# [WIP] Docker-compose Open edX production stack This is a work-in-progress. The production stack is composed of Nginx, MySQL, MongoDB, Memcache and an LMS container. ## Install Create necessary data folders: mkdir -p data/lms/course_static data/lms/data data/lms/logs data/lms/staticfiles data/lms/uploads mkdir -p data/mongodb data/mysql ## Lauch a production stack docker-compose up --build The LMS will be reachable at the following url: [http://openedx.localhost](http://openedx.localhost). On the first run you will need to migrate the database and collect static assets: make migrate make assets ## Development tips & tricks Open a bash in the lms: docker-compose run lms bash How to find the IP address of a running docker: docker container ls docker inspect a0fc4cc602f8 ## TODO - Add a CMS container - Add rabbitmq and celery worker containers - Make sure that secret keys are not shared with the entire world - Fix TODOs