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synced 2025-02-04 10:18:26 +00:00
I stumbled upon a bug that should have been detected by the type checking. Turns out, considering that config is of type Dict[str, Any] means that we can use just any method on all config values -- which is terrible. I discovered this after I set `config["PLUGINS"] = None`: this triggered a crash when I enabled a plugin. We resolve this by making the Config type more explicit. We also take the opportunity to remove a few cast statements.
179 lines
7.2 KiB
179 lines
7.2 KiB
import os
import tempfile
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
from tutor import config as tutor_config
from tutor import env
from tutor import fmt
from tutor import exceptions
from tutor.types import Config
class EnvTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_walk_templates(self) -> None:
renderer = env.Renderer({}, [env.TEMPLATES_ROOT])
templates = list(renderer.walk_templates("local"))
self.assertIn("local/docker-compose.yml", templates)
def test_walk_templates_partials_are_ignored(self) -> None:
template_name = "apps/openedx/settings/partials/common_all.py"
renderer = env.Renderer({}, [env.TEMPLATES_ROOT], ignore_folders=["partials"])
templates = list(renderer.walk_templates("apps"))
self.assertIn(template_name, renderer.environment.loader.list_templates()) # type: ignore
self.assertNotIn(template_name, templates)
def test_is_binary_file(self) -> None:
def test_find_os_path(self) -> None:
renderer = env.Renderer({}, [env.TEMPLATES_ROOT])
path = renderer.find_os_path("local/docker-compose.yml")
def test_pathjoin(self) -> None:
"/tmp/env/target/dummy", env.pathjoin("/tmp", "target", "dummy")
self.assertEqual("/tmp/env/dummy", env.pathjoin("/tmp", "dummy"))
def test_render_str(self) -> None:
"hello world", env.render_str({"name": "world"}, "hello {{ name }}")
def test_common_domain(self) -> None:
{"d1": "d1.mydomain.com", "d2": "d2.mydomain.com"},
"{{ d1|common_domain(d2) }}",
def test_render_str_missing_configuration(self) -> None:
self.assertRaises(exceptions.TutorError, env.render_str, {}, "hello {{ name }}")
def test_render_file(self) -> None:
config: Config = {}
tutor_config.merge(config, tutor_config.load_defaults())
config["MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"] = "testpassword"
rendered = env.render_file(config, "hooks", "mysql", "init")
self.assertIn("testpassword", rendered)
@patch.object(tutor_config.fmt, "echo")
def test_render_file_missing_configuration(self, _: Mock) -> None:
exceptions.TutorError, env.render_file, {}, "local", "docker-compose.yml"
def test_save_full(self) -> None:
defaults = tutor_config.load_defaults()
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as root:
config = tutor_config.load_current(root, defaults)
tutor_config.merge(config, defaults)
with patch.object(fmt, "STDOUT"):
env.save(root, config)
os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, "env", "local", "docker-compose.yml"))
def test_save_full_with_https(self) -> None:
defaults = tutor_config.load_defaults()
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as root:
config = tutor_config.load_current(root, defaults)
tutor_config.merge(config, defaults)
config["ENABLE_HTTPS"] = True
with patch.object(fmt, "STDOUT"):
env.save(root, config)
with open(os.path.join(root, "env", "apps", "caddy", "Caddyfile")) as f:
self.assertIn("www.myopenedx.com {", f.read())
def test_patch(self) -> None:
patches = {"plugin1": "abcd", "plugin2": "efgh"}
with patch.object(
env.plugins, "iter_patches", return_value=patches.items()
) as mock_iter_patches:
rendered = env.render_str({}, '{{ patch("location") }}')
mock_iter_patches.assert_called_once_with({}, "location")
self.assertEqual("abcd\nefgh", rendered)
def test_patch_separator_suffix(self) -> None:
patches = {"plugin1": "abcd", "plugin2": "efgh"}
with patch.object(env.plugins, "iter_patches", return_value=patches.items()):
rendered = env.render_str(
{}, '{{ patch("location", separator=",\n", suffix=",") }}'
self.assertEqual("abcd,\nefgh,", rendered)
def test_plugin_templates(self) -> None:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as plugin_templates:
# Create plugin
plugin1 = env.plugins.DictPlugin(
{"name": "plugin1", "version": "0", "templates": plugin_templates}
# Create two templates
os.makedirs(os.path.join(plugin_templates, "plugin1", "apps"))
with open(
os.path.join(plugin_templates, "plugin1", "unrendered.txt"), "w"
) as f:
f.write("This file should not be rendered")
with open(
os.path.join(plugin_templates, "plugin1", "apps", "rendered.txt"), "w"
) as f:
f.write("Hello my ID is {{ ID }}")
# Create configuration
config: Config = {"ID": "abcd"}
# Render templates
with patch.object(
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as root:
# Render plugin templates
env.save_plugin_templates(plugin1, root, config)
# Check that plugin template was rendered
dst_unrendered = os.path.join(
root, "env", "plugins", "plugin1", "unrendered.txt"
dst_rendered = os.path.join(
root, "env", "plugins", "plugin1", "apps", "rendered.txt"
with open(dst_rendered) as f:
self.assertEqual("Hello my ID is abcd", f.read())
def test_renderer_is_reset_on_config_change(self) -> None:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as plugin_templates:
plugin1 = env.plugins.DictPlugin(
{"name": "plugin1", "version": "0", "templates": plugin_templates}
# Create one template
os.makedirs(os.path.join(plugin_templates, plugin1.name))
with open(
os.path.join(plugin_templates, plugin1.name, "myplugin.txt"), "w"
) as f:
f.write("some content")
# Load env once
config: Config = {"PLUGINS": []}
env1 = env.Renderer.instance(config).environment
with patch.object(
# Load env a second time
config["PLUGINS"] = ["myplugin"]
env2 = env.Renderer.instance(config).environment
self.assertNotIn("plugin1/myplugin.txt", env1.loader.list_templates()) # type: ignore
self.assertIn("plugin1/myplugin.txt", env2.loader.list_templates()) # type: ignore