.. _intro: Introduction ============ `Open edX `_ is a thriving open source project, backed by a great community, for running an online learning platform at scale. Historically, it's always been :ref:`difficult ` to install Open edX. The goal of Tutor is to solve this issue. Tutor simplifies the deployment of Open edX by: 1. Separating the configuration logic from the deployment platforms. 2. Running application processes in cleanly separated `docker containers `_. Because Docker containers are becoming an industry-wide standard, that means that with Tutor it becomes possible to run Open edX anywhere: for now, Tutor supports deploying on a local server, with `docker-compose `_, and in a large cluster, with `Kubernetes `_. But in the future, Tutor may support other deployment platforms. How does Tutor work? -------------------- You can experiment with Tutor very quickly: start by `installing `_ Tutor. Then run:: tutor config save This command does two things: 1. Generate a ``config.yml`` configuration file: this file contains core :ref:`configuration parameters ` for your Open edX platforms, such as passwords and feature flags. 2. Generate an ``env/`` folder, which we call the Tutor "environment", and which contains all the files that are necessary to run an Open edX platform: these are mostly Open edX configuration files. All these files are stored in a single folder, called the Tutor project root. On Linux, this folder is in ``~/.local/share/tutor`` and on Mac OS it is ``~/Library/Application Support/tutor``. The values from ``config.yml`` are used to generate the environment files in ``env/``. As a consequence, **every time the values from** ``config.yml`` **are modified, the environment must be regenerated**. This can be done with:: tutor config save -y Another consequence is that **any manual change made to a file in** ``env/`` **will be overwritten by** ``tutor config save`` **commands**. Consider yourself warned ;-) Running Open edX ---------------- Now that you have generated a configuration and environment, you probably want to run Open edX. - The most simple and popular use case is to `run Open edX locally, on a single server `_, with docker-compose. - If you have a running cluster, you can use Tutor to `deploy Open edX on Kubernetes `_. - Are you an Open edX developer? You can use Tutor for `hacking into the internals of edx-platform `_. Bells and whistles ------------------ For more advanced usage of Tutor, take a look at the :ref:`configuration and customisation ` and the :ref:`extra ` sections