import base64 import json import os import random import shutil import string import struct import subprocess import sys from typing import List, Tuple import click from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import bcrypt, bcrypt_check from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto.PublicKey.RSA import RsaKey from . import exceptions, fmt def encrypt(text: str) -> str: """ Encrypt some textual content with bcrypt. The encryption process is compatible with the password verification performed by `htpasswd `__. """ return bcrypt(text.encode(), 12).decode() def verify_encrypted(encrypted: str, text: str) -> bool: """ Return True/False if the encrypted content corresponds to the unencrypted text. """ try: bcrypt_check(text.encode(), encrypted.encode()) return True except ValueError: return False def ensure_file_directory_exists(path: str) -> None: """ Create file's base directory if it does not exist. """ directory = os.path.dirname(path) if os.path.isfile(directory): raise exceptions.TutorError( "Attempting to create a directory, but a file with the same name already exists: {}".format( directory ) ) if os.path.isdir(path): raise exceptions.TutorError( "Attempting to write to a file, but a directory with the same name already exists: {}".format( directory ) ) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) def random_string(length: int) -> str: return "".join( [random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(length)] ) def list_if(services: List[Tuple[str, bool]]) -> str: return json.dumps([service[0] for service in services if service[1]]) def common_domain(d1: str, d2: str) -> str: """ Return the common domain between two domain names. Ex: "" and "" -> "" """ components1 = d1.split(".")[::-1] components2 = d2.split(".")[::-1] common = [] for c in range(0, min(len(components1), len(components2))): if components1[c] == components2[c]: common.append(components1[c]) else: break return ".".join(common[::-1]) def reverse_host(domain: str) -> str: """ Return the reverse domain name, java-style. Ex: "" -> "" """ return ".".join(domain.split(".")[::-1]) def rsa_private_key(bits: int = 2048) -> str: """ Export an RSA private key in PEM format. """ key = RSA.generate(bits) return key.export_key().decode() def rsa_import_key(key: str) -> RsaKey: """ Import PEM-formatted RSA key and return the corresponding object. """ return RSA.import_key(key.encode()) def long_to_base64(n: int) -> str: """ Borrowed from jwkest.__init__ """ def long2intarr(long_int: int) -> List[int]: _bytes: List[int] = [] while long_int: long_int, r = divmod(long_int, 256) _bytes.insert(0, r) return _bytes bys = long2intarr(n) data = struct.pack("%sB" % len(bys), *bys) if not data: data = b"\x00" s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data).rstrip(b"=") return s.decode("ascii") def is_root() -> bool: """ Check whether tutor is being run as root/sudo. """ if sys.platform == "win32": # Don't even try return False return get_user_id() == 0 def get_user_id() -> int: """ Portable way to get user ID. Note: I have no idea if it actually works on windows... """ if sys.platform != "win32": return os.getuid() # Don't even try for windows return 0 def docker_run(*command: str) -> int: args = ["run", "--rm"] if is_a_tty(): args.append("-it") return docker(*args, *command) def docker(*command: str) -> int: if shutil.which("docker") is None: raise exceptions.TutorError( "docker is not installed. Please follow instructions from" ) return execute("docker", *command) def docker_compose(*command: str) -> int: if shutil.which("docker-compose") is None: raise exceptions.TutorError( "docker-compose is not installed. Please follow instructions from" ) return execute("docker-compose", *command) def kubectl(*command: str) -> int: if shutil.which("kubectl") is None: raise exceptions.TutorError( "kubectl is not installed. Please follow instructions from" ) return execute("kubectl", *command) def is_a_tty() -> bool: """ Return True if stdin is able to allocate a tty. Tty allocation sometimes cannot be enabled, for instance in cron jobs """ return sys.stdin.isatty() def execute(*command: str) -> int: click.echo(fmt.command(" ".join(command))) with subprocess.Popen(command) as p: try: result = p.wait(timeout=None) except KeyboardInterrupt: p.kill() p.wait() raise except Exception as e: p.kill() p.wait() raise exceptions.TutorError( "Command failed: {}".format(" ".join(command)) ) from e if result > 0: raise exceptions.TutorError( "Command failed with status {}: {}".format(result, " ".join(command)) ) return result def check_output(*command: str) -> bytes: click.echo(fmt.command(" ".join(command))) try: return subprocess.check_output(command) except Exception as e: raise exceptions.TutorError( "Command failed: {}".format(" ".join(command)) ) from e def check_macos_memory() -> None: """ Try to check that the RAM allocated to the Docker VM on macOS is at least 4 GB. """ if sys.platform != "darwin": return settings_path = os.path.expanduser( "~/Library/Group Containers/" ) try: with open(settings_path) as fp: data = json.load(fp) memory_mib = int(data["memoryMiB"]) except OSError as e: raise exceptions.TutorError( "Error accessing {}: [{}] {}".format(settings_path, e.errno, e.strerror) ) from e except json.JSONDecodeError as e: raise exceptions.TutorError( "Error reading {}: invalid JSON: {} [{}:{}]".format( settings_path, e.msg, e.lineno, e.colno ) ) from e except (ValueError, TypeError, OverflowError) as e: # ValueError from open() indicates an encoding error raise exceptions.TutorError( "Text encoding error or unexpected JSON data: in {}: {}".format( settings_path, str(e) ) ) from e except KeyError as e: # Value is absent (Docker creates the file with the default setting of 2048 explicitly # written in, so we shouldn't need to assume a default value here.) raise exceptions.TutorError( "key 'memoryMiB' not found in {}".format(settings_path) ) from e if memory_mib < 4096: raise exceptions.TutorError( "Docker is configured to allocate {} MiB RAM, less than the recommended {} MiB".format( memory_mib, 4096 ) )