import io import os import sys import docutils import docutils.parsers.rst # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- project = "Tutor" copyright = "" author = "" # The short X.Y version version = "" # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags release = "" # -- General configuration --------------------------------------------------- extensions = [] templates_path = ["_templates"] source_suffix = ".rst" master_doc = "index" language = None exclude_patterns = ["_build", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store"] pygments_style = None # -- Sphinx-Click configuration # extensions.append('sphinx_click') # This is to avoid the addition of the local username to the docs os.environ["HOME"] = "~" # Make sure that sphinx-click can find the tutor module sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" html_theme_options = { "logo_only": True, "style_nav_header_background": "#EFEFEF", } html_context = { "display_github": True, "github_user": "overhangio", "github_repo": "tutor", "github_version": "master", "conf_py_path": "/docs/", } html_static_path = ["img"] # Custom settings html_logo = "./img/tutor-logo.png" html_favicon = "./img/favicon.png" html_show_sourcelink = False html_display_github = True html_show_sphinx = False html_github_user = "overhangio" html_github_repo = "tutor" # Images do not link to themselves html_scaled_image_link = False html_show_copyright = False # Custom variables here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) about = {} with os.path.join(here, "..", "tutor", ""), "rt", encoding="utf-8" ) as f: exec(, about) rst_prolog = """ .. |tutor_version| replace:: {} """.format( about["__version__"], ) # Custom directives def youtube( _name, _args, _options, content, _lineno, _contentOffset, _blockText, _state, _stateMachine, ): """ Restructured text extension for inserting youtube embedded videos """ if not content: return [] video_id = content[0] return [ docutils.nodes.raw( "", """ """.format( video_id=video_id ), format="html", ) ] youtube.content = True docutils.parsers.rst.directives.register_directive("youtube", youtube)