import typing as t from tutor import env, fmt, hooks from tutor.types import Config, get_typed BASE_OPENEDX_COMMAND = """ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=$SERVICE_VARIANT.envs.$SETTINGS echo "Loading settings $DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" """ class BaseJobRunner: """ A job runner is responsible for getting a certain task to complete. """ def __init__(self, root: str, config: Config): self.root = root self.config = config def run_job_from_template(self, service: str, *path: str) -> None: command = self.render(*path) self.run_job(service, command) def render(self, *path: str) -> str: rendered = env.render_file(self.config, *path).strip() if isinstance(rendered, bytes): raise TypeError("Cannot load job from binary file") return rendered def run_job(self, service: str, command: str) -> int: """ Given a (potentially large) string command, run it with the corresponding service. Implementations will differ depending on the deployment strategy. """ raise NotImplementedError class BaseComposeJobRunner(BaseJobRunner): def docker_compose(self, *command: str) -> int: raise NotImplementedError @hooks.Actions.CORE_READY.add() def _add_core_init_tasks() -> None: """ Declare core init scripts at runtime. The context is important, because it allows us to select the init scripts based on the --limit argument. """ with hooks.Contexts.APP("mysql").enter(): hooks.Filters.COMMANDS_INIT.add_item(("mysql", ("hooks", "mysql", "init"))) with hooks.Contexts.APP("lms").enter(): hooks.Filters.COMMANDS_INIT.add_item(("lms", ("hooks", "lms", "init"))) with hooks.Contexts.APP("cms").enter(): hooks.Filters.COMMANDS_INIT.add_item(("cms", ("hooks", "cms", "init"))) def initialise(runner: BaseJobRunner, limit_to: t.Optional[str] = None) -> None: fmt.echo_info("Initialising all services...") filter_context = hooks.Contexts.APP(limit_to).name if limit_to else None # Pre-init tasks iter_pre_init_tasks: t.Iterator[ t.Tuple[str, t.Iterable[str]] ] = hooks.Filters.COMMANDS_PRE_INIT.iterate(context=filter_context) for service, path in iter_pre_init_tasks: fmt.echo_info(f"Running pre-init task: {'/'.join(path)}") runner.run_job_from_template(service, *path) # Init tasks iter_init_tasks: t.Iterator[ t.Tuple[str, t.Iterable[str]] ] = hooks.Filters.COMMANDS_INIT.iterate(context=filter_context) for service, path in iter_init_tasks: fmt.echo_info(f"Running init task: {'/'.join(path)}") runner.run_job_from_template(service, *path) fmt.echo_info("All services initialised.") def create_user_command( superuser: str, staff: bool, username: str, email: str, password: t.Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: command = BASE_OPENEDX_COMMAND opts = "" if superuser: opts += " --superuser" if staff: opts += " --staff" command += """ ./ lms manage_user {opts} {username} {email} """ if password: command += """ ./ lms shell -c "from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model u = get_user_model().objects.get(username='{username}') u.set_password('{password}')" """ else: command += """ ./ lms changepassword {username} """ return command.format(opts=opts, username=username, email=email, password=password) def import_demo_course(runner: BaseJobRunner) -> None: runner.run_job_from_template("cms", "hooks", "cms", "importdemocourse") def set_theme( theme_name: str, domain_names: t.List[str], runner: BaseJobRunner ) -> None: """ For each domain, get or create a Site object and assign the selected theme. """ if not domain_names: return python_code = "from django.contrib.sites.models import Site" for domain_name in domain_names: python_code += """ print('Assigning theme {theme_name} to {domain_name}...') site, _ = Site.objects.get_or_create(domain='{domain_name}') if not = '{domain_name}' site.themes.all().delete() site.themes.create(theme_dir_name='{theme_name}') """.format( theme_name=theme_name, domain_name=domain_name ) command = BASE_OPENEDX_COMMAND + f'./ lms shell -c "{python_code}"' runner.run_job("lms", command) def get_all_openedx_domains(config: Config) -> t.List[str]: return [ get_typed(config, "LMS_HOST", str), get_typed(config, "LMS_HOST", str) + ":8000", get_typed(config, "CMS_HOST", str), get_typed(config, "CMS_HOST", str) + ":8001", get_typed(config, "PREVIEW_LMS_HOST", str), get_typed(config, "PREVIEW_LMS_HOST", str) + ":8000", ]