from __future__ import annotations import json import typing as t import click import click.shell_completion from tutor import config as tutor_config from tutor import env, exceptions, fmt from tutor import interactive as interactive_config from tutor import serialize from tutor.commands.context import Context from tutor.commands.params import ConfigLoaderParam from tutor.types import ConfigValue name="config", short_help="Configure Open edX", help="""Configure Open edX and store configuration values in $TUTOR_ROOT/config.yml""", ) def config_command() -> None: pass class ConfigKeyParamType(ConfigLoaderParam): name = "configkey" def shell_complete( self, ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, incomplete: str ) -> list[click.shell_completion.CompletionItem]: return [ click.shell_completion.CompletionItem(key) for key, _value in self._shell_complete_config_items(incomplete) ] def _shell_complete_config_items( self, incomplete: str ) -> list[tuple[str, ConfigValue]]: return [ (key, value) for key, value in self._candidate_config_items() if key.startswith(incomplete) ] def _candidate_config_items(self) -> t.Iterable[tuple[str, ConfigValue]]: yield from self.config.items() class ConfigKeyValParamType(ConfigKeyParamType): """ Parser for = command line arguments. """ name = "configkeyval" def convert(self, value: str, param: t.Any, ctx: t.Any) -> tuple[str, t.Any]: result = serialize.parse_key_value(value) if result is None:"'{value}' is not of the form 'key=value'.", param, ctx) return result def shell_complete( self, ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, incomplete: str ) -> list[click.shell_completion.CompletionItem]: """ Nice and friendly = auto-completion. """ if "=" not in incomplete: # Auto-complete with '='. Note the single quotes which allow users to # further auto-complete later. return [ click.shell_completion.CompletionItem(f"'{key}='") for key, value in self._shell_complete_config_items(incomplete) ] if incomplete.endswith("="): # raise ValueError(f"incomplete: <{incomplete}>") # Auto-complete with '=' return [ click.shell_completion.CompletionItem(f"{key}={json.dumps(value)}") for key, value in self._shell_complete_config_items(incomplete[:-1]) ] # Else, don't bother return [] class ConfigListKeyValParamType(ConfigKeyValParamType): """ Same as the parent class, but for keys of type `list`. """ def _candidate_config_items(self) -> t.Iterable[tuple[str, ConfigValue]]: for key, val in self.config.items(): if isinstance(val, list): yield key, val @click.command(help="Create and save configuration interactively") @click.option("-i", "--interactive", is_flag=True, help="Run interactively") @click.option( "-s", "--set", "set_vars", type=ConfigKeyValParamType(), multiple=True, metavar="KEY=VAL", help="Set a configuration value (can be used multiple times)", ) @click.option( "-a", "--append", "append_vars", type=ConfigListKeyValParamType(), multiple=True, metavar="KEY=VAL", help="Append an item to a configuration value of type list. The value will only be added it it is not already present. (can be used multiple times)", ) @click.option( "-A", "--remove", "remove_vars", type=ConfigListKeyValParamType(), multiple=True, metavar="KEY=VAL", help="Remove an item from a configuration value of type list (can be used multiple times)", ) @click.option( "-U", "--unset", "unset_vars", multiple=True, type=ConfigKeyParamType(), help="Remove a configuration value (can be used multiple times)", ) @click.option( "-e", "--env-only", "env_only", is_flag=True, help="Skip updating config.yml" ) @click.pass_obj def save( context: Context, interactive: bool, set_vars: list[tuple[str, t.Any]], append_vars: list[tuple[str, t.Any]], remove_vars: list[tuple[str, t.Any]], unset_vars: list[str], env_only: bool, ) -> None: config = tutor_config.load_minimal(context.root) config_full = tutor_config.load_full(context.root) if interactive: interactive_config.ask_questions(config) if set_vars: for key, value in set_vars: config[key] = env.render_unknown(config, value) if append_vars: for key, value in append_vars: if key not in config: config[key] = config_full.get(key, []) values = config[key] if not isinstance(values, list): raise exceptions.TutorError( f"Could not append value to '{key}': current setting is of type '{values.__class__.__name__}', expected list." ) if not isinstance(value, str): raise exceptions.TutorError( f"Could not append value to '{key}': appended value is of type '{value.__class__.__name__}', expected str." ) if value not in values: values.append(value) if remove_vars: for key, value in remove_vars: values = config.get(key, []) if not isinstance(values, list): raise exceptions.TutorError( f"Could not remove value from '{key}': current setting is of type '{values.__class__.__name__}', expected list." ) while value in values: values.remove(value) for key in unset_vars: config.pop(key, None) if not env_only: tutor_config.save_config_file(context.root, config) # Reload configuration, without version checking config = tutor_config.load_full(context.root), config) @click.command(help="Print the project root") @click.pass_obj def printroot(context: Context) -> None: click.echo(context.root) @click.command(help="Print a configuration value") @click.argument("key", type=ConfigKeyParamType()) @click.pass_obj def printvalue(context: Context, key: str) -> None: config = tutor_config.load(context.root) try: value = config[key] except KeyError as e: raise exceptions.TutorError(f"Missing configuration value: {key}") from e fmt.echo(serialize.str_format(value))"patches", help="Commands related to patches in configurations") def patches_command() -> None: pass @click.command(name="list", help="Print all available patches") @click.pass_obj def patches_list(context: Context) -> None: config = tutor_config.load(context.root) renderer = env.PatchRenderer(config) renderer.print_patches_locations() config_command.add_command(save) config_command.add_command(printroot) config_command.add_command(printvalue) patches_command.add_command(patches_list) config_command.add_command(patches_command)