.DEFAULT_GOAL := help compile-requirements: ## Compile requirements files pip-compile -o requirements/base.txt requirements/base.in pip-compile -o requirements/dev.txt requirements/dev.in pip-compile -o requirements/docs.txt requirements/docs.in bundle: ## Bundle the tutor package in a single "dist/tutor" executable pyinstaller --onefile --name=tutor --add-data=./tutor/templates:./tutor/templates ./bin/main dist/tutor: $(MAKE) bundle version: ## Print the current tutor version @python -c 'import io, os; about = {}; exec(io.open(os.path.join("tutor", "__about__.py"), "rt", encoding="utf-8").read(), about); print(about["__version__"])' tag: ## Create a release, update the "latest" tag and push them to origin $(MAKE) retag TAG=$(shell make version) $(MAKE) retag TAG=latest retag: @echo "=== Creating tag $(TAG)" git tag -d $(TAG) || true git tag $(TAG) @echo "=== Pushing tag $(TAG)" git push origin :$(TAG) || true git push origin $(TAG) travis: bundle ## Run tests on travis-ci ./dist/tutor config noninteractive ./dist/tutor images env ./dist/tutor images build all ./dist/tutor local databases ci-info: ## Print info about environment python3 --version pip3 --version ci-bundle: ## Create bundle pip3 install -U setuptools pip3 install -r requirements/dev.txt $(MAKE) bundle mkdir -p releases/ cp ./dist/tutor ./releases/tutor-$$(uname -s)_$$(uname -m) ci-test: ## Run basic tests ./dist/tutor config noninteractive ./dist/tutor images env ./dist/tutor local env ci-images: ## Build and push docker images to hub.docker.com python setup.py develop tutor images build all tutor local databases docker login -u "$$DOCKER_USERNAME" -p "$$DOCKER_PASSWORD" tutor images push all ci-pypi: ## Push release to pypi pip install twine python setup.py sdist twine upload dist/*.tar.gz ESCAPE =  help: ## Print this help @grep -E '^([a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*|######* .+)$$' Makefile \ | sed 's/######* \(.*\)/\n $(ESCAPE)[1;31m\1$(ESCAPE)[0m/g' \ | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[33m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'