import click from . import config as tutor_config from . import env as tutor_env from . import fmt from . import opts from . import utils"Manage docker images") def images_command(): pass OPENEDX_IMAGES = ["openedx", "forum", "notes", "xqueue", "android"] VENDOR_IMAGES = ["elasticsearch", "memcached", "mongodb", "mysql", "nginx", "rabbitmq", "smtp"] argument_openedx_image = click.argument( "image", type=click.Choice(["all"] + OPENEDX_IMAGES), ) argument_image = click.argument( "image", type=click.Choice(["all"] + OPENEDX_IMAGES + VENDOR_IMAGES), ) @click.command( short_help="Build docker images", help="Build the docker images necessary for an Open edX platform." ) @opts.root @argument_openedx_image @click.option( "-a", "--build-arg", multiple=True, help="Set build-time docker ARGS in the form 'myarg=value'. This option may be specified multiple times." ) def build(root, image, build_arg): config = tutor_config.load(root) for img in openedx_image_names(config, image): tag = get_tag(config, img) click.echo("Building image {}".format(tag))) command = [ "build", "-t", tag, tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "build", img) ] for arg in build_arg: command += [ "--build-arg", arg ] utils.docker(*command) @click.command(short_help="Pull images from the Docker registry") @opts.root @argument_image def pull(root, image): config = tutor_config.load(root) for img in image_names(config, image): tag = get_tag(config, img) click.echo("Pulling image {}".format(tag))) utils.execute("docker", "pull", tag) @click.command(short_help="Push images to the Docker registry") @opts.root @argument_openedx_image def push(root, image): config = tutor_config.load(root) for tag in openedx_image_tags(config, image): click.echo("Pushing image {}".format(tag))) utils.execute("docker", "push", tag) def get_tag(config, name): image = config["DOCKER_IMAGE_" + name.upper()] return "{registry}{image}".format( registry=config["DOCKER_REGISTRY"], image=image, ) def image_names(config, image): return openedx_image_names(config, image) + vendor_image_names(config, image) def openedx_image_tags(config, image): for img in openedx_image_names(config, image): yield get_tag(config, img) def openedx_image_names(config, image): if image == "all": images = OPENEDX_IMAGES[:] if not config['ACTIVATE_XQUEUE']: images.remove('xqueue') if not config['ACTIVATE_NOTES']: images.remove('notes') return images return [image] def vendor_image_names(config, image): if image == "all": images = VENDOR_IMAGES[:] if not config['ACTIVATE_ELASTICSEARCH']: images.remove('elasticsearch') if not config['ACTIVATE_MEMCACHED']: images.remove('memcached') if not config['ACTIVATE_MONGODB']: images.remove('mongodb') if not config['ACTIVATE_MYSQL']: images.remove('mysql') if not config['ACTIVATE_RABBITMQ']: images.remove('rabbitmq') return images return [image] images_command.add_command(build) images_command.add_command(pull) images_command.add_command(push)