mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-06-26 16:53:28 +00:00
Kyle McCormick 126c6062e5 fix: --mount should accept service names with hyphens
(no changelog entry, as this fixes a feature that hasn't
 yet been released)
2022-04-22 10:14:11 +02:00

497 lines
18 KiB

import os
import re
import typing as t
import click
from tutor import bindmounts
from tutor import config as tutor_config
from tutor import env as tutor_env
from tutor import fmt, jobs, utils
from tutor import serialize
from tutor.exceptions import TutorError
from tutor.types import Config
from tutor.commands.context import BaseJobContext
from tutor import hooks
class ComposeJobRunner(jobs.BaseComposeJobRunner):
def __init__(self, root: str, config: Config):
super().__init__(root, config)
self.project_name = ""
self.docker_compose_files: t.List[str] = []
self.docker_compose_job_files: t.List[str] = []
def docker_compose(self, *command: str) -> int:
Run docker-compose with the right yml files.
args = []
for docker_compose_path in self.docker_compose_files:
if os.path.exists(docker_compose_path):
args += ["-f", docker_compose_path]
return utils.docker_compose(
*args, "--project-name", self.project_name, *command
def __update_docker_compose_tmp(self) -> None:
Update the contents of the docker-compose.tmp.yml file, which is generated at runtime.
docker_compose_tmp = {
"version": "{{ DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION }}",
"services": {},
docker_compose_jobs_tmp = {
"version": "{{ DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION }}",
"services": {},
docker_compose_tmp = hooks.Filters.COMPOSE_LOCAL_TMP.apply(docker_compose_tmp)
docker_compose_jobs_tmp = hooks.Filters.COMPOSE_LOCAL_JOBS_TMP.apply(
docker_compose_tmp = tutor_env.render_unknown(self.config, docker_compose_tmp)
docker_compose_jobs_tmp = tutor_env.render_unknown(
self.config, docker_compose_jobs_tmp
tutor_env.pathjoin(self.root, "local", "docker-compose.tmp.yml"),
tutor_env.pathjoin(self.root, "local", "docker-compose.jobs.tmp.yml"),
def run_job(self, service: str, command: str) -> int:
Run the "{{ service }}-job" service from local/docker-compose.jobs.yml with the
specified command.
run_command = []
for docker_compose_path in self.docker_compose_job_files:
path = tutor_env.pathjoin(self.root, docker_compose_path)
if os.path.exists(path):
run_command += ["-f", path]
run_command += ["run", "--rm"]
if not utils.is_a_tty():
run_command += ["-T"]
job_service_name = f"{service}-job"
return self.docker_compose(
class BaseComposeContext(BaseJobContext):
def job_runner(self, config: Config) -> ComposeJobRunner:
raise NotImplementedError
class MountParam(click.ParamType):
Parser for --mount arguments of the form "service1[,service2,...]:/host/path:/container/path".
name = "mount"
MountType = t.Tuple[str, str, str]
# Note that this syntax does not allow us to include colon ':' characters in paths
r"(?P<services>[a-zA-Z0-9-_, ]+):(?P<host_path>[^:]+):(?P<container_path>[^:]+)"
def convert(
value: str,
param: t.Optional["click.Parameter"],
ctx: t.Optional[click.Context],
) -> t.List["MountType"]:
mounts: t.List["MountParam.MountType"] = []
match = re.match(self.PARAM_REGEXP, value)
if match:
# Argument is of the form "containers:/host/path:/container/path"
services: t.List[str] = [
service.strip() for service in match["services"].split(",")
host_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(match["host_path"]))
host_path = host_path.replace(os.path.sep, "/")
container_path = match["container_path"]
for service in services:
if not service:
f"incorrect services syntax: '{match['services']}'", param, ctx
mounts.append((service, host_path, container_path))
# Argument is of the form "/host/path"
host_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(value))
volumes: t.Iterator[
t.Tuple[str, str]
] = hooks.Filters.COMPOSE_MOUNTS.iterate(os.path.basename(host_path))
for service, container_path in volumes:
mounts.append((service, host_path, container_path))
if not mounts:
raise self.fail(f"no mount found for {value}", param, ctx)
return mounts
mount_option = click.option(
help="""Bind-mount a folder from the host in the right containers. This option can take two different forms. The first one is explicit: 'service1[,service2...]:/host/path:/container/path'. The other is implicit: '/host/path'. Arguments passed in the implicit form will be parsed by plugins to define the right folders to bind-mount from the host.""",
short_help="Run all or a selection of services.",
help="Run all or a selection of services. Docker images will be rebuilt where necessary.",
@click.option("--skip-build", is_flag=True, help="Skip image building")
@click.option("-d", "--detach", is_flag=True, help="Start in daemon mode")
@click.argument("services", metavar="service", nargs=-1)
def start(
context: BaseComposeContext,
skip_build: bool,
detach: bool,
mounts: t.Tuple[t.List[MountParam.MountType]],
services: t.List[str],
) -> None:
command = ["up", "--remove-orphans"]
if not skip_build:
if detach:
# Start services
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
context.job_runner(config).docker_compose(*command, *services)
@click.command(help="Stop a running platform")
@click.argument("services", metavar="service", nargs=-1)
def stop(context: BaseComposeContext, services: t.List[str]) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
context.job_runner(config).docker_compose("stop", *services)
short_help="Reboot an existing platform",
help="This is more than just a restart: with reboot, the platform is fully stopped before being restarted again",
@click.option("-d", "--detach", is_flag=True, help="Start in daemon mode")
@click.argument("services", metavar="service", nargs=-1)
def reboot(context: click.Context, detach: bool, services: t.List[str]) -> None:
context.invoke(stop, services=services)
context.invoke(start, detach=detach, services=services)
short_help="Restart some components from a running platform.",
help="""Specify 'openedx' to restart the lms, cms and workers, or 'all' to
restart all services. Note that this performs a 'docker-compose restart', so new images
may not be taken into account. It is useful for reloading settings, for instance. To
fully stop the platform, use the 'reboot' command.""",
@click.argument("services", metavar="service", nargs=-1)
def restart(context: BaseComposeContext, services: t.List[str]) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
command = ["restart"]
if "all" in services:
for service in services:
if service == "openedx":
if config["RUN_LMS"]:
command += ["lms", "lms-worker"]
if config["RUN_CMS"]:
command += ["cms", "cms-worker"]
@click.command(help="Initialise all applications")
@click.option("-l", "--limit", help="Limit initialisation to this service or plugin")
def init(
context: BaseComposeContext,
limit: str,
mounts: t.Tuple[t.List[MountParam.MountType]],
) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
runner = context.job_runner(config)
jobs.initialise(runner, limit_to=limit)
@click.command(help="Create an Open edX user and interactively set their password")
@click.option("--superuser", is_flag=True, help="Make superuser")
@click.option("--staff", is_flag=True, help="Make staff user")
help="Specify password from the command line. If undefined, you will be prompted to input a password",
def createuser(
context: BaseComposeContext,
superuser: str,
staff: bool,
password: str,
name: str,
email: str,
) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
runner = context.job_runner(config)
command = jobs.create_user_command(superuser, staff, name, email, password=password)
runner.run_job("lms", command)
help="Assign a theme to the LMS and the CMS. To reset to the default theme , use 'default' as the theme name."
"Limit the theme to these domain names. By default, the theme is "
"applied to the LMS and the CMS, both in development and production mode"
def settheme(
context: BaseComposeContext, domains: t.List[str], theme_name: str
) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
runner = context.job_runner(config)
domains = domains or jobs.get_all_openedx_domains(config)
jobs.set_theme(theme_name, domains, runner)
@click.command(help="Import the demo course")
def importdemocourse(context: BaseComposeContext) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
runner = context.job_runner(config)
fmt.echo_info("Importing demo course")
short_help="Run a command in a new container",
"Run a command in a new container. This is a wrapper around `docker-compose run`. Any option or argument passed"
" to this command will be forwarded to docker-compose. Thus, you may use `-v` or `-p` to mount volumes and"
" expose ports."
context_settings={"ignore_unknown_options": True},
@click.argument("args", nargs=-1, required=True)
def run(
context: click.Context,
mounts: t.Tuple[t.List[MountParam.MountType]],
args: t.List[str],
) -> None:
extra_args = ["--rm"]
if not utils.is_a_tty():
context.invoke(dc_command, command="run", args=[*extra_args, *args])
help="Copy the contents of a container directory to a ready-to-bind-mount host directory",
def bindmount_command(context: BaseComposeContext, service: str, path: str) -> None:
This command is made obsolete by the --mount arguments.
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
host_path = bindmounts.create(context.job_runner(config), service, path)
f"Bind-mount volume created at {host_path}. You can now use it in all `local` and `dev` "
f"commands with the `--volume={path}` option."
short_help="Run a command in a running container",
"Run a command in a running container. This is a wrapper around `docker-compose exec`. Any option or argument"
" passed to this command will be forwarded to docker-compose. Thus, you may use `-e` to manually define"
" environment variables."
context_settings={"ignore_unknown_options": True},
@click.argument("args", nargs=-1, required=True)
def execute(context: click.Context, args: t.List[str]) -> None:
context.invoke(dc_command, command="exec", args=args)
short_help="View output from containers",
help="View output from containers. This is a wrapper around `docker-compose logs`.",
@click.option("-f", "--follow", is_flag=True, help="Follow log output")
@click.option("--tail", type=int, help="Number of lines to show from each container")
@click.argument("service", nargs=-1)
def logs(context: click.Context, follow: bool, tail: bool, service: str) -> None:
args = []
if follow:
if tail is not None:
args += ["--tail", str(tail)]
args += service
context.invoke(dc_command, command="logs", args=args)
@click.command(help="Print status information for containers")
def status(context: click.Context) -> None:
context.invoke(dc_command, command="ps")
short_help="Direct interface to docker-compose.",
"Direct interface to docker-compose. This is a wrapper around `docker-compose`. Most commands, options and"
" arguments passed to this command will be forwarded as-is to docker-compose."
context_settings={"ignore_unknown_options": True},
@click.argument("args", nargs=-1)
def dc_command(context: BaseComposeContext, command: str, args: t.List[str]) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
volumes, non_volume_args = bindmounts.parse_volumes(args)
volume_args = []
for volume_arg in volumes:
if ":" not in volume_arg:
# This is a bind-mounted volume from the "volumes/" folder.
host_bind_path = bindmounts.get_path(context.root, volume_arg)
if not os.path.exists(host_bind_path):
raise TutorError(
f"Bind-mount volume directory {host_bind_path} does not exist. It must first be created "
f"with the '{bindmount_command.name}' command."
volume_arg = f"{host_bind_path}:{volume_arg}"
volume_args += ["--volume", volume_arg]
context.job_runner(config).docker_compose(command, *volume_args, *non_volume_args)
def process_mount_arguments(mounts: t.Tuple[t.List[MountParam.MountType]]) -> None:
Process --mount arguments.
Most docker-compose commands support --mount arguments. This option
is used to bind-mount folders from the host. A docker-compose.tmp.yml is
generated at runtime and includes the bind-mounted volumes that were passed as CLI
Bind-mounts that are associated to "*-job" services will be added to the
docker-compose jobs file.
app_mounts: t.List[MountParam.MountType] = []
job_mounts: t.List[MountParam.MountType] = []
for mount in mounts:
for service, host_path, container_path in mount:
if service.endswith("-job"):
job_mounts.append((service, host_path, container_path))
app_mounts.append((service, host_path, container_path))
def _add_mounts(
docker_compose: t.Dict[str, t.Any], bind_mounts: t.List[MountParam.MountType]
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
services = docker_compose.setdefault("services", {})
for service, host_path, container_path in bind_mounts:
fmt.echo_info(f"Bind-mount: {host_path} -> {container_path} in {service}")
services.setdefault(service, {"volumes": []})
return docker_compose
# Save bind-mounts
def _add_mounts_to_docker_compose_tmp(
docker_compose_tmp: t.Dict[str, t.Any]
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
return _add_mounts(docker_compose_tmp, app_mounts)
def _add_mounts_to_docker_compose_jobs_tmp(
docker_compose_tmp: t.Dict[str, t.Any]
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
return _add_mounts(docker_compose_tmp, job_mounts)
def _mount_edx_platform(
volumes: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]], name: str
) -> t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]]:
When mounting edx-platform with `--mount=/path/to/edx-platform`, bind-mount the host
repo in the lms/cms containers.
if name == "edx-platform":
path = "/openedx/edx-platform"
volumes += [
("lms", path),
("cms", path),
("lms-worker", path),
("cms-worker", path),
("lms-job", path),
("cms-job", path),
return volumes
def add_commands(command_group: click.Group) -> None: