mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-06-01 22:00:48 +00:00
2023-06-14 21:08:49 +02:00

315 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
import os
import typing as t
import click
from tutor import config as tutor_config
from tutor import env as tutor_env
from tutor import exceptions, hooks, images, types, utils
from tutor.commands.context import Context
from tutor.core.hooks import Filter
from tutor.types import Config
("openedx", "DOCKER_IMAGE_OPENEDX"),
("permissions", "DOCKER_IMAGE_PERMISSIONS"),
def _add_core_images_to_build(
build_images: list[tuple[str, tuple[str, ...], str, tuple[str, ...]]],
config: Config,
) -> list[tuple[str, tuple[str, ...], str, tuple[str, ...]]]:
Add base images to the list of Docker images to build on `tutor build all`.
for image, tag in BASE_IMAGE_NAMES:
(image, ("build", image), tutor_config.get_typed(config, tag, str), ())
# Build openedx-dev image
("build", "openedx"),
tutor_config.get_typed(config, "DOCKER_IMAGE_OPENEDX_DEV", str),
f"--build-arg=APP_USER_ID={utils.get_user_id() or 1000}",
return build_images
def _add_images_to_pull(
remote_images: list[tuple[str, str]], config: Config
) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
Add base and vendor images to the list of Docker images to pull on `tutor pull all`.
vendor_images = [
("caddy", "DOCKER_IMAGE_CADDY"),
("elasticsearch", "DOCKER_IMAGE_ELASTICSEARCH"),
("mongodb", "DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB"),
("mysql", "DOCKER_IMAGE_MYSQL"),
("redis", "DOCKER_IMAGE_REDIS"),
("smtp", "DOCKER_IMAGE_SMTP"),
for image, tag_name in vendor_images:
if config.get(f"RUN_{image.upper()}", True):
remote_images.append((image, tutor_config.get_typed(config, tag_name, str)))
for image, tag in BASE_IMAGE_NAMES:
remote_images.append((image, tutor_config.get_typed(config, tag, str)))
return remote_images
def _add_core_images_to_push(
remote_images: list[tuple[str, str]], config: Config
) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
Add base images to the list of Docker images to push on `tutor push all`.
for image, tag in BASE_IMAGE_NAMES:
remote_images.append((image, tutor_config.get_typed(config, tag, str)))
return remote_images
@click.group(name="images", short_help="Manage docker images")
def images_command() -> None:
@click.argument("image_names", metavar="image", nargs=-1)
"--no-cache", is_flag=True, help="Do not use cache when building the image"
help="Do not use registry cache when building the image",
help="Push the build cache to the remote registry. You should only enable this option if you have push rights to the remote registry.",
# Export image to docker. This is necessary to make the image available to docker-compose.
# The `--load` option is a shorthand for `--output=type=docker`.
help="Same as `docker build --output=...`. This option will only be used when BuildKit is enabled.",
help="Set build-time docker ARGS in the form 'myarg=value'. This option may be specified multiple times.",
help="Set a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip).",
help="Set the target build stage to build.",
help="Set extra options for docker build command.",
def build(
context: Context,
image_names: list[str],
no_cache: bool,
no_registry_cache: bool,
cache_to_registry: bool,
docker_output: str,
build_args: list[str],
add_hosts: list[str],
target: str,
docker_args: list[str],
) -> None:
Build docker images
Build the docker images necessary for an Open edX platform. By default, the remote
registry cache will be used for better performance.
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
command_args = []
if no_cache:
for build_arg in build_args:
command_args += ["--build-arg", build_arg]
for add_host in add_hosts:
command_args += ["--add-host", add_host]
if target:
command_args += ["--target", target]
if utils.is_buildkit_enabled() and docker_output:
if docker_args:
command_args += docker_args
# Build context mounts
build_contexts = get_image_build_contexts(config)
for image in image_names:
for name, path, tag, custom_args in find_images_to_build(config, image):
image_build_args = [*command_args, *custom_args]
# Registry cache
if not no_registry_cache:
if cache_to_registry:
# Build contexts
for host_path, stage_name in build_contexts.get(name, []):
# Build
tutor_env.pathjoin(context.root, *path),
def get_image_build_contexts(config: Config) -> dict[str, list[tuple[str, str]]]:
Return all build contexts for all images.
A build context is to bind-mount a host directory at build-time. This is useful, for
instance to build a Docker image with a local git checkout of a remote repo.
Users configure bind-mounts with the `MOUNTS` config setting. Plugins can then
automaticall add build contexts based on these values.
user_mounts = types.get_typed(config, "MOUNTS", list)
build_contexts: dict[str, list[tuple[str, str]]] = {}
for user_mount in user_mounts:
for image_name, stage_name in hooks.Filters.IMAGES_BUILD_MOUNTS.iterate(
if image_name not in build_contexts:
build_contexts[image_name] = []
build_contexts[image_name].append((user_mount, stage_name))
return build_contexts
def _mount_edx_platform(
volumes: list[tuple[str, str]], path: str
) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
Automatically add an edx-platform repo from the host to the build context whenever
it is added to the `MOUNTS` setting.
if os.path.basename(path) == "edx-platform":
volumes.append(("openedx", "edx-platform"))
volumes.append(("openedx-dev", "edx-platform"))
return volumes
@click.command(short_help="Pull images from the Docker registry")
@click.argument("image_names", metavar="image", nargs=-1)
def pull(context: Context, image_names: list[str]) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load_full(context.root)
for image in image_names:
for tag in find_remote_image_tags(config, hooks.Filters.IMAGES_PULL, image):
@click.command(short_help="Push images to the Docker registry")
@click.argument("image_names", metavar="image", nargs=-1)
def push(context: Context, image_names: list[str]) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load_full(context.root)
for image in image_names:
for tag in find_remote_image_tags(config, hooks.Filters.IMAGES_PUSH, image):
@click.command(short_help="Print tag associated to a Docker image")
@click.argument("image_names", metavar="image", nargs=-1)
def printtag(context: Context, image_names: list[str]) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load_full(context.root)
for image in image_names:
for _name, _path, tag, _args in find_images_to_build(config, image):
def find_images_to_build(
config: Config, image: str
) -> t.Iterator[tuple[str, tuple[str, ...], str, tuple[str, ...]]]:
Iterate over all images to build.
If no corresponding image is found, raise exception.
Yield: (name, path, tag, build args)
found = False
for name, path, tag, args in hooks.Filters.IMAGES_BUILD.iterate(config):
if image in [name, "all"]:
found = True
tag = tutor_env.render_str(config, tag)
yield (name, path, tag, args)
if not found:
raise ImageNotFoundError(image)
def find_remote_image_tags(
config: Config,
filtre: Filter[list[tuple[str, str]], [Config]],
image: str,
) -> t.Iterator[str]:
Iterate over all images to push or pull.
If no corresponding image is found, raise exception.
Yield: tag
all_remote_images = filtre.iterate(config)
found = False
for name, tag in all_remote_images:
if image in [name, "all"]:
found = True
yield tutor_env.render_str(config, tag)
if not found:
raise ImageNotFoundError(image)
class ImageNotFoundError(exceptions.TutorError):
def __init__(self, image_name: str):
super().__init__(f"Image '{image_name}' could not be found")