The only extra args are `--build-arg`
if arg != "--build-arg":
self.assertIn(arg, build_args)
def test_images_push(self) -> None:
result = self.invoke(["images", "push"])
@ -83,6 +83,14 @@ def images_command() -> None:
help="Push the build cache to the remote registry. You should only enable this option if you have push rights to the remote registry.",
# Export image to docker. This is necessary to make the image available to docker-compose.
# The `--load` option is a shorthand for `--output=type=docker`.
help="Same as `docker build --output=...`. This option will only be used when BuildKit is enabled.",
@ -114,6 +122,7 @@ def build(
no_cache: bool,
no_registry_cache: bool,
cache_to_registry: bool,
docker_output: str,
build_args: list[str],
add_hosts: list[str],
target: str,
@ -135,9 +144,8 @@ def build(
command_args += ["--add-host", add_host]
if target:
command_args += ["--target", target]
if utils.is_buildkit_enabled():
# Export image to docker.
if utils.is_buildkit_enabled() and docker_output:
if docker_args:
command_args += docker_args
for image in image_names:
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ def _prepare_environment() -> None:
("HOST_USER_ID", utils.get_user_id()),
("TUTOR_APP", __app__.replace("-", "_")),
("TUTOR_VERSION", __version__),
("is_buildkit_enabled", utils.is_buildkit_enabled),
@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ def get_tag(config: Config, name: str) -> str:
def build(path: str, tag: str, *args: str) -> None:
fmt.echo_info(f"Building image {tag}")
command = hooks.Filters.DOCKER_BUILD_COMMAND.apply(
["build", "-t", tag, *args, path]
build_command = ["build", "-t", tag, *args, path]
if utils.is_buildkit_enabled():
build_command.insert(0, "buildx")
command = hooks.Filters.DOCKER_BUILD_COMMAND.apply(build_command)
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
{% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.4{% endif %}
###### Minimal image with base system requirements for most stages
FROM docker.io/ubuntu:20.04 as minimal
LABEL maintainer="Overhang.io <contact@overhang.io>"
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt update && \
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked{% endif %} \
apt update && \
apt install -y build-essential curl git language-pack-en
{{ patch("openedx-dockerfile-minimal") }}
@ -11,16 +14,23 @@ ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8
###### Install python with pyenv in /opt/pyenv and create virtualenv in /openedx/venv
FROM minimal as python
# https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/wiki/Common-build-problems#prerequisites
RUN apt update && \
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked {% endif %}apt update && \
apt install -y libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \
libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \
xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev python-openssl git
# https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/releases
# Install pyenv
# https://www.python.org/downloads/
# https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/releases
ENV PYENV_ROOT /opt/pyenv
RUN git clone https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv $PYENV_ROOT --branch v2.3.17 --depth 1
# Install Python
# Create virtualenv
RUN $PYENV_ROOT/versions/$PYTHON_VERSION/bin/python -m venv /openedx/venv
###### Checkout edx-platform code
@ -45,6 +55,12 @@ RUN git config --global user.email "tutor@overhang.io" \
{# Example: RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/commit/<GITSHA1>.patch | git am #}
{{ patch("openedx-dockerfile-post-git-checkout") }}
##### Empty layer with just the repo at the root.
# This is useful when overriding the build context with a host repo:
# docker build --build-context edx-platform=/path/to/edx-platform
FROM scratch as edx-platform
COPY --from=code /openedx/edx-platform /
###### Download extra locales to /openedx/locale/contrib/locale
FROM minimal as locales
@ -59,36 +75,39 @@ RUN cd /tmp \
FROM python as python-requirements
ENV PATH /openedx/venv/bin:${PATH}
ENV VIRTUAL_ENV /openedx/venv/
ENV XDG_CACHE_HOME /openedx/.cache
RUN apt update && apt install -y software-properties-common libmysqlclient-dev libxmlsec1-dev libgeos-dev
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked {% endif %}apt update \
&& apt install -y software-properties-common libmysqlclient-dev libxmlsec1-dev libgeos-dev
# Install the right version of pip/setuptools
# https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/
# https://pypi.org/project/pip/
# https://pypi.org/project/wheel/
RUN pip install setuptools==67.6.1 pip==23.0.1. wheel==0.40.0
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install \
# https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/
# https://pypi.org/project/pip/
# https://pypi.org/project/wheel/
setuptools==67.6.1 pip==23.0.1. wheel==0.40.0
# Install base requirements
COPY --from=code /openedx/edx-platform/requirements/edx/base.txt /tmp/base.txt
RUN pip install -r /tmp/base.txt
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=bind,from=edx-platform,source=/requirements/edx/base.txt,target=/openedx/edx-platform/requirements/edx/base.txt \
--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install -r /openedx/edx-platform/requirements/edx/base.txt
# Install django-redis for using redis as a django cache
# https://pypi.org/project/django-redis/
RUN pip install django-redis==5.2.0
# Install uwsgi
# https://pypi.org/project/uWSGI/
RUN pip install uwsgi==2.0.21
# Install extra requirements
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install \
# Use redis as a django cache https://pypi.org/project/django-redis/
django-redis==5.2.0 \
# uwsgi server https://pypi.org/project/uWSGI/
{{ patch("openedx-dockerfile-post-python-requirements") }}
# Install private requirements: this is useful for installing custom xblocks.
COPY ./requirements/ /openedx/requirements
RUN cd /openedx/requirements/ \
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}cd /openedx/requirements/ \
&& touch ./private.txt \
&& pip install -r ./private.txt
{% for extra_requirements in OPENEDX_EXTRA_PIP_REQUIREMENTS %}RUN pip install '{{ extra_requirements }}'
{% for extra_requirements in OPENEDX_EXTRA_PIP_REQUIREMENTS %}RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install '{{ extra_requirements }}'
{% endfor %}
###### Install nodejs with nodeenv in /openedx/nodeenv
@ -103,18 +122,18 @@ RUN nodeenv /openedx/nodeenv --node=16.14.0 --prebuilt
# Install nodejs requirements
COPY --from=code /openedx/edx-platform/package.json /openedx/edx-platform/package.json
COPY --from=code /openedx/edx-platform/package-lock.json /openedx/edx-platform/package-lock.json
WORKDIR /openedx/edx-platform
RUN npm clean-install --verbose --registry=$NPM_REGISTRY
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=bind,from=edx-platform,source=/package.json,target=/openedx/edx-platform/package.json \
--mount=type=bind,from=edx-platform,source=/package-lock.json,target=/openedx/edx-platform/package-lock.json \
--mount=type=cache,target=/root/.npm,sharing=shared {% endif %}npm clean-install --no-audit --registry=$NPM_REGISTRY
###### Production image with system and python requirements
FROM minimal as production
# Install system requirements
RUN apt update && \
apt install -y gettext gfortran graphviz graphviz-dev libffi-dev libfreetype6-dev libgeos-dev libjpeg8-dev liblapack-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpng-dev libsqlite3-dev libxmlsec1-dev lynx mysql-client ntp pkg-config rdfind && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked {% endif %}apt update \
&& apt install -y gettext gfortran graphviz graphviz-dev libffi-dev libfreetype6-dev libgeos-dev libjpeg8-dev liblapack-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpng-dev libsqlite3-dev libxmlsec1-dev lynx mysql-client ntp pkg-config rdfind
# From then on, run as unprivileged "app" user
# Note that this must always be different from root (APP_USER_ID=0)
@ -124,14 +143,17 @@ RUN useradd --home-dir /openedx --create-home --shell /bin/bash --uid ${APP_USER
# https://hub.docker.com/r/powerman/dockerize/tags
COPY --from=docker.io/powerman/dockerize:0.19.0 /usr/local/bin/dockerize /usr/local/bin/dockerize
COPY --chown=app:app --from=code /openedx/edx-platform /openedx/edx-platform
COPY {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--link {% endif %}--from=docker.io/powerman/dockerize:0.19.0 /usr/local/bin/dockerize /usr/local/bin/dockerize
COPY --chown=app:app --from=edx-platform / /openedx/edx-platform
COPY --chown=app:app --from=locales /openedx/locale /openedx/locale
COPY --chown=app:app --from=python /opt/pyenv /opt/pyenv
COPY --chown=app:app --from=python-requirements /openedx/venv /openedx/venv
COPY --chown=app:app --from=python-requirements /openedx/requirements /openedx/requirements
COPY --chown=app:app --from=nodejs-requirements /openedx/nodeenv /openedx/nodeenv
COPY --chown=app:app --from=nodejs-requirements /openedx/edx-platform/node_modules /openedx/edx-platform/node_modules
COPY --chown=app:app --from=nodejs-requirements /openedx/edx-platform/node_modules /openedx/node_modules
# Symlink node_modules such that we can bind-mount the edx-platform repository
RUN ln -s /openedx/node_modules /openedx/edx-platform/node_modules
ENV PATH /openedx/venv/bin:./node_modules/.bin:/openedx/nodeenv/bin:${PATH}
ENV VIRTUAL_ENV /openedx/venv/
@ -215,16 +237,16 @@ FROM production as development
# Install useful system requirements (as root)
USER root
RUN apt update && \
apt install -y vim iputils-ping dnsutils telnet \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked {% endif %}apt update && \
apt install -y vim iputils-ping dnsutils telnet
USER app
# Install dev python requirements
RUN pip install -r requirements/edx/development.txt
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install -r requirements/edx/development.txt
# https://pypi.org/project/ipdb/
# https://pypi.org/project/ipython
RUN pip install ipdb==0.13.13 ipython==8.12.0
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install ipdb==0.13.13 ipython==8.12.0
# Add ipdb as default PYTHONBREAKPOINT
@ -173,6 +173,25 @@ def docker(*command: str) -> int:
return execute("docker", *command)
def is_buildkit_enabled() -> bool:
A helper function to determine whether we can run `docker buildx` with BuildKit.
# First, we respect the DOCKER_BUILDKIT environment variable
enabled_by_env = {
"1": True,
"0": False,
}.get(os.environ.get("DOCKER_BUILDKIT", ""))
if enabled_by_env is not None:
return enabled_by_env
subprocess.run(["docker", "buildx", "version"], capture_output=True, check=True)
return True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
def docker_compose(*command: str) -> int:
return execute("docker", "compose", *command)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user