import importlib.util import os from glob import glob import importlib_metadata from tutor import hooks from .base import PLUGINS_ROOT @hooks.Actions.CORE_READY.add() def _discover_module_plugins() -> None: """ Discover .py files in the plugins root folder. """ with hooks.Contexts.PLUGINS.enter(): for path in glob(os.path.join(PLUGINS_ROOT, "*.py")): discover_module(path) @hooks.Actions.CORE_READY.add() def _discover_entrypoint_plugins() -> None: """ Discover all plugins that declare a "tutor.plugin.v1" entrypoint. """ with hooks.Contexts.PLUGINS.enter(): if "TUTOR_IGNORE_ENTRYPOINT_PLUGINS" not in os.environ: for entrypoint in importlib_metadata.entry_points(group="tutor.plugin.v1"): discover_package(entrypoint) def discover_module(path: str) -> None: """ Install a plugin written as a single file module. """ name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] # Add plugin to the list of installed plugins hooks.Filters.PLUGINS_INSTALLED.add_item(name) # Add plugin information hooks.Filters.PLUGINS_INFO.add_item((name, path)) # Import module on enable @hooks.Actions.PLUGIN_LOADED.add() def load(plugin_name: str) -> None: if name == plugin_name: # spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "tutor.plugin.v1.{name}", path ) if spec is None or spec.loader is None: raise ValueError("Plugin could not be found: {path}") module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) def discover_package(entrypoint: importlib_metadata.EntryPoint) -> None: """ Install a plugin from a python package. """ name = # Add plugin to the list of installed plugins hooks.Filters.PLUGINS_INSTALLED.add_item(name) # Add plugin information if entrypoint.dist is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not read plugin version: {name}") dist_version = entrypoint.dist.version if entrypoint.dist else "Unknown" hooks.Filters.PLUGINS_INFO.add_item((name, dist_version)) # Import module on enable @hooks.Actions.PLUGIN_LOADED.add() def load(plugin_name: str) -> None: if name == plugin_name: importlib.import_module(entrypoint.value)