from typing import List, Optional import click from . import config as tutor_config from . import env, exceptions, fmt, hooks from .types import Config, get_typed def ask_questions(config: Config, run_for_prod: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: """ Interactively ask questions to collect configuration values from the user. Arguments: config: Existing (or minimal) configuration. Modified in-place. run_for_prod: Whether platform should be configured for production. If None, then ask the user. """ defaults = tutor_config.get_defaults() if run_for_prod is None: run_for_prod = not config.get("LMS_HOST") in [ "", "", ] run_for_prod = click.confirm( fmt.question( "Are you configuring a production platform? " "Type 'n' if you are just testing Tutor on your local computer" ), prompt_suffix=" ", default=run_for_prod, ) if not run_for_prod: dev_values: Config = { "LMS_HOST": "", "CMS_HOST": "", "ENABLE_HTTPS": False, } fmt.echo_info( """As you are not running this platform in production, we automatically set the following configuration values:""" ) for k, v in dev_values.items(): config[k] = v fmt.echo_info(f" {k} = {v}") else: ask("Your website domain name for students (LMS)", "LMS_HOST", config, defaults) lms_host = get_typed(config, "LMS_HOST", str) if "localhost" in lms_host: raise exceptions.TutorError( "You may not use 'localhost' as the LMS domain name. To run a local platform for testing purposes you should answer 'n' to the previous question." ) ask("Your website domain name for teachers (CMS)", "CMS_HOST", config, defaults) ask("Your platform name/title", "PLATFORM_NAME", config, defaults) ask("Your public contact email address", "CONTACT_EMAIL", config, defaults) ask_choice( "The default language code for the platform", "LANGUAGE_CODE", config, defaults, [ "en", "am", "ar", "az", "bg-bg", "bn-bd", "bn-in", "bs", "ca", "ca@valencia", "cs", "cy", "da", "de-de", "el", "en-uk", "en@lolcat", "en@pirate", "es-419", "es-ar", "es-ec", "es-es", "es-mx", "es-pe", "et-ee", "eu-es", "fa", "fa-ir", "fi-fi", "fil", "fr", "gl", "gu", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "hy-am", "id", "it-it", "ja-jp", "kk-kz", "km-kh", "kn", "ko-kr", "lt-lt", "ml", "mn", "mr", "ms", "nb", "ne", "nl-nl", "or", "pl", "pt-br", "pt-pt", "ro", "ru", "si", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr", "sv", "sw-ke", "ta", "te", "th", "tr-tr", "uk", "ur", "vi", "uz", "zh-cn", "zh-hk", "zh-tw", ], ) if run_for_prod: ask_bool( ( "Activate SSL/TLS certificates for HTTPS access? Important note:" " this will NOT work in a development environment." ), "ENABLE_HTTPS", config, defaults, ) def ask(question: str, key: str, config: Config, defaults: Config) -> None: default = get_typed(defaults, key, str) default = get_typed(config, key, str, default=default) default = env.render_str(config, default) config[key] = click.prompt( fmt.question(question), prompt_suffix=" ", default=default, show_default=True ) def ask_bool(question: str, key: str, config: Config, defaults: Config) -> None: default = get_typed(defaults, key, bool) default = get_typed(config, key, bool, default=default) config[key] = click.confirm( fmt.question(question), prompt_suffix=" ", default=default ) def ask_choice( question: str, key: str, config: Config, defaults: Config, choices: List[str], ) -> None: default = str(config.get(key, defaults[key])) answer = click.prompt( fmt.question(question), type=click.Choice(choices), prompt_suffix=" ", default=default, show_choices=False, ) config[key] = answer