from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple import click from .. import config as tutor_config from .. import env as tutor_env from .. import exceptions from .. import images from .. import plugins from ..types import Config from .. import utils from .context import Context BASE_IMAGE_NAMES = ["openedx", "forum"] DEV_IMAGE_NAMES = ["openedx-dev"] VENDOR_IMAGES = [ "caddy", "elasticsearch", "mongodb", "mysql", "nginx", "redis", "smtp", ]"images", short_help="Manage docker images") def images_command() -> None: pass @click.command( short_help="Build docker images", help="Build the docker images necessary for an Open edX platform.", ) @click.argument("image_names", metavar="image", nargs=-1) @click.option( "--no-cache", is_flag=True, help="Do not use cache when building the image" ) @click.option( "-a", "--build-arg", "build_args", multiple=True, help="Set build-time docker ARGS in the form 'myarg=value'. This option may be specified multiple times.", ) @click.option( "--add-host", "add_hosts", multiple=True, help="Set a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip).", ) @click.option( "--target", help="Set the target build stage to build.", ) @click.pass_obj def build( context: Context, image_names: List[str], no_cache: bool, build_args: List[str], add_hosts: List[str], target: str, ) -> None: config = tutor_config.load(context.root) command_args = [] if no_cache: command_args.append("--no-cache") for build_arg in build_args: command_args += ["--build-arg", build_arg] for add_host in add_hosts: command_args += ["--add-host", add_host] if target: command_args += ["--target", target] for image in image_names: build_image(context.root, config, image, *command_args) @click.command(short_help="Pull images from the Docker registry") @click.argument("image_names", metavar="image", nargs=-1) @click.pass_obj def pull(context: Context, image_names: List[str]) -> None: config = tutor_config.load(context.root) for image in image_names: pull_image(config, image) @click.command(short_help="Push images to the Docker registry") @click.argument("image_names", metavar="image", nargs=-1) @click.pass_obj def push(context: Context, image_names: List[str]) -> None: config = tutor_config.load(context.root) for image in image_names: push_image(config, image) @click.command(short_help="Print tag associated to a Docker image") @click.argument("image_names", metavar="image", nargs=-1) @click.pass_obj def printtag(context: Context, image_names: List[str]) -> None: config = tutor_config.load(context.root) for image in image_names: for _img, tag in iter_images(config, image, BASE_IMAGE_NAMES): print(tag) for _plugin, _img, tag in iter_plugin_images(config, image, "build-image"): print(tag) def build_image(root: str, config: Config, image: str, *args: str) -> None: # Build base images for img, tag in iter_images(config, image, BASE_IMAGE_NAMES):, "build", img), tag, *args) # Build plugin images for plugin, img, tag in iter_plugin_images(config, image, "build-image"): tutor_env.pathjoin(root, "plugins", plugin, "build", img), tag, *args ) # Build dev images with user id argument dev_build_arg = ["--build-arg", "USERID={}".format(utils.get_user_id())] for img, tag in iter_images(config, image, DEV_IMAGE_NAMES):, "build", img), tag, *dev_build_arg, *args) def pull_image(config: Config, image: str) -> None: for _img, tag in iter_images(config, image, all_image_names(config)): images.pull(tag) for _plugin, _img, tag in iter_plugin_images(config, image, "remote-image"): images.pull(tag) def push_image(config: Config, image: str) -> None: for _img, tag in iter_images(config, image, BASE_IMAGE_NAMES): images.push(tag) for _plugin, _img, tag in iter_plugin_images(config, image, "remote-image"): images.push(tag) def iter_images( config: Config, image: str, image_list: List[str] ) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: for img in image_list: if image in [img, "all"]: tag = images.get_tag(config, img) yield img, tag def iter_plugin_images( config: Config, image: str, hook_name: str ) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str, str]]: for plugin, hook in plugins.iter_hooks(config, hook_name): if not isinstance(hook, dict): raise exceptions.TutorError( "Invalid hook '{}': expected dict, got {}".format( hook_name, hook.__class__ ) ) for img, tag in hook.items(): if image in [img, "all"]: tag = tutor_env.render_str(config, tag) yield plugin, img, tag def all_image_names(config: Config) -> List[str]: return BASE_IMAGE_NAMES + vendor_image_names(config) def vendor_image_names(config: Config) -> List[str]: vendor_images = VENDOR_IMAGES[:] for image in VENDOR_IMAGES: if not config.get("RUN_" + image.upper(), True): vendor_images.remove(image) return vendor_images images_command.add_command(build) images_command.add_command(pull) images_command.add_command(push) images_command.add_command(printtag)