mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-06-08 17:02:19 +00:00

289 lines
13 KiB

{% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.4{% endif %}
###### Minimal image with base system requirements for most stages
FROM docker.io/ubuntu:20.04 as minimal
LABEL maintainer="Overhang.io <contact@overhang.io>"
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked{% endif %} \
apt update && \
apt install -y build-essential curl git language-pack-en
{{ patch("openedx-dockerfile-minimal") }}
###### Install python with pyenv in /opt/pyenv and create virtualenv in /openedx/venv
FROM minimal as python
# https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/wiki/Common-build-problems#prerequisites
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked {% endif %}apt update && \
apt install -y libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \
libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \
xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev python-openssl git
# Install pyenv
# https://www.python.org/downloads/
# https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/releases
ENV PYENV_ROOT /opt/pyenv
RUN git clone https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv $PYENV_ROOT --branch v2.3.17 --depth 1
# Install Python
# Create virtualenv
RUN $PYENV_ROOT/versions/$PYTHON_VERSION/bin/python -m venv /openedx/venv
###### Checkout edx-platform code
FROM minimal as code
RUN mkdir -p /openedx/edx-platform && \
git clone $EDX_PLATFORM_REPOSITORY --branch $EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION --depth 1 /openedx/edx-platform
WORKDIR /openedx/edx-platform
# Identify tutor user to apply patches using git
RUN git config --global user.email "tutor@overhang.io" \
&& git config --global user.name "Tutor"
{%- if patch("openedx-dockerfile-git-patches-default") %}
# Custom edx-platform patches
{{ patch("openedx-dockerfile-git-patches-default") }}
{%- else %}
# Patch edx-platform
{%- endif %}
{# Example: RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/commit/<GITSHA1>.patch | git am #}
{{ patch("openedx-dockerfile-post-git-checkout") }}
##### Empty layer with just the repo at the root.
# This is useful when overriding the build context with a host repo:
# docker build --build-context edx-platform=/path/to/edx-platform
FROM scratch as edx-platform
COPY --from=code /openedx/edx-platform /
###### Download extra locales to /openedx/locale/contrib/locale
FROM minimal as locales
RUN cd /tmp \
&& curl -L -o openedx-i18n.tar.gz https://github.com/openedx/openedx-i18n/archive/$OPENEDX_I18N_VERSION.tar.gz \
&& tar xzf /tmp/openedx-i18n.tar.gz \
&& mkdir -p /openedx/locale/contrib \
&& mv openedx-i18n-*/edx-platform/locale /openedx/locale/contrib \
&& rm -rf openedx-i18n*
###### Install python requirements in virtualenv
FROM python as python-requirements
ENV PATH /openedx/venv/bin:${PATH}
ENV VIRTUAL_ENV /openedx/venv/
ENV XDG_CACHE_HOME /openedx/.cache
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked {% endif %}apt update \
&& apt install -y software-properties-common libmysqlclient-dev libxmlsec1-dev libgeos-dev
# Install the right version of pip/setuptools
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install \
# https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/
# https://pypi.org/project/pip/
# https://pypi.org/project/wheel/
setuptools==67.6.1 pip==23.0.1. wheel==0.40.0
# Install base requirements
{% if not is_buildkit_enabled() %}
COPY --from=edx-platform /requirements/edx/base.txt /openedx/edx-platform/requirements/edx/base.txt
{% endif %}
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=bind,from=edx-platform,source=/requirements/edx/base.txt,target=/openedx/edx-platform/requirements/edx/base.txt \
--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install -r /openedx/edx-platform/requirements/edx/base.txt
# Install extra requirements
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install \
# Use redis as a django cache https://pypi.org/project/django-redis/
django-redis==5.2.0 \
# uwsgi server https://pypi.org/project/uWSGI/
{{ patch("openedx-dockerfile-post-python-requirements") }}
# Install private requirements: this is useful for installing custom xblocks.
COPY ./requirements/ /openedx/requirements
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}cd /openedx/requirements/ \
&& touch ./private.txt \
&& pip install -r ./private.txt
{% for extra_requirements in OPENEDX_EXTRA_PIP_REQUIREMENTS %}RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install '{{ extra_requirements }}'
{% endfor %}
###### Install nodejs with nodeenv in /openedx/nodeenv
FROM python as nodejs-requirements
ENV PATH /openedx/nodeenv/bin:/openedx/venv/bin:${PATH}
# Install nodeenv with the version provided by edx-platform
# https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/blob/master/requirements/edx/base.txt
# https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/releases
RUN pip install nodeenv==1.7.0
RUN nodeenv /openedx/nodeenv --node=16.14.0 --prebuilt
# Install nodejs requirements
WORKDIR /openedx/edx-platform
{% if not is_buildkit_enabled() %}
COPY --from=edx-platform /package.json /openedx/edx-platform/package.json
COPY --from=edx-platform /package-lock.json /openedx/edx-platform/package-lock.json
{% endif %}
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=bind,from=edx-platform,source=/package.json,target=/openedx/edx-platform/package.json \
--mount=type=bind,from=edx-platform,source=/package-lock.json,target=/openedx/edx-platform/package-lock.json \
--mount=type=cache,target=/root/.npm,sharing=shared {% endif %}npm clean-install --no-audit --registry=$NPM_REGISTRY
###### Production image with system and python requirements
FROM minimal as production
# Install system requirements
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked {% endif %}apt update \
&& apt install -y gettext gfortran graphviz graphviz-dev libffi-dev libfreetype6-dev libgeos-dev libjpeg8-dev liblapack-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpng-dev libsqlite3-dev libxmlsec1-dev lynx mysql-client ntp pkg-config rdfind
# From then on, run as unprivileged "app" user
# Note that this must always be different from root (APP_USER_ID=0)
RUN if [ "$APP_USER_ID" = 0 ]; then echo "app user may not be root" && false; fi
RUN useradd --home-dir /openedx --create-home --shell /bin/bash --uid ${APP_USER_ID} app
# https://hub.docker.com/r/powerman/dockerize/tags
COPY {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--link {% endif %}--from=docker.io/powerman/dockerize:0.19.0 /usr/local/bin/dockerize /usr/local/bin/dockerize
COPY --chown=app:app --from=edx-platform / /openedx/edx-platform
COPY --chown=app:app --from=locales /openedx/locale /openedx/locale
COPY --chown=app:app --from=python /opt/pyenv /opt/pyenv
COPY --chown=app:app --from=python-requirements /openedx/venv /openedx/venv
COPY --chown=app:app --from=python-requirements /openedx/requirements /openedx/requirements
COPY --chown=app:app --from=nodejs-requirements /openedx/nodeenv /openedx/nodeenv
COPY --chown=app:app --from=nodejs-requirements /openedx/edx-platform/node_modules /openedx/node_modules
# Symlink node_modules such that we can bind-mount the edx-platform repository
RUN ln -s /openedx/node_modules /openedx/edx-platform/node_modules
ENV PATH /openedx/venv/bin:./node_modules/.bin:/openedx/nodeenv/bin:${PATH}
ENV VIRTUAL_ENV /openedx/venv/
WORKDIR /openedx/edx-platform
# We install edx-platform here because it creates an egg-info folder in the current
# repo. We need both the source code and the virtualenv to run this command.
RUN pip install -e .
# Create folder that will store lms/cms.env.yml files, as well as
# the tutor-specific settings files.
RUN mkdir -p /openedx/config ./lms/envs/tutor ./cms/envs/tutor
COPY --chown=app:app revisions.yml /openedx/config/
ENV LMS_CFG /openedx/config/lms.env.yml
ENV CMS_CFG /openedx/config/cms.env.yml
ENV REVISION_CFG /openedx/config/revisions.yml
COPY --chown=app:app settings/lms/*.py ./lms/envs/tutor/
COPY --chown=app:app settings/cms/*.py ./cms/envs/tutor/
# Copy user-specific locales to /openedx/locale/user/locale and compile them
RUN mkdir /openedx/locale/user
COPY --chown=app:app ./locale/ /openedx/locale/user/locale/
RUN cd /openedx/locale/user && \
django-admin compilemessages -v1
# Compile i18n strings: in some cases, js locales are not properly compiled out of the box
# and we need to do a pass ourselves. Also, we need to compile the djangojs.js files for
# the downloaded locales.
RUN ./manage.py lms --settings=tutor.i18n compilejsi18n
RUN ./manage.py cms --settings=tutor.i18n compilejsi18n
# Copy scripts
COPY --chown=app:app ./bin /openedx/bin
RUN chmod a+x /openedx/bin/*
ENV PATH /openedx/bin:${PATH}
{{ patch("openedx-dockerfile-pre-assets") }}
# Collect production assets. By default, only assets from the default theme
# will be processed. This makes the docker image lighter and faster to build.
# Only the custom themes added to /openedx/themes will be compiled.
# Here, we don't run "paver update_assets" which is slow, compiles all themes
# and requires a complex settings file. Instead, we decompose the commands
# and run each one individually to collect the production static assets to
# /openedx/staticfiles.
# We need to rely on a separate openedx-assets command to accelerate asset processing.
# For instance, we don't want to run all steps of asset collection every time the theme
# is modified.
RUN openedx-assets xmodule \
&& openedx-assets npm \
&& openedx-assets webpack --env=prod \
&& openedx-assets common
COPY --chown=app:app ./themes/ /openedx/themes/
RUN openedx-assets themes \
&& openedx-assets collect --settings=tutor.assets \
# De-duplicate static assets with symlinks
&& rdfind -makesymlinks true -followsymlinks true /openedx/staticfiles/
# Create a data directory, which might be used (or not)
RUN mkdir /openedx/data
# If this "canary" file is missing from a container, then that indicates that a
# local edx-platform was bind-mounted into that container, thus overwriting the
# canary. This information is useful during edx-platform initialisation.
RUN echo \
"This copy of edx-platform was built into a Docker image." \
> bindmount-canary
# service variant is "lms" or "cms"
ENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE lms.envs.tutor.production
{{ patch("openedx-dockerfile") }}
###### Intermediate image with dev/test dependencies
FROM production as development
# Install useful system requirements (as root)
USER root
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked {% endif %}apt update && \
apt install -y vim iputils-ping dnsutils telnet
USER app
# Install dev python requirements
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install -r requirements/edx/development.txt
# https://pypi.org/project/ipdb/
# https://pypi.org/project/ipython
RUN {% if is_buildkit_enabled() %}--mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared {% endif %}pip install ipdb==0.13.13 ipython==8.12.0
# Add ipdb as default PYTHONBREAKPOINT
# Recompile static assets: in development mode all static assets are stored in edx-platform,
# and the location of these files is stored in webpack-stats.json. If we don't recompile
# static assets, then production assets will be served instead.
RUN rm -r /openedx/staticfiles && \
mkdir /openedx/staticfiles && \
openedx-assets webpack --env=dev
{{ patch("openedx-dev-dockerfile-post-python-requirements") }}
# Default django settings
ENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE lms.envs.tutor.development
CMD ./manage.py $SERVICE_VARIANT runserver
###### Final image with production cmd
FROM production as final
# Default amount of uWSGI processes
# Copy the default uWSGI configuration
COPY --chown=app:app settings/uwsgi.ini .
# Run server
CMD uwsgi uwsgi.ini
{{ patch("openedx-dockerfile-final") }}