# Changelog (nightly branch) - 💥[Feature] Add an extensible `local/dev/k8s do ...` command to trigger custom job commands. These commands are used to run a series of bash scripts in designated containers. Any plugin can add custom jobs thanks to the `CLI_DO_COMMANDS` filter. This causes the following breaking changes: - The "init", "createuser", "settheme", "importdemocourse" commands were all migrated to this new interface. For instance, `tutor local init` was replaced by `tutor local do init`. - Plugin developers are encouraged to replace calls to the `COMMANDS_INIT` and `COMMANDS_PRE_INIT` filters by `CLI_DO_INIT_TASKS`. - [Feature] Implement hook filter priorities, which work like action priorities. (by @regisb) - 💥[Improvement] Remove the `local/dev bindmount` commands, which have been marked as deprecated for some time. The `--mount` option should be used instead. - 💥[Bugfix] Fix local installation requirements. Plugins that implemented the "openedx-dockerfile-post-python-requirements" patch and that needed access to the edx-platform repo will no longer work. Instead, these plugins should implement the "openedx-dockerfile-pre-assets" patch. This scenario should be very rare, though. (by @regisb) - 💥[Improvement] Rename the implementation of tutor quickstart to tutor launch. (by @Carlos-Muniz) - 💥[Improvement] Remove the implementation of tutor dev runserver. (by @Carlos-Muniz) - [Bugfix] Fix MongoDB replica set connection error resulting from edx-platform's pymongo (3.10.1 -> 3.12.3) upgrade ([edx-platform#30569](https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/pull/30569)). (by @ormsbee) - [Improvement] For Tutor Nightly (and only Nightly), official plugins are now installed from their nightly branches on GitHub instead of a version range on PyPI. This will allow Nightly users to install all official plugins by running ``pip install -e ".[full]"``. - [Bugfix] Remove edX references from bulk emails ([issue](https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/100)). - [Bugfix] Update ``celery`` invocations for lms-worker and cms-worker to be compatible with Celery 5 CLI. - [Improvement] Point CMS at its config file using ``CMS_CFG`` environment variable instead of deprecated ``STUDIO_CFG``. - [Bugfix] Start MongoDB when running migrations, because a new data migration fails if MongoDB is not running