version: "{{ DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION }}" services: # Web proxy for load balancing and SSL termination caddy: image: {{ DOCKER_IMAGE_CADDY }} restart: unless-stopped ports: - "{{ CADDY_HTTP_PORT }}:80" {% if ENABLE_HTTPS and ENABLE_WEB_PROXY %} - "443:443" # include support for http/3 - "443:443/udp" {% endif %} environment: default_site_port: "{% if not ENABLE_HTTPS or not ENABLE_WEB_PROXY %}:80{% endif %}" volumes: - ../apps/caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile:ro {% if ENABLE_HTTPS and ENABLE_WEB_PROXY %}- ../../data/caddy:/data{% endif %} {% if not ENABLE_HTTPS %} networks: default: # These aliases are for internal communication between containers when running locally # with * hostnames. aliases: - "{{ LMS_HOST }}" {{ patch("local-docker-compose-caddy-aliases")|indent(10) }} {% endif %} {{ patch("local-docker-compose-prod-services")|indent(2) }}