.. _plugins_examples: Examples of Tutor plugins ========================= The following are simple examples of :ref:`Tutor plugins ` that can be used to modify the behaviour of Open edX. Skip email validation for new users ----------------------------------- :: name: skipemailvalidation version: 0.1.0 patches: common-env-features: | "SKIP_EMAIL_VALIDATION": true Enable bulk enrollment view in the LMS -------------------------------------- :: name: enablebulkenrollmentview version: 0.1.0 patches: lms-env-features: | "ENABLE_BULK_ENROLLMENT_VIEW": true Enable Google Analytics ----------------------- :: name: googleanalytics version: 0.1.0 patches: openedx-common-settings: | # googleanalytics special settings GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT = "UA-your-account" GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID = "UA-your-tracking-id" Enable SAML authentication -------------------------- :: name: saml version: 0.1.0 patches: common-env-features: | "ENABLE_THIRD_PARTY_AUTH" : true openedx-lms-common-settings: | # saml special settings THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_BACKENDS = "third_party_auth.saml.SAMLAuthBackend" openedx-auth: | "SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY" : "yoursecretkey" "SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PUBLIC_CERT" : "yourpubliccert" Do not forget to replace "yoursecretkey" and "yourpubliccert" with your own values.