#################### Docker image building .DEFAULT_GOAL := help build: build-openedx build-configurator build-forum build-notes build-xqueue build-android ## Build all docker images openedx_build_args = ifdef EDX_PLATFORM_REPOSITORY openedx_build_args += --build-arg="EDX_PLATFORM_REPOSITORY=$(EDX_PLATFORM_REPOSITORY)" endif ifdef EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION openedx_build_args += --build-arg="EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION=$(EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION)" endif ifdef THEMES openedx_build_args += --build-arg="THEMES=$(THEMES)" endif build-openedx: ## Build the Open edX docker image docker build -t regis/openedx:latest -t regis/openedx:hawthorn $(openedx_build_args) openedx/ build-configurator: ## Build the configurator docker image docker build -t regis/openedx-configurator:latest -t regis/openedx-configurator:hawthorn configurator/ build-forum: ## Build the forum docker image docker build -t regis/openedx-forum:latest -t regis/openedx-forum:hawthorn forum/ build-notes: ## Build the Notes docker image docker build -t regis/openedx-notes:latest -t regis/openedx-notes:hawthorn notes/ build-xqueue: ## Build the Xqueue docker image docker build -t regis/openedx-xqueue:latest -t regis/openedx-xqueue:hawthorn xqueue/ build-android: ## Build the docker image for Android docker build -t regis/openedx-android:latest android/ ################### Pushing images to docker hub push: push-openedx push-configurator push-forum push-notes push-xqueue push-android ## Push all images to dockerhub push-openedx: ## Push Open edX images to dockerhub docker push regis/openedx:hawthorn docker push regis/openedx:latest push-configurator: ## Push configurator image to dockerhub docker push regis/openedx-configurator:hawthorn docker push regis/openedx-configurator:latest push-forum: ## Push forum image to dockerhub docker push regis/openedx-forum:hawthorn docker push regis/openedx-forum:latest push-notes: ## Push notes image to dockerhub docker push regis/openedx-notes:hawthorn docker push regis/openedx-notes:latest push-xqueue: ## Push Xqueue image to dockerhub docker push regis/openedx-xqueue:hawthorn docker push regis/openedx-xqueue:latest push-android: ## Push the Android image to dockerhub docker push regis/openedx-android:latest dockerhub: build push ## Build and push all images to dockerhub ##################### Information ESCAPE =  help: ## Print this help @grep -E '^([a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*|######* .+)$$' Makefile \ | sed 's/######* \(.*\)/\n $(ESCAPE)[1;31m\1$(ESCAPE)[0m/g' \ | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[33m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'