import json import os import yaml import click from . import exceptions from . import env from . import fmt from . import opts from . import utils from .__about__ import __version__ short_help="Configure Open edX", help="""Configure Open edX and store configuration values in $TUTOR_ROOT/config.yml""" ) def config(): pass @click.command(help="Create and save configuration interactively") @opts.root @click.option("--silent", is_flag=True, help="Run non-interactively") @opts.key_value def save(root, silent, set_): config = {} load_current(config, root) for k, v in set_: config[k] = v if not silent: load_interactive(config) save_config(root, config) load_defaults(config) save_env(root, config) @click.command( help="Print the project root", ) @opts.root def printroot(root): click.echo(root) def load(root): """ Load configuration, and generate it interactively if the file does not exist. """ config = {} load_current(config, root) should_update_env = False if not os.path.exists(config_path(root)): load_interactive(config) should_update_env = True save_config(root, config) load_defaults(config) if not env.is_up_to_date(root): click.echo(fmt.alert( "The current environment stored at {} is not up-to-date: it is at " "v{} while the 'tutor' binary is at v{}. The environment will be " "upgraded now. Any change you might have made will be overwritten.".format( env.base_dir(root), env.version(root), __version__ ) )) should_update_env = True if should_update_env: save_env(root, config) return config def load_current(config, root): convert_json2yml(root) load_base(config, root) load_user(config, root) load_env(config, root) def load_base(config, root): base = yaml.load("config-base.yml")) for k, v in base.items(): config[k] = v def load_env(config, root): base_config = yaml.load("config-base.yml")) default_config = yaml.load("config-defaults.yml")) keys = set(list(base_config.keys()) + list(default_config.keys())) for k in keys: env_var = "TUTOR_" + k if env_var in os.environ: print(k, os.environ[env_var]) config[k] = utils.parse_yaml_value(os.environ[env_var]) def load_user(config, root): path = config_path(root) if os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as fi: loaded = yaml.load( for key, value in loaded.items(): config[key] = value def load_interactive(config): ask("Your website domain name for students (LMS)", "LMS_HOST", config) ask("Your website domain name for teachers (CMS)", "CMS_HOST", config) ask("Your platform name/title", "PLATFORM_NAME", config) ask("Your public contact email address", "CONTACT_EMAIL", config) ask_choice( "The default language code for the platform", "LANGUAGE_CODE", config, ['en', 'am', 'ar', 'az', 'bg-bg', 'bn-bd', 'bn-in', 'bs', 'ca', 'ca@valencia', 'cs', 'cy', 'da', 'de-de', 'el', 'en-uk', 'en@lolcat', 'en@pirate', 'es-419', 'es-ar', 'es-ec', 'es-es', 'es-mx', 'es-pe', 'et-ee', 'eu-es', 'fa', 'fa-ir', 'fi-fi', 'fil', 'fr', 'gl', 'gu', 'he', 'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'hy-am', 'id', 'it-it', 'ja-jp', 'kk-kz', 'km-kh', 'kn', 'ko-kr', 'lt-lt', 'ml', 'mn', 'mr', 'ms', 'nb', 'ne', 'nl-nl', 'or', 'pl', 'pt-br', 'pt-pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'si', 'sk', 'sl', 'sq', 'sr', 'sv', 'sw', 'ta', 'te', 'th', 'tr-tr', 'uk', 'ur', 'vi', 'uz', 'zh-cn', 'zh-hk', 'zh-tw'], ) ask_bool( ("Activate SSL/TLS certificates for HTTPS access? Important note:" "this will NOT work in a development environment."), "ACTIVATE_HTTPS", config ) ask_bool( "Activate Student Notes service (", "ACTIVATE_NOTES", config ) ask_bool( "Activate Xqueue for external grader services (", "ACTIVATE_XQUEUE", config ) def load_defaults(config): defaults = yaml.load("config-defaults.yml")) for k, v in defaults.items(): if k not in config: config[k] = v def ask(question, key, config): default = env.render_str(config[key], config) config[key] = click.prompt( fmt.question(question), prompt_suffix=" ", default=default, show_default=True, ) def ask_bool(question, key, config): default = "y" if config[key] else "n" suffix = " [Yn]" if config[key] else " [yN]" answer = click.prompt( fmt.question(question) + suffix, type=click.Choice(["y", "n"]), prompt_suffix=" ", default=default, show_default=False, show_choices=False, ) config[key] = answer == "y" def ask_choice(question, key, config, choices): default = config[key] answer = click.prompt( fmt.question(question), type=click.Choice(choices), prompt_suffix=" ", default=default, show_choices=False, ) config[key] = answer def convert_json2yml(root): json_path = os.path.join(root, "config.json") if not os.path.exists(json_path): return if os.path.exists(config_path(root)): raise exceptions.TutorError( "Both config.json and config.yml exist in {}: only one of these files must exist to continue".format(root) ) with open(json_path) as fi: config = json.load(fi) save_config(root, config) os.remove(json_path) click.echo("File config.json detected in {} and converted to config.yml".format(root))) def save_config(root, config): env.render_dict(config) path = config_path(root) directory = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) with open(path, "w") as of: yaml.dump(config, of, default_flow_style=False) click.echo("Configuration saved to {}".format(path))) def save_env(root, config): env.render_full(root, config) click.echo("Environment generated in {}".format(env.base_dir(root)))) def config_path(root): return os.path.join(root, "config.yml") config.add_command(save) config.add_command(printroot)