import json import os import sys import click from .. import exceptions from .. import env from .. import fmt from .. import opts from .. import serialize from .. import utils from ..__about__ import __version__ short_help="Configure Open edX", help="""Configure Open edX and store configuration values in $TUTOR_ROOT/config.yml""", ) def config_command(): pass @click.command(help="Create and save configuration interactively") @opts.root @click.option("-y", "--yes", "silent1", is_flag=True, help="Run non-interactively") @click.option("--silent", "silent2", is_flag=True, hidden=True) @opts.key_value def save_command(root, silent1, silent2, set_): silent = silent1 or silent2 save(root, silent=silent, keyvalues=set_) def save(root, silent=False, keyvalues=None): keyvalues = keyvalues or [] config = load_current(root) for k, v in keyvalues: config[k] = v if not silent: load_interactive(config) save_config(root, config) load_defaults(config) save_env(root, config) @click.command(help="Print the project root") @opts.root def printroot(root): click.echo(root) @click.command(help="Print a configuration value") @opts.root @click.argument("key") def printvalue(root, key): config = load_current(root) load_defaults(config) try: print(config[key]) except KeyError: raise exceptions.TutorError("Missing configuration value: {}".format(key)) def load(root): """ Load configuration, and generate it interactively if the file does not exist. """ config = load_current(root) should_update_env = False if not os.path.exists(config_path(root)): load_interactive(config) should_update_env = True save_config(root, config) load_defaults(config) if not env.is_up_to_date(root): should_update_env = True pre_upgrade_announcement(root) if should_update_env: save_env(root, config) return config def pre_upgrade_announcement(root): """ Inform the user that the current environment is not up-to-date. Crash if running in non-interactive mode. """ click.echo( fmt.alert( "The current environment stored at {} is not up-to-date: it is at " "v{} while the 'tutor' binary is at v{}.".format( env.base_dir(root), env.version(root), __version__ ) ) ) if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): # Interactive mode: ask the user permission to proceed click.confirm( fmt.question( # every patch you take, every change you make, I'll be watching you "Would you like to upgrade the environment? If you do, any change you" " might have made will be overwritten." ), default=True, abort=True, ) else: # Non-interactive mode with no authorization: abort raise exceptions.TutorError( "Running in non-interactive mode, the environment will not be upgraded" " automatically. To upgrade the environment manually, run:\n" "\n" " tutor config save -y" ) def load_current(root): convert_json2yml(root) config = {} load_base(config) load_user(config, root) load_env(config) return config def load_base(config): base = serialize.load("config-base.yml")) for k, v in base.items(): config[k] = v def load_env(config): base_config = serialize.load("config-base.yml")) default_config = serialize.load("config-defaults.yml")) keys = set(list(base_config.keys()) + list(default_config.keys())) for k in keys: env_var = "TUTOR_" + k if env_var in os.environ: config[k] = serialize.parse_value(os.environ[env_var]) def load_user(config, root): path = config_path(root) if os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as fi: loaded = serialize.load( for key, value in loaded.items(): config[key] = value upgrade_obsolete(config) def upgrade_obsolete(config): # Openedx-specific mysql passwords if "MYSQL_PASSWORD" in config: config["MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"] = config["MYSQL_PASSWORD"] config["OPENEDX_MYSQL_PASSWORD"] = config["MYSQL_PASSWORD"] config.pop("MYSQL_PASSWORD") if "MYSQL_DATABASE" in config: config["OPENEDX_MYSQL_DATABASE"] = config.pop("MYSQL_DATABASE") if "MYSQL_USERNAME" in config: config["OPENEDX_MYSQL_USERNAME"] = config.pop("MYSQL_USERNAME") def load_interactive(config): ask("Your website domain name for students (LMS)", "LMS_HOST", config) ask("Your website domain name for teachers (CMS)", "CMS_HOST", config) ask("Your platform name/title", "PLATFORM_NAME", config) ask("Your public contact email address", "CONTACT_EMAIL", config) ask_choice( "The default language code for the platform", "LANGUAGE_CODE", config, [ "en", "am", "ar", "az", "bg-bg", "bn-bd", "bn-in", "bs", "ca", "ca@valencia", "cs", "cy", "da", "de-de", "el", "en-uk", "en@lolcat", "en@pirate", "es-419", "es-ar", "es-ec", "es-es", "es-mx", "es-pe", "et-ee", "eu-es", "fa", "fa-ir", "fi-fi", "fil", "fr", "gl", "gu", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "hy-am", "id", "it-it", "ja-jp", "kk-kz", "km-kh", "kn", "ko-kr", "lt-lt", "ml", "mn", "mr", "ms", "nb", "ne", "nl-nl", "or", "pl", "pt-br", "pt-pt", "ro", "ru", "si", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr", "sv", "sw", "ta", "te", "th", "tr-tr", "uk", "ur", "vi", "uz", "zh-cn", "zh-hk", "zh-tw", ], ) ask_bool( ( "Activate SSL/TLS certificates for HTTPS access? Important note:" " this will NOT work in a development environment." ), "ACTIVATE_HTTPS", config, ) ask_bool( "Activate Student Notes service (", "ACTIVATE_NOTES", config, ) ask_bool( "Activate Xqueue for external grader services (", "ACTIVATE_XQUEUE", config, ) def load_defaults(config): defaults = serialize.load("config-defaults.yml")) for k, v in defaults.items(): if k not in config: config[k] = v # Add extra configuration parameters that need to be computed separately config["lms_cms_common_domain"] = utils.common_domain( config["LMS_HOST"], config["CMS_HOST"] ) config["lms_host_reverse"] = ".".join(config["LMS_HOST"].split(".")[::-1]) def ask(question, key, config): default = env.render_str(config, config[key]) config[key] = click.prompt( fmt.question(question), prompt_suffix=" ", default=default, show_default=True ) def ask_bool(question, key, config): config[key] = click.confirm( fmt.question(question), prompt_suffix=" ", default=config[key] ) def ask_choice(question, key, config, choices): default = config[key] answer = click.prompt( fmt.question(question), type=click.Choice(choices), prompt_suffix=" ", default=default, show_choices=False, ) config[key] = answer def convert_json2yml(root): json_path = os.path.join(root, "config.json") if not os.path.exists(json_path): return if os.path.exists(config_path(root)): raise exceptions.TutorError( "Both config.json and config.yml exist in {}: only one of these files must exist to continue".format( root ) ) with open(json_path) as fi: config = json.load(fi) save_config(root, config) os.remove(json_path) click.echo( "File config.json detected in {} and converted to config.yml".format(root) ) ) def save_config(root, config): env.render_dict(config) path = config_path(root) directory = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) with open(path, "w") as of: serialize.dump(config, of) click.echo("Configuration saved to {}".format(path))) def save_env(root, config): env.render_full(root, config) click.echo("Environment generated in {}".format(env.base_dir(root)))) def config_path(root): return os.path.join(root, "config.yml") config_command.add_command(save_command, name="save") config_command.add_command(printroot) config_command.add_command(printvalue)