mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-05-28 20:00:49 +00:00
Régis Behmo c0d79463ff v14.2.2 (2022-11-29)
- [Bugfix] Fix `jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError: expected token 'end of statement block', got '|'` error by bumping the minimum required version of the Jinja2 package.
- [Feature] Add support for MongoDB SSL, authentication source, mechanism and replica set via the `MONGODB_USE_SSL`, `MONGODB_AUTH_MECHANISM`, `MONGODB_AUTH_SOURCE`, `MONGODB_REPLICA_SET` settings. (by @zakum1 and @regisb)
- [Bugfix] Fix tag of "openedx" development Docker image. Previously, this Docker tag did not include the Tutor version. As a consequence, a different cached image could be used in some cases. For instance: when running `tutor dev run` commands. Now, the image tag is "openedx-dev:TUTOR_VERSION".
- [Bugfix] Fix name of Swahili locale: it is "sw-ke" and not "sw" (by @regisb).
- [Security] Apply drag-n-drop v2 xblock [security patch](https://discuss.openedx.org/t/upcoming-security-release-xblock-drag-and-drop-v2/8768/7). (by @regisb)
2022-11-29 11:27:35 +01:00

29 lines
1.1 KiB

import os
# Increment this version number to trigger a new release. See
# docs/tutor.html#versioning for information on the versioning scheme.
__version__ = "14.2.2"
# The version suffix will be appended to the actual version, separated by a
# dash. Use this suffix to differentiate between the actual released version and
# the versions from other branches. For instance: set the suffix to "nightly" in
# the nightly branch.
# The suffix is cleanly separated from the __version__ in this module to avoid
# conflicts when merging branches.
__version_suffix__ = ""
# The app name will be used to define the name of the default tutor root and
# plugin directory. To avoid conflicts between multiple locally-installed
# versions, if it is defined the version suffix will also be appended to the app
# name.
__app__ = os.environ.get("TUTOR_APP", "tutor")
# Package version, as installed by pip, does not include the version suffix.
# Otherwise, nightly plugins will automatically install non-nightly Tutor
# version.
__package_version__ = __version__
if __version_suffix__:
__version__ += "-" + __version_suffix__
__app__ += "-" + __version_suffix__