import sys import appdirs import click from .. import exceptions, fmt, utils from ..__about__ import __app__, __version__ from .config import config_command from .context import Context from .dev import dev from .images import images_command from .k8s import k8s from .local import local from .plugins import add_plugin_commands, plugins_command def main() -> None: try: cli.add_command(images_command) cli.add_command(config_command) cli.add_command(local) cli.add_command(dev) cli.add_command(k8s) cli.add_command(print_help) cli.add_command(plugins_command) add_plugin_commands(cli) cli() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except exceptions.TutorError as e: fmt.echo_error("Error: {}".format(e.args[0])) sys.exit(1) context_settings={"help_option_names": ["-h", "--help", "help"]}, help="Tutor is the Docker-based Open edX distribution designed for peace of mind.", ) @click.version_option(version=__version__) @click.option( "-r", "--root", envvar="TUTOR_ROOT", default=appdirs.user_data_dir(appname=__app__), show_default=True, type=click.Path(resolve_path=True), help="Root project directory (environment variable: TUTOR_ROOT)", ) @click.pass_context def cli(context: click.Context, root: str) -> None: if utils.is_root(): fmt.echo_alert( "You are running Tutor as root. This is strongly not recommended. If you are doing this in order to access" " the Docker daemon, you should instead add your user to the 'docker' group. (see" "/install/linux/linux-postinstall/#manage-docker-as-a-non-root-user)" ) context.obj = Context(root) @click.command(help="Print this help", name="help") def print_help() -> None: context = click.Context(cli) click.echo(cli.get_help(context)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()