.. _arm64: Running Tutor on ARM-based systems ================================== Tutor can be used on ARM64 systems, and official ARM64 docker images are available starting from Tutor v16. For older versions of Tutor (v14 or v15), there are several options: * Use emulation (via qemu or Rosetta 2) to run x86_64 images. Just make sure your installation of Docker supports emulation and use Tutor as normal. This may be 20%-100% slower than native images, depending on the emulation method. * Use the `unofficial community-maintained ARM64 plugin `_ which will set the required settings for you and which includes unofficial docker images. * Build your own ARM64 images, e.g. using ``tutor images build openedx permissions`` and/or ``tutor images build openedx-dev`` before launching the LMS.