from time import sleep import click from tutor import config as tutor_config from tutor import env as tutor_env from tutor import fmt from tutor.commands import compose from tutor.types import Config from . import common as common_upgrade def upgrade_from(context: click.Context, from_release: str) -> None: # Make sure to bypass current version check config = tutor_config.load_full(context.obj.root) running_release = from_release if running_release == "ironwood": upgrade_from_ironwood(context, config) running_release = "juniper" if running_release == "juniper": upgrade_from_juniper(context, config) running_release = "koa" if running_release == "koa": upgrade_from_koa(context, config) running_release = "lilac" if running_release == "lilac": common_upgrade.upgrade_from_lilac(config) running_release = "maple" if running_release == "maple": upgrade_from_maple(context, config) running_release = "nutmeg" if running_release == "nutmeg": common_upgrade.upgrade_from_nutmeg(context, config) running_release = "olive" if running_release == "olive": upgrade_from_olive(context, config) running_release = "palm" if running_release == "palm": running_release = "quince" def upgrade_from_ironwood(context: click.Context, config: Config) -> None: click.echo(fmt.title("Upgrading from Ironwood")), config) click.echo(fmt.title("Stopping any existing platform")) context.invoke(compose.stop) upgrade_mongodb(context, config, "3.4", "3.4") upgrade_mongodb(context, config, "3.6", "3.6") def upgrade_from_juniper(context: click.Context, config: Config) -> None: click.echo(fmt.title("Upgrading from Juniper")), config) click.echo(fmt.title("Stopping any existing platform")) context.invoke(compose.stop) if not config["RUN_MYSQL"]: fmt.echo_info( "You are not running MySQL (RUN_MYSQL=false). It is your " "responsibility to upgrade your MySQL instance to v5.7. There is " "nothing left to do to upgrade from Juniper." ) return click.echo(fmt.title("Upgrading MySQL from v5.6 to v5.7")) context.invoke(compose.start, detach=True, services=["mysql"]) context.invoke( compose.execute, args=[ "mysql", "bash", "-e", "-c", f"mysql_upgrade -u {config['MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME']} --password='{config['MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD']}'", ], ) context.invoke(compose.stop) def upgrade_from_koa(context: click.Context, config: Config) -> None: click.echo(fmt.title("Upgrading from Koa")) if not config["RUN_MONGODB"]: fmt.echo_info( "You are not running MongoDB (RUN_MONGODB=false). It is your " "responsibility to upgrade your MongoDb instance to v4.0. There is " "nothing left to do to upgrade from Koa to Lilac." ) return upgrade_mongodb(context, config, "4.0.25", "4.0") def upgrade_from_maple(context: click.Context, config: Config) -> None: click.echo(fmt.title("Upgrading from Maple")) # The environment needs to be updated because the management commands are from Nutmeg, config) # Command backpopulate_user_tours context.invoke(, args=["lms", "sh", "-e", "-c", "./ lms migrate user_tours"], ) context.invoke(, args=["lms", "sh", "-e", "-c", "./ lms backpopulate_user_tours"], ) # Command backfill_course_tabs context.invoke(, args=["cms", "sh", "-e", "-c", "./ cms migrate contentstore"], ) context.invoke(, args=[ "cms", "sh", "-e", "-c", "./ cms migrate split_modulestore_django", ], ) context.invoke(, args=["cms", "sh", "-e", "-c", "./ cms backfill_course_tabs"], ) # Command simulate_publish context.invoke(, args=["cms", "sh", "-e", "-c", "./ cms migrate course_overviews"], ) context.invoke(, args=["cms", "sh", "-e", "-c", "./ cms simulate_publish"], ) def upgrade_from_olive(context: click.Context, config: Config) -> None: # Note that we need to exec because the ora2 folder is not bind-mounted in the job # services. context.invoke(compose.start, detach=True, services=["lms"]) context.invoke( compose.execute, args=["lms", "sh", "-e", "-c", common_upgrade.PALM_RENAME_ORA2_FOLDER_COMMAND], ) upgrade_mongodb(context, config, "4.2.17", "4.2") upgrade_mongodb(context, config, "4.4.22", "4.4") def upgrade_mongodb( context: click.Context, config: Config, to_docker_version: str, to_compatibility_version: str, ) -> None: if not config["RUN_MONGODB"]: fmt.echo_info( f"You are not running MongoDB (RUN_MONGODB=false). It is your " f"responsibility to upgrade your MongoDb instance to {to_docker_version}." ) return click.echo(fmt.title(f"Upgrading MongoDb to v{to_docker_version}")) # Note that the DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB value is never saved, because we only save the # environment, not the configuration. config["DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB"] = f"mongo:{to_docker_version}", config) context.invoke(compose.start, detach=True, services=["mongodb"]) fmt.echo_info("Waiting for mongodb to boot...") sleep(10) context.invoke( compose.execute, args=[ "mongodb", "mongo", "--eval", f'db.adminCommand({{ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "{to_compatibility_version}" }})', ], ) context.invoke(compose.stop)