mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-06-27 17:03:29 +00:00
2023-06-14 21:08:49 +02:00

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from __future__ import annotations
import os
import click
import yaml
from tutor import bindmount
from tutor import config as tutor_config
from tutor import exceptions, fmt, hooks
from tutor.commands.config import save as config_save
from tutor.commands.context import Context
from tutor.commands.params import ConfigLoaderParam
class MountParamType(ConfigLoaderParam):
name = "mount"
def shell_complete(
self, ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, incomplete: str
) -> list[click.shell_completion.CompletionItem]:
mounts = bindmount.get_mounts(self.config)
return [
for mount in mounts
if mount.startswith(incomplete)
def mounts_command() -> None:
Manage host bind-mounts
Bind-mounted folders are used both in image building, development (`dev` commands)
and `local` deployments.
def mounts_list(context: Context) -> None:
List bind-mounted folders
Entries will be fetched from the `MOUNTS` project setting.
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
mounts = []
for mount_name in bindmount.get_mounts(config):
build_mounts = [
{"image": image_name, "context": stage_name}
for image_name, stage_name in hooks.Filters.IMAGES_BUILD_MOUNTS.iterate(
compose_mounts = [
"service": service,
"container_path": container_path,
for service, _host_path, container_path in bindmount.parse_mount(mount_name)
"name": mount_name,
"build_mounts": build_mounts,
"compose_mounts": compose_mounts,
fmt.echo(yaml.dump(mounts, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False))
@click.argument("mounts", metavar="mount", type=click.Path(), nargs=-1)
def mounts_add(context: click.Context, mounts: list[str]) -> None:
Add a bind-mounted folder
The bind-mounted folder will be added to the project configuration, in the ``MOUNTS``
Values passed to this command can take one of two forms. The first is explicit::
tutor mounts add myservice:/host/path:/container/path
The second is implicit::
tutor mounts add /host/path
With the explicit form, the value means "bind-mount the host folder /host/path to
/container/path in the "myservice" container at run time".
With the implicit form, plugins are in charge of automatically detecting in which
containers and locations the /host/path folder should be bind-mounted. In this case,
folders can be bind-mounted at build-time -- which cannot be achieved with the
explicit form.
new_mounts = []
for mount in mounts:
if not bindmount.parse_explicit_mount(mount):
# Path is implicit: check that this path is valid
# (we don't try to validate explicit mounts)
mount = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(mount))
if not os.path.exists(mount):
raise exceptions.TutorError(f"Path {mount} does not exist on the host")
fmt.echo_info(f"Adding bind-mount: {mount}")
context.invoke(config_save, append_vars=[("MOUNTS", mount) for mount in new_mounts])
@click.argument("mounts", metavar="mount", type=MountParamType(), nargs=-1)
def mounts_remove(context: click.Context, mounts: list[str]) -> None:
Remove a bind-mounted folder
The bind-mounted folder will be removed from the ``MOUNTS`` project setting.
removed_mounts = []
for mount in mounts:
if not bindmount.parse_explicit_mount(mount):
# Path is implicit: expand it
mount = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(mount))
fmt.echo_info(f"Removing bind-mount: {mount}")
config_save, remove_vars=[("MOUNTS", mount) for mount in removed_mounts]