import os import typing as t import urllib.request import click import click.shell_completion from tutor import config as tutor_config from tutor import exceptions, fmt, hooks, plugins from tutor.plugins.base import PLUGINS_ROOT, PLUGINS_ROOT_ENV_VAR_NAME from .context import Context class PluginName(click.ParamType): """ Convenient param type that supports plugin name autocompletion. """ def __init__(self, allow_all: bool = False): self.allow_all = allow_all def shell_complete( self, ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, incomplete: str ) -> t.List[click.shell_completion.CompletionItem]: return [ click.shell_completion.CompletionItem(name) for name in self.get_names(incomplete) ] def get_names(self, incomplete: str) -> t.List[str]: candidates = [] if self.allow_all: candidates.append("all") candidates += [name for name, _ in plugins.iter_info()] return [name for name in candidates if name.startswith(incomplete)] name="plugins", short_help="Manage Tutor plugins", help="Manage Tutor plugins to add new features and customise your Open edX platform", ) def plugins_command() -> None: """ All plugin commands should work even if there is no existing config file. This is because users might enable plugins prior to configuration or environment generation. """ @click.command(name="list", help="List installed plugins") def list_command() -> None: lines = [] first_column_width = 1 for plugin, plugin_info in plugins.iter_info(): plugin_info = plugin_info or "" plugin_info.replace("\n", " ") status = "" if plugins.is_loaded(plugin) else "(disabled)" lines.append((plugin, status, plugin_info)) first_column_width = max([first_column_width, len(plugin) + 2]) for plugin, status, plugin_info in lines: print(f"{plugin:{first_column_width}}\t{status:10}\t{plugin_info}") @click.command(help="Enable a plugin") @click.argument("plugin_names", metavar="plugin", nargs=-1, type=PluginName()) @click.pass_obj def enable(context: Context, plugin_names: t.List[str]) -> None: config = tutor_config.load_minimal(context.root) for plugin in plugin_names: plugins.load(plugin) fmt.echo_info(f"Plugin {plugin} enabled") tutor_config.save_enabled_plugins(config) tutor_config.save_config_file(context.root, config) fmt.echo_info( "You should now re-generate your environment with `tutor config save`." ) @click.command( short_help="Disable a plugin", help="Disable one or more plugins. Specify 'all' to disable all enabled plugins at once.", ) @click.argument( "plugin_names", metavar="plugin", nargs=-1, type=PluginName(allow_all=True) ) @click.pass_obj def disable(context: Context, plugin_names: t.List[str]) -> None: config = tutor_config.load_minimal(context.root) disable_all = "all" in plugin_names disabled: t.List[str] = [] for plugin in tutor_config.get_enabled_plugins(config): if disable_all or plugin in plugin_names: fmt.echo_info(f"Disabling plugin {plugin}..."), context.root, config) disabled.append(plugin) fmt.echo_info(f"Plugin {plugin} disabled") if disabled: tutor_config.save_config_file(context.root, config) fmt.echo_info( "You should now re-generate your environment with `tutor config save`." ) @click.command( short_help="Print the location of yaml-based plugins", help=f"""Print the location of yaml-based plugins. This location can be manually defined by setting the {PLUGINS_ROOT_ENV_VAR_NAME} environment variable""", ) def printroot() -> None: fmt.echo(PLUGINS_ROOT) @click.command( short_help="Install a plugin", help=f"""Install a plugin, either from a local Python/YAML file or a remote, web-hosted location. The plugin will be installed to {PLUGINS_ROOT_ENV_VAR_NAME}.""", ) @click.argument("location", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False)) def install(location: str) -> None: basename = os.path.basename(location) if not basename.endswith(".yml") and not basename.endswith(".py"): basename += ".py" plugin_path = os.path.join(PLUGINS_ROOT, basename) if location.startswith("http"): # Download file response = urllib.request.urlopen(location) content = elif os.path.isfile(location): # Read file with open(location, encoding="utf-8") as f: content = else: raise exceptions.TutorError(f"No plugin found at {location}") # Save file if not os.path.exists(PLUGINS_ROOT): os.makedirs(PLUGINS_ROOT) with open(plugin_path, "w", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content) fmt.echo_info(f"Plugin installed at {plugin_path}") plugins_command.add_command(list_command) plugins_command.add_command(enable) plugins_command.add_command(disable) plugins_command.add_command(printroot) plugins_command.add_command(install)