# Changelog Note: Breaking changes between versions are indicated by "💥". ## Unreleased - [Improvement] Better error logging when loading a plugin from an incompatible version. ## v11.2.11 (2021-05-18) - [Feature] Add redis database configuration for both cache and celery. ## v11.2.10 (2021-05-17) - [Security] Apply Django security patches by upgrading from 2.2.20 to 2.2.23. - [Bugfix] Fix video unit completion (see [pull request](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/27230)). ## v11.2.9 (2021-05-12) - [Bugfix] Fix crashing installation because of a major release of all Pallets projects. - [Bugfix] Fix crash in `local quickstart -p` command. - [Bugfix] Fix 502 error on request to lms with header larger than the maximum uwsgi buffer size. ## v11.2.8 (2021-04-27) - [Bugfix] Fix parsing of YAML-formatted values in ``config save --set KEY=VALUE`` commands, in use for instance with Ecommerce. ## v11.2.7 (2021-04-23) - [Security] Apply security patch [27394](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/27394). - [Feature] Add patches to extend python requirements installation process in openedx and openedx-dev Dockerfiles. - [Improvement] Apply edx-platform patches during Docker image build using tutor patch 'openedx-dockerfile-git-patches-default'. ## v11.2.6 (2021-04-09) - [Improvement] Upgrade all services to open-release/koa.3. - [Feature] Make it possible to build the openedx Docker image with a custom openedx-i18n version with the ``--build-arg OPENEDX_I18N_VERSION=custom`` command line argument. ## v11.2.5 (2021-03-30) - [Bugfix] Fix edge case where `PLUGINS` entry is null in config.yml. - [Bugfix] Fix missing py2neo dependency in `images build openedx` (#411). ## v11.2.4 (2021-03-17) - [Bugfix] Fix "Invalid Request" error during SAML authentication (thanks @Ant1x!). - [Feature] Add `make pull-base-images` command to update base images. - [Improvement] Annotate types all over the Tutor code base. - [Bugfix] Fix parsing of YAML CLI arguments that include equal "=" signs. - [Bugfix] Fix minor edge case in `long_to_base64` utility function. - [Improvement] Add openedx patches to add settings during build process. ## v11.2.3 (2021-02-20) - [Bugfix] Make LMS celery workers actually process LMS tasks, and not CMS tasks. ## v11.2.2 (2021-02-17) - [Security] Apply security patch [26592](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/26592). ## v11.2.1 (2021-02-16) - [Bugfix] Actually persist Redis data. ## v11.2.0 (2021-02-10) - [Bugfix] Upgrade all services to open-release/koa.2. ## v11.1.5 (2021-02-09) - [Security] Apply security patch [26432](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/26432). - [Bugfix] Print warnings to stderr. ## v11.1.4 (2021-02-04) - [Security] Apply security patch [26358](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/26358). ## v11.1.3 (2021-01-31) - [Security] Apply security patch [26253](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/26253). ## v11.1.2 (2021-01-29) - [Bugfix] Fix django setting value and static asset loading in openedx-dev image. ## v11.1.1 (2021-01-20) - [Feature] Add a `tutor images build --target=...` argument for [multi-stage Docker builds](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/). - [Feature] Create a test version of the openedx-dev Docker image for running edx-platform unit tests. - [Security] Apply security patch [26112](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/26112). - [Bugfix] Fix `local exec` command which crashed with a `AttributeError`. ## v11.1.0 (2021-01-13) - [Bugfix] Fix "Read-only file system" errors when running `tutor dev runserver` commands on Mac OS (again, see #392). - [Feature] Automatically bind-mount volumes from the `volumes/` directory with the `--volume=/...` syntax. ## v11.0.7 (2021-01-11) - [Security] Apply security patch [26029](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/26029). ## v11.0.6 (2021-01-05) - [Security] Apply security patch [25974](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/25974). ## v11.0.5 (2020-12-30) - [Bugfix] Fix "Invalid type for parameter ContentType" error on js upload in Scorm xblock ([openedx-scorm-xblock #16](https://github.com/overhangio/openedx-scorm-xblock/issues/16)). ## v11.0.4 (2020-12-17) - [Bugfix] Fix "Read-only file system" errors when running `tutor dev runserver` commands on Mac OS (#392). ## v11.0.3 (2020-12-15) - [Bugfix] Fix upload of video transcripts to S3 (again). ## v11.0.2 (2020-12-12) - [Bugfix] Fix missing celery tasks from edx-platform (see [upstream PR](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/25840)). ## v11.0.1 (2020-12-10) - [Security] Apply security patch [25834](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/25834). - [Bugfix] Fix Android apk directory mount path. ## v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa. - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic. - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready. - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching. - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi. ## v10.5.3 (2020-12-09) - [Security] Apply upstream edx-platform [security patch](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/25782). ## v10.5.2 (2020-12-07) - [Improvement] Increase the timeout of the gunicorn worker command in openedx Dockerfile. ## v10.5.1 (2020-11-30) - [Bugfix] Fix Dockerfile parsing on Windows. - [Improvement] Add option to patch lms and cms nginx server blocks. ## v10.5.0 (2020-11-19) - 💥[Improvement] Remove `dev/local pullimages`. Instead, run `dev/local dc pull`. - 💥[Improvement] Add `dev dc` and `local dc` commands as thin wrappers of the `docker-compose` CLI. - 💥[Improvement] Remove the undocumented `local run_hook` command. Instead, run `local init --limit=...`. - 💥[Improvement] Remove `tutor android pullimage` command. Instead, run `tutor images pull android`. - [Bugfix] Fix `config save` on Windows. - [Bugfix] Fix platform checking in user ID function. ## v10.4.1 (2020-11-11) - [Bugfix] Fix dependency error during `pip install tutor` due to urllib3 incompatibility. - [Bugfix] Fix user ID checking under Windows. - [Bugfix] Fix template rendering for Windows users. - [Improvement] Switch to `bcrypt` for htpasswd password generation, for better portability on Windows. - [Improvement] In the openedx production docker image, add some jitter to the gunicorn worker restart process to prevent all workers from restarting at the same time. ## v10.4.0 (2020-10-30) **Note for users of the [Tutor AMI](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B07PV3TB8X):** To upgrade from a previous v10 release, run: curl -fsSL https://overhang.io/tutor/ami/upgrade.sh | sh - [Improvement] Mount config and setting files in read-only mode. - 💥[Improvement] Enable unit completion tracking by default. - [Bugfix] Run `apt update` before `apt install` when installing deps in the openedx Dockerfile. ## v10.3.1 (2020-10-16) - [Improvement] Make all commands considerably faster. - [Improvement] Make it easier to override Mongodb connection parameters. - [Bugfix] Add support for .woff and .woff2 font files in themes (thanks @mrtndwrd!). ## v10.3.0 (2020-10-13) - 💥[Improvement] Simplify CORS configuration. ## v10.2.4 (2020-10-06) - [Bugfix] Fix Apache proxy configuration when HTTPS is enabled (#370). ## v10.2.3 (2020-10-02) - [Feature] Add ``images printtag`` command. - [Improvement] Make it possible to override individual contact email addresses with plugins. - [Bugfix] Replace "no-reply@LMS_BASE" email address by regular contact email address. - [Bugfix] Disable learner records globally by default. - [Improvement] Upgrade to the latest release of MySQL 5.6. - [Improvement] Non-plugin settings added by "set" directives are now automatically removed when the plugin is disabled (#241). ## v10.2.2 (2020-09-05) - [Improvement] Add CORS basic configuration to LMS for subdomains of the LMS. - [Feature] Add support for `images build --add-host` option (thanks @grinderz!). - [Bugfix] Fix podman compatibility by replacing `docker-compose rm` command by `docker-compose stop` when stopping containers. - [Improvement] Improve plugin data deletion. - [Improvement] Introduce the `OPENEDX_COMMON_VERSION` setting. - [Bugfix] Make it possible to run init jobs without starting the entire platform. - [Improvement] Reduce "openedx" Docker image size with static asset de-duplication. ## v10.2.1 (2020-08-27) - [Bugfix] Upgrade all services to open-release/juniper.3. - [Bugfix] Fix upload of video transcripts to S3. - [Improvement] Memorize whether the user is running a production platform during interactive configuration. ## v10.2.0 (2020-08-16) - [Bugfix] Fix incorrect loading of some resources from localhost:18000 in development. - [Bugfix] Fix Samesite=None Secure=False cookie error for users accessing the LMS with the latest release of Google Chrome. - [Security] Apply javascript security patch ([pull request](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/24762)). - [Bugfix] Fix "FileError" on Scorm package upload in Scorm XBlock. - 💥[Improvement] Serve openedx static assets with [whitenoise](http://whitenoise.evans.io/en/stable/) instead of nginx. This removes the `k8s-deployments-nginx-init-containers` patch. Plugins are encouraged to implement static asset serving with Whitenoise as well. - [Bugfix] Fix dependency on mysql service when mysql is not activated. - [Improvement] Improve openedx Docker image build time and size with multi-stage build. - 💥[Feature] Get rid of outdated sysadmin dashboard in LMS at /sysadmin. ## v10.1.0 (2020-07-23) - [Security] Apply edx-platform upstream xss security fixes ([pull request](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/24568)). - 💥[Feature] Make it possible to override the docker registry for just a few services by setting `DOCKER_IMAGE_SERVICENAME` values. ## v10.0.11 (2020-07-16) - [Feature] Upgrade all repositories to open-release/juniper.3. - [Bugfix] Fix `reload-gunicorn` command. - [Feature] Enable sysadmin dashboard in LMS at /sysadmin. ## v10.0.10 (2020-07-01) - [Bugfix] Fix pycontracts installation error when building openedx Docker image. - [Bugfix] Fix access to dicussion forum in development mode. ## v10.0.9 (2020-07-01) - [Bugfix] Share grade download settings between the LMS and the CMS. ## v10.0.8 (2020-06-23) - [Bugfix] Fix android user creation during init. - [Bugfix] Fix undefined settings in k8s scripts, such as `createuser`. ## v10.0.7 (2020-06-22) - [Bugfix] Fix TypeError on viewing xblock. - [Bugfix] Fix authentication in Android mobile application. ## v10.0.6 (2020-06-22) - [Bugfix] Fix unsent activation emails and other asynchronous tasks. ## v10.0.5 (2020-06-21) - [Security] Apply edx-platform upstream xss security fixes ([pull request](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/24258)). ## v10.0.4 (2020-06-19) - [Bugfix] Fix broken `tutor ui` command in binary. ## v10.0.3 (2020-06-19) - [Bugfix] Fix error on android user creation. ## v10.0.2 (2020-06-17) - [Bugfix] Fix crash when viewing problem in LMS. - [Bugfix] Fix missing webpack-stats.json in openedx Docker image. ## v10.0.1 (2020-06-15) - [Bugfix] Fix KeyError when running ``local quickstart`` for the first time. ## v10.0.0 (2020-06-15) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade to Juniper 🍾. - [Bugfix] Fix nginx resolver address to address container restarts. - [Feature] Add `--limit=myplugin` option to `init` commands to limit execution of initialisation to certain services and plugins. ## v3.12.6 (2020-06-01) - [Improvement] Add `dig`, `ping` utilities to openedx-dev Docker image. - [Bugfix] Resolve "Can't connect to MySQL server" on init. - [Improvement] Make it possible to customize the MySQL root username, for connecting to external MySQL databases. ## v3.12.5 (2020-05-20) - [Improvement] Upgrade Android app to v2.21.1 and enable many features, such as downloading videos to SD card. Thanks for the help @ejklock!. - [Bugfix] Fix Android app crash when accessing course. ## v3.12.4 (2020-05-18) - [Improvement] Add ability to rescore SCORM units. - [Bugfix] Fix scoring of graded SCORM units. - [Improvement] Increase maximum uploaded file size in the CMS from 10 to 100 Mb. ## v3.12.3 (2020-05-05) - [Security] Apply most recent edx-platform [security patches](https://discuss.openedx.org/t/security-patch-for-edit-chapter-xss-lint-issues/2030). ## v3.12.2 (2020-04-29) - [Bugfix] Fix oauth2 authentication with 3rd-party services, such as discovery. - [Bugfix] Upgrade scorm xblock to solve caching issue. ## v3.12.1 (2020-04-27) - [Improvement] Increase max upload allowed size to 250Mb in CMS. ## v3.12.0 (2020-04-26) - 💥[Improvement] Do not deploy an ingress or SSL/TLS certificate issuer ressource by default in Kubernetes. - [Improvement] Fix tls certificate generation in k8s. - 💥[Improvement] Radically change the way jobs are run: we no longer "exec", but instead run a dedicated container. - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade k8s certificate issuer to cert-manager.io/v1alpha2. - [Feature] Add SCORM XBlock to default openedx docker image. ## v3.11.12 (2020-04-16) - [Feature] Make it easy to add custom translation strings to the openedx Docker image. - [Improvement] Make it possible to rely on a different npm registry for faster image building. ## v3.11.11 (2020-04-15) - [Bugfix] Make sure all emails (including "password reset") are properly saved to a local file in development mode (#315). - [Improvement] Add `openedx-development-settings` patch to patch the LMS and the CMS simultaneously in development. - [Bugfix] Fix missing celery tasks in the CMS. ## v3.11.10 (2020-04-14) - [Bugfix] Fix updates to the course structure in the LMS (#302). ## v3.11.9 (2020-04-07) - [Bugfix] Fix Android app build for domain names that include a dash ("-"). ## v3.11.8 (2020-04-06) - [Feature] Add `encrypt` template filter to conveniently add htpasswd-based authentication to nginx. - [Bugfix] Fix "missing tty" during init in cron jobs. ## v3.11.7 (2020-04-01) - [Bugfix] Fix missing js translations. - [Bugfix] Fix tls certificate generation in cron jobs. ## v3.11.6 (2020-03-13) - [Bugfix] Fix "Unable to resolve dependency" error during forum initialisation. - [Feature] Add `settheme` command to easily assign a theme to a domain name. - [Improvement] Modify nginx access logs to include request scheme and server name (plugin developers should use the "tutor" log format). - [Bugfix] Fix DNS resolution of restarted service. - [Feature] Restart multiple services with `local restart`. - [Feature] Make it possible to easily reload openedx gunicorn process with `tutor local exec lms reload-gunicorn`. - [Improvement] Rename lms/cms_worker to lms/cms-worker in local deployment. - [Improvement] Add the management plugin to the rabbitmq container. - [Improvement] Make it possible to run an Elasticsearch service on https. ## v3.11.5 (2020-02-27) - [Improvement] Switch edx-platform from open-release/ironwood.2 tag to the open-release/ironwood.master branch. - [Security] Upgrade django to 1.11.28. - [Improvement] Make it possible to configure the elasticsearch heap size. - [Bugfix] Fix broken elasticsearch environment variables. - [Improvement] Restore more recent Android app version (#289). ## v3.11.4 (2020-02-16) - [Bugfix] Fix auth problem in Android app (#289). ## 3.11.3 (2020-01-21) - [Bugfix] Fix incorrectly parsed empty strings for `config save --set ...=...` commands. ## 3.11.2 (2020-01-17) - [Bugfix] Make sure `docker-compose.override.yml` are loaded in dev and local contexts. ## 3.11.1 (2020-01-16) - [Feature] Add `config render` command. ## 3.11.0 (2020-01-14) - [Feature] Add support for simple, YAML-based plugins. - 💥[Improvement] The output of `plugins list` now includes plugin version numbers. ## 3.10.1 (2020-01-13) - [Improvement] Explicitly point to docker.io images, when necessary, for [podman](https://podman.io/) compatibility. ## 3.10.0 (2020-01-10) - [Bugfix] Fix oauth authentication in dev mode. - [Improvement] Upgrade to the 3.7 docker-compose syntax. - [Improvement] The `dev runserver` command can now be run for just any service. - 💥[Feature] `dev run/exec` commands now support generic options which are passed to docker-compose. Consequently, defining the `TUTOR_EDX_PLATFORM_PATH` environment variable no longer works. Instead, users are encouraged to explicitly pass the `-v` option, define a command alias or create a `docker-compose.override.yml` file. ## 3.9.1 (2020-01-08) - [Improvement] Make it possible to override the project name in development mode. - [Bugfix] Fix user switching in development mode. - [Bugfix] Fix "k8s quickstart" crash. ## 3.9.0 (2019-12-21) - [Security] Apply django 1.11.21 -> 1.11.27 security patches. - [Bugfix] Fix running dev image with `sudo`. - [Improvement] Add `cms/lms-env-features` patches (#276). - [Feature] Add plugin subcommands. - 💥[Improvement] Move ``-r/--root`` option to parent command level. - [Bugfix] Fix course about page visibility. - [Improvement] Print gunicorn access logs in the console. - 💥[Improvement] Get rid of the `indexcourses` and `portainer` command (#269). ## 3.8.0 (2019-11-22) - [Improvement] Add `k8s-deployments-nginx-volume-mounts` patch. - [Bugfix] Fix running forum locally when both elasticsearch and mongodb are not activated (#266). - [Bugfix] Fix MongoDb url in forum when running separate service (#267). - 💥[Improvement] Better `dev` commands, with dedicated development docker image. One of the consequences is that the `dev watchthemes` command is replaced by `dev run lms watchthemes`. - [Improvement] `images` commands now accept multiple `image` arguments. ## 3.7.4 (2019-10-19) - [Bugfix] Fix missing requirements file in pypi package (#261). - [Improvement] Add missing cms/lms production/development setting patches. - [Improvement] Allow SigV4 authentication for video upload to S3. - [Bugfix] Fix cms development settings. ## 3.7.3 (2019-10-17) - [Improvement] Upgrade openedx locales to Ironwood. ## 3.7.2 (2019-10-09) - [Improvement] Properly set studio title (#246). - [Improvement] Enable Mysql strict mode. ## 3.7.1 (2019-10-06) - [Feature] Introduce tutor docker image. - [Feature] Introduce `local hook` command for plugin development. - [Bugfix] Persist `private.txt` file between two runs of `config save` (#247). - [Improvement] Added configuration values to limit the number of gunicorn workers for the LMS and CMS. ## 3.7.0 (2019-09-03) - 💥[Improvement] Get rid of mysql-client container. - [Improvement] Add "local-docker-compose-lms/cms-dependencies" plugin patches. - [Improvement] Use "exec" instead of "run" to initialise local platform. ## 3.6.3 (2019-08-31) - [Security] Fix CustomTagModule mako template injection. - [Improvement] Move all plugins outside of the tutor repo. - [Bugfix/Improvement] Add all plugins (with data) into binary bundle (#242). ## 3.6.2 (2019-08-07) - [Bugfix] Fix missing templates in bundled plugins. - [Bugfix] Enable html certificate view. ## 3.6.1 (2019-07-27) - [Bugfix] Fix missing patches from minio plugin (thanks @Wejie!). ## 3.6.0 (2019-07-11) - [Feature] Modify ``createuser`` commands to define a password from the command line. - [Improvement] Better yaml value parsing from command line. - [Feature] Add `dev exec` command. - [Bugfix] Fix incorrect notes settings definition. - [Improvement] Make it possible to start/stop/reboot a selection of services. - [Improvement] Add `local/k8s reboot` commands. - [Improvement] Add `-U/--unset` option to `config save`. - [Bugfix] Fix insecure static asset loading when web proxy is enabled. - [Improvement] Rename `SECRET_KEY` configuration parameter to `OPENEDX_SECRET_KEY`. - [Improvement] Add support for SSL and TLS in external SMTP server (#231). - [Bugfix] Fix missing video transcripts in LMS (#229). - [Improvement] Make it possible to enable/disable multiple plugins at once. - [Improvement] Add a few local and k8s patches for plugins. ## 3.5.3 (2019-07-05) - [Bugfix] Add pre-init hook for correct initialisation of minio. ## 3.5.2 (2019-07-05) - [Security] Apply certificate XSS security patch. ## 3.5.1 (2019-07-04) - [Feature] Make it possible for plugins to patch the build templates. - [Improvement] Move Xqueue and Student notes to a dedicated plugin. ## 3.4.3 (2019-06-24) - [Bugfix] Fix missing password values from generated configuration. ## 3.4.2 (2019-06-23) - [Bugfix] Fix incorrect settings during lms/cms init (#224). ## 3.4.1 (2019-06-23) - [Bugfix] Fix install from pypi. - [Improvement] Get rid of kubernetes python package dependency. ## 3.4.0 (2019-06-17) - [Feature] Creation of a plugin system. - [Feature] Kubernetes support out of beta. - [Improvement] Switch to pinned image tags for easier upgrades. - 💥[Improvement] Remove the `-y/--yes` option: `tutor config save` is now non-interactive by default. Use `-i/--interactive` to force interactive mode. - 💥[Improvement] Replace the `databases` command by `init`. - [Improvement] Upgrade to ironwood.2. - [Improvement] Add `-y/--yes` option to `local quickstart` for non-interactive quickstart. - [Improvement] Persist LMS/CMS logs to disk by default (with collaboration from @silviot 💪). - [Bugfix] Fix installing a locally cloned requirement repository. - [Improvement] Add `--no-cache` option to `images build`. - [Improvement] Make it possible to configure the notes service hostname. - [Improvement] Better, more robust MySQL initialisation. ## 3.3.10 (2019-05-15) - [Bugfix] Fix boolean configuration choices. ## 3.3.9 (2019-05-13) - [Improvement] Add `local exec` command for running commands inside existing containers. - [Bugfix] Fix triple display of courses in LMS search (upstream patch, #189). ## 3.3.8 (2019-04-28) - [Bugfix] Reduce the number of gunicorn workers to address RAM usage (#207). ## 3.3.7 (2019-04-28) - [Bugfix] Fix "Timeout after 20s" on running migrations. ## 3.3.6 (2019-04-27) - [Bugfix] Fix KeyError on first quickstart. - [Improvement] De-duplication of prod/dev settings. Thanks @silviot! 😺. ## 3.3.5 (2019-04-22) - [Feature] Pluggable LMS/CMS/forum. - [Improvement] Safer environment overwrite. Thanks @silviot! 👐. - [Security] Fix Jinja2 vulnerability. - [Improvement] Improve CLI cold start performance. - [Improvement] Allow uppercase "Y" and "N" as answers to boolean questions. ## 3.3.4 (2019-04-09) - [Improvement] Rename `--silent` option to `-y/--yes`. - [Bugfix] Fix (again) login from studio when https is activated (#193). ## 3.3.3 (2019-03-29) - [Bugfix] Fix `pip install tutor-openedx`. ## 3.3.2 (2019-03-27) - [Bugfix] Fix login from localhost. - [Bugfix] Fix Android app image build. ## 3.3.1 (2019-03-25) - [Improvement] Improve assets building for development. - [Improvement] Support CMS login when the CMS is not a subdomain of the LMS. ## 3.3.0 (2019-03-22) - [Feature] Upgrade from Hawthorn to Ironwood. ## 3.2.2 (2019-03-21) - [Feature] Multiple platforms on a single server \o/. - [Feature] Easily configure web proxy on the host. - [Bugfix] Fix `images pull all` command which failed on "all" image. - [Improvement] Add configurable mongodb, SMTP and rabbitmq authentication. - [Improvement] Harmonize mysql username/password configuration parameters. - [Feature] Configurable and pluggable data storage backends (#114). ## 3.2.1 (2019-03-19) - [Feature] Enable grade downloads by default (#143). - [Improvement] Remove orphan containers on `local start`. ## 3.2.0 (2019-03-18) - [Improvement] `images pull` now also pulls vendor images. - [Feature] Add convenient `config printvalue` command. - [Feature] Customize docker registry. - [Feature] Load configuration parameters from the system environment. - [Improvement] Automatic environment re-generation after re-configuration. - [Improvement] Error and interrupt handling in UI and web UI. - [Bugfix] Fix missing webui env directory. ## 3.1.0 (2019-03-09) - [Improvement] Install python requirements in virtual env in docker image. - [Bugfix] Add missing volume for theme development. - [Improvement] Rename "config [non]interactive" command to "config save [--silent]". - [Improvement] More explicit logging during environment generation. - [Improvement] Configurable docker images (#122). - [Bugfix] Fix "android pullimage" command. - [Improvement] Do not upgrade images as part of quickstart. - [Bugfix] Fix USERID setup in development mode and various dev-related docs (#177). ## 3.0.6 (2019-02-26) - [Bugfix] Fix import/export of demo course (#175). ## 3.0.5 (2019-02-14) - [Feature] Add cloud deployment script. - [Improvement] Run `images pull` command. - [Improvement] Run `indexcourses` on importing demo course. - [Improvement] Add `runserver stop` command. ## 3.0.4 (2019-02-13) - [Minor] Minimum required `click` version is 7.0 (#171). - [Bugfix] Fix `runserver` dev command (#172). - [Minor] Fix non-https link to documentation in pypi. - [Minor] Fix `createuser` documentation. ## 3.0.3 (2019-02-12) - [Bugfix] Add missing template data to pypi package. - [Bugfix] Fix quickstart on Kubernetes (#164). - [Improvement] Add datatases task to Kubernetes quickstart (#167). ## 3.0.2 (2019-02-12) - [Bugfix] Fix import paths -- 🚀 thanks @silviot!. - [Bugfix] Properly set docker project name in mysql logs -- 🦊 thanks again @silviot!. ## 3.0.1 (2019-02-11) - [Bugfix] fix mysql initialisation (#159, #160). - [Improvement] Better handling of continuous integration. - [Bugfix] fix `tutor --version` (#156). - [Improvement] Absolute settings imports -- 📯 thanks @tonytan4ever!. ## 3.0.0 (2019-02-09) - [Improvement] Complete rewrite of Tutor: switch from a make-based project to a single binary which runs all commands. - [Feature] An web user interface can be created with `tutor webui start`. - [Bugfix] Add missing elasticsearch to Kubernetes deployment (#147). - [Improvement] Upload `tutor-openedx` to pypi. ## Older changes - 2019-01-27 [Bugfix] Fix video transcript/srt upload and download of user-uploaded files. Thanks @dannielariola!. - 2019-01-20 [Improvement] Make it easy to load custom settings for the local production install. - 2019-01-19 [Improvement] Upgrade to Ironwood. - 2019-01-16 [Improvement] Switch license from MIT to AGPL. - 2019-01-04 [Bugfix] Fix xqueue consumer command. - 2018-12-26 [Improvement] Upgrade nodejs to 5.5.1. - 2018-12-07 [Improvement] Bundle theme and production static assets in the openedx docker image. - 2018-12-02 [Feature] Download extra locales from [openedx-i18n](https://github.com/openedx/openedx-i18n/) to the Open edX Docker image. - 2018-11-28 [Feature] Easily change openedx docker image. - 2018-11-28 [Feature] Enable comprehensive theming!. - 2018-11-28 [Improvement] Get rid of datadog. - 2018-11-28 [Improvement] Upgrade docker images to ubuntu 18.04 for android, forum, notes, xqueue. - 2018-11-28 [Feature] Make it possible to define default platform language interactively. - 2018-11-26 [Improvement] Make it easier to run a forked version of edx-platform. - 2018-11-25 [Feature] Use local filesystem for open assessment file upload. - 2018-11-23 [Improvement] Faster container bootstrapping without "chmod", as suggested by @silviot. - 2018-11-20 [Bugfix] Fix cross-platform theme assets generation. - 2018-11-17 [Improvement] Custom nginx port mapping. :crossed_swords: @frob @frohro. - 2018-11-17 [Improvement] Add "make restart-openedx" command. :+1: @frob. - 2018-11-13 [Improvement] Facilitate install of extra XBlocks. Thanks @frob!. - 2018-10-30 [Bugfix] Fix rabbitmq restart policy. - 2018-10-03 [Improvement/Bugfix] Fix and accelerate Android application build. - 2018-10-02 [Improvement] Bump Open edX version to hawthorn.2. - 2018-09-30 [Bugfix] Fix CMS celery worker, including export tasks. - 2018-09-30 [Improvement] Simplify boolean feature flags definition. - 2018-09-29 [Improvement] Add logging commands. - 2018-09-29 [Improvement] Add self-documented help with "make help". - 2018-09-29 [Feature] Add [Portainer](https://portainer.io) as an optional web UI to administer docker containers. - 2018-09-15 [Feature] Add student notes as an optional feature. - 2018-09-15 [Feature] Add templates to configurator container, which can now be run separately. - 2018-09-15 [Improvement] Rename "up" and "daemon" commands to "run" and "daemonize". - 2018-09-15 [Feature] Activate course search and discovery. - 2018-09-15 [Bugfix] Deduplicate console logs from lms/cms. - 2018-09-05 [Improvement] Use a single email address for all inbound email. - 2018-09-04 [Bugfix] Get make commands to work with 'sudo'. - 2018-09-02 [Bugfix] Get HTTPS to work for CMS. Thanks @flytreeleft!. - 2018-08-28 [Bugfix] Fix certbot image updating. - 2018-08-27 [Improvement] Add development requirements to openedx image. - 2018-08-27 [Bugfix] Upgrade mongodb. - 2018-08-19 [Improvement] Make Xqueue an optional feature. - 2018-08-16 [Feature] Add HTTPS support.