mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-05-29 20:30:48 +00:00
Régis Behmo 0a670d7ead refactor: add type annotations
Annotations were generated with pyannotate:

We are running in strict mode, which is awesome!

This affects a large part of the code base, which might be an issue for
people running a fork of Tutor. Nonetheless, the behavior should not be
affected. If anything, this process has helped find and resolve a few
type-related bugs. Thus, this is not considered as a breaking change.
2021-03-15 21:46:55 +01:00

54 lines
1.6 KiB

from typing import Dict
import click
from .compose import ComposeJobRunner
from .local import docker_compose as local_docker_compose
from .. import config as tutor_config
from .. import env as tutor_env
from .. import fmt
from .context import Context
@click.group(help="Build an Android app for your Open edX platform [BETA FEATURE]")
def android() -> None:
@click.command(help="Build the application")
@click.argument("mode", type=click.Choice(["debug", "release"]))
def build(context: Context, mode: str) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
docker_run(context.root, build_command(config, mode))
"The {} APK file is available in {}".format(
mode, tutor_env.data_path(context.root, "android")
def build_command(config: Dict[str, str], target: str) -> str:
gradle_target = {
"debug": "assembleProdDebuggable",
"release": "assembleProdRelease",
apk_folder = {"debug": "debuggable", "release": "release"}[target]
command = """
sed -i "s/APPLICATION_ID = .*/APPLICATION_ID = \\"{{ LMS_HOST|reverse_host|replace("-", "_") }}\\"/g" constants.gradle
./gradlew {gradle_target}
cp OpenEdXMobile/build/outputs/apk/prod/{apk_folder}/*.apk /openedx/data/"""
command = tutor_env.render_str(config, command)
command = command.format(gradle_target=gradle_target, apk_folder=apk_folder)
return command
def docker_run(root: str, command: str) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(root)
runner = ComposeJobRunner(root, config, local_docker_compose)
runner.run_job("android", command)