import click from . import config from . import env as tutor_env from . import fmt from . import opts from . import utils DOCKER_IMAGE = "regis/openedx-android:hawthorn" help="Build an Android app for your Open edX platform [BETA FEATURE]" ) def android(): pass @click.command( help="Generate the environment required for building the application" ) @opts.root def env(root): tutor_env.render_target(root, config.load(root), "android") help="Build the application" ) def build(): pass @click.command( help="Build the application in debug mode" ) @opts.root def debug(root): docker_run( root, "./gradlew", "assembleProdDebuggable", "&&", "cp", "OpenEdXMobile/build/outputs/apk/prod/debuggable/*.apk", "/openedx/data/" ) click.echo("The debuggable APK file is available in {}".format(tutor_env.data_path(root, "android")))) @click.command( help="Build the application in release mode" ) @opts.root def release(root): docker_run(root, "./gradlew", "assembleProdRelease") click.echo("The production APK file is available in {}".format(tutor_env.data_path(root, "android")))) @click.command( help="Pull the docker image" ) @opts.root def pullimage(): utils.execute("docker", "pull", DOCKER_IMAGE) def docker_run(root, *command): utils.docker_run( "--volume={}/:/openedx/config/".format(tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "android")), "--volume={}:/openedx/data".format(tutor_env.data_path(root, "android")), DOCKER_IMAGE, *command ) build.add_command(debug) build.add_command(release) android.add_command(build) android.add_command(env) android.add_command(pullimage)