import click from . import config as tutor_config from .. import env as tutor_env from .. import exceptions from .. import fmt from .. import opts from .. import scripts from .. import utils"Run Open edX on Kubernetes [BETA FEATURE]") def k8s(): pass @click.command(help="Configure and run Open edX from scratch") @opts.root def quickstart(root): click.echo(fmt.title("Interactive platform configuration")) click.echo(fmt.title("Stopping any existing platform")) stop.callback() click.echo(fmt.title("Starting the platform")) start.callback(root) click.echo( fmt.title( "Running migrations. NOTE: this might fail. If it does, please retry 'tutor k8s databases' later" ) ) databases.callback(root) @click.command(help="Run all configured Open edX services") @opts.root def start(root): config = tutor_config.load(root) kubectl_no_fail("create", "-f", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "k8s", "namespace.yml")) kubectl( "create", "configmap", "nginx-config", "--from-file", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "apps", "nginx"), ) if config["ACTIVATE_MYSQL"]: kubectl( "create", "configmap", "mysql-config", "--from-env-file", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "apps", "mysql", "auth.env"), ) kubectl( "create", "configmap", "openedx-settings-lms", "--from-file", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "apps", "openedx", "settings", "lms"), ) kubectl( "create", "configmap", "openedx-settings-cms", "--from-file", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "apps", "openedx", "settings", "cms"), ) kubectl( "create", "configmap", "openedx-config", "--from-file", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "apps", "openedx", "config"), ) kubectl("create", "-f", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "k8s", "volumes.yml")) kubectl("create", "-f", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "k8s", "ingress.yml")) kubectl("create", "-f", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "k8s", "services.yml")) kubectl("create", "-f", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "k8s", "deployments.yml")) @click.command(help="Stop a running platform") def stop(): kubectl("delete", "deployments,services,ingress,configmaps", "--all") @click.command(help="Completely delete an existing platform") @click.option("-y", "--yes", is_flag=True, help="Do not ask for confirmation") def delete(yes): if not yes: click.confirm( "Are you sure you want to delete the platform? All data will be removed.", abort=True, ) kubectl("delete", "namespace", K8s.NAMESPACE) @click.command(help="Create databases and run database migrations") @opts.root def databases(root): config = tutor_config.load(root) scripts.migrate(root, config, run_sh) @click.command(help="Create an Open edX user and interactively set their password") @opts.root @click.option("--superuser", is_flag=True, help="Make superuser") @click.option("--staff", is_flag=True, help="Make staff user") @click.argument("name") @click.argument("email") def createuser(root, superuser, staff, name, email): scripts.create_user(root, run_sh, superuser, staff, name, email) @click.command(help="Import the demo course") @opts.root def importdemocourse(root): click.echo("Importing demo course")) scripts.import_demo_course(root, run_sh) click.echo("Re-indexing courses")) indexcourses.callback(root) @click.command(help="Re-index courses for better searching") @opts.root def indexcourses(root): # Note: this is currently broken with "pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure: [Errno 111] Connection refused" # I'm not quite sure the settings are correctly picked up. Which is weird because migrations work very well. scripts.index_courses(root, run_sh) @click.command(help="Launch a shell in LMS or CMS") @click.argument("service", type=click.Choice(["lms", "cms"])) def shell(service): K8s().execute(service, "bash") @click.command(help="Create a Kubernetesadmin user") @opts.root def adminuser(root): utils.kubectl("create", "-f", tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "k8s", "adminuser.yml")) @click.command(help="Print the Kubernetes admin user token") def admintoken(): click.echo(K8s().admin_token()) def kubectl(*command): """ Run kubectl commands in the right namespace. Also, errors are completely ignored, to avoid stopping on "AlreadyExists" errors. """ args = list(command) args += ["--namespace", K8s.NAMESPACE] kubectl_no_fail(*args) def kubectl_no_fail(*command): """ Run kubectl commands and ignore exceptions, to avoid stopping on "AlreadyExists" errors. """ try: utils.kubectl(*command) except exceptions.TutorError: pass class K8s: CLIENT = None NAMESPACE = "openedx" def __init__(self): pass @property def client(self): if self.CLIENT is None: # Import moved here for performance reasons import kubernetes kubernetes.config.load_kube_config() self.CLIENT = kubernetes.client.CoreV1Api() return self.CLIENT def pod_name(self, app): selector = "app=" + app try: return ( self.client.list_namespaced_pod("openedx", label_selector=selector) .items[0] ) except IndexError: raise exceptions.TutorError( "Pod with app {} does not exist. Make sure that the pod is running." ) def admin_token(self): # Note: this is a HORRIBLE way of looking for a secret try: secret = [ s for s in self.client.list_namespaced_secret("kube-system").items if"admin-user-token") ][0] except IndexError: raise exceptions.TutorError( "Secret 'admin-user-token'. Make sure that admin user was created." ) return self.client.read_namespaced_secret(, "kube-system" ).data["token"] def execute(self, app, *command): podname = self.pod_name(app) kubectl_no_fail( "exec", "--namespace", self.NAMESPACE, "-it", podname, "--", *command ) def run_sh(root, service, command): # pylint: disable=unused-argument K8s().execute(service, "sh", "-e", "-c", command) k8s.add_command(quickstart) k8s.add_command(start) k8s.add_command(stop) k8s.add_command(delete) k8s.add_command(databases) k8s.add_command(createuser) k8s.add_command(importdemocourse) k8s.add_command(indexcourses) k8s.add_command(shell) k8s.add_command(adminuser) k8s.add_command(admintoken)