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synced 2025-02-13 22:40:19 +00:00
Templated hooks we almost completely useless, so we get rid of them. This allows us to get rid entirely of hook names and hook indexes, which makes the whole implementation much simpler. Hook removal (with `clear_all`) is achieved thanks to weak references.
541 lines
17 KiB
541 lines
17 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import re
import shutil
import typing as t
from copy import deepcopy
import jinja2
import pkg_resources
from tutor import exceptions, fmt, hooks, plugins, utils
from tutor.__about__ import __app__, __version__
from tutor.types import Config, ConfigValue
TEMPLATES_ROOT = pkg_resources.resource_filename("tutor", "templates")
BIN_FILE_EXTENSIONS = [".ico", ".jpg", ".patch", ".png", ".ttf", ".woff", ".woff2"]
JinjaFilter = t.Callable[..., t.Any]
def _prepare_environment() -> None:
Prepare environment by adding core data to filters.
# Core template targets
("apps/", ""),
("build/", ""),
("dev/", ""),
("k8s/", ""),
("local/", ""),
("kustomization.yml", ""),
# Template filters
("common_domain", utils.common_domain),
("encrypt", utils.encrypt),
("list_if", utils.list_if),
("long_to_base64", utils.long_to_base64),
("random_string", utils.random_string),
("reverse_host", utils.reverse_host),
("rsa_import_key", utils.rsa_import_key),
("rsa_private_key", utils.rsa_private_key),
# Template variables
("HOST_USER_ID", utils.get_user_id()),
("TUTOR_APP", __app__.replace("-", "_")),
("TUTOR_VERSION", __version__),
("is_buildkit_enabled", utils.is_buildkit_enabled),
class JinjaEnvironment(jinja2.Environment):
loader: jinja2.FileSystemLoader
def __init__(self) -> None:
template_roots = hooks.Filters.ENV_TEMPLATE_ROOTS.apply([TEMPLATES_ROOT])
loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_roots)
super().__init__(loader=loader, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined)
def read_str(self, template_name: str) -> str:
return self.read_bytes(template_name).decode()
def read_bytes(self, template_name: str) -> bytes:
with open(self.find_os_path(template_name), "rb") as f:
return f.read()
def find_os_path(self, template_name: str) -> str:
path = template_name.replace("/", os.sep)
for templates_root in self.loader.searchpath:
full_path = os.path.join(templates_root, path)
if os.path.exists(full_path):
return full_path
raise ValueError("Template path does not exist")
class Renderer:
def __init__(self, config: t.Optional[Config] = None):
self.config = deepcopy(config or {})
# Create environment with extra filters and globals
self.environment = JinjaEnvironment()
# Filters
plugin_filters = hooks.Filters.ENV_TEMPLATE_FILTERS.iterate()
for name, func in plugin_filters:
if name in self.environment.filters:
fmt.echo_alert(f"Found conflicting template filters named '{name}'")
self.environment.filters[name] = func
self.environment.filters["walk_templates"] = self.walk_templates
# Globals
for name, value in hooks.Filters.ENV_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES.iterate():
if name in self.environment.globals:
fmt.echo_alert(f"Found conflicting template variables named '{name}'")
self.environment.globals[name] = value
self.environment.globals["iter_values_named"] = self.iter_values_named
self.environment.globals["patch"] = self.patch
def iter_templates_in(self, *prefix: str) -> t.Iterable[str]:
The elements of `prefix` must contain only "/", and not os.sep.
full_prefix = "/".join(prefix)
env_templates: list[str] = self.environment.loader.list_templates()
for template in env_templates:
if template.startswith(full_prefix):
# Exclude templates that match certain patterns
# Note that here we don't rely on the OS separator, as we are handling templates.
if is_rendered(template):
yield template
def iter_values_named(
prefix: t.Optional[str] = None,
suffix: t.Optional[str] = None,
allow_empty: bool = False,
) -> t.Iterable[ConfigValue]:
Iterate on all config values for which the name match the given pattern.
Note that here we only iterate on the values, not the key names. Empty
values (those that evaluate to boolean `false`) will not be yielded, unless
`allow_empty` is True.
for var_name, value in self.config.items():
if prefix is not None and not var_name.startswith(prefix):
if suffix is not None and not var_name.endswith(suffix):
if not allow_empty and not value:
yield value
def walk_templates(self, subdir: str) -> t.Iterable[str]:
Iterate on the template files from `templates/<subdir>`.
path: template path relative to the template root
yield from self.iter_templates_in(subdir)
def patch(self, name: str, separator: str = "\n", suffix: str = "") -> str:
Render calls to {{ patch("...") }} in environment templates from plugin patches.
patches = []
for patch in plugins.iter_patches(name):
except exceptions.TutorError:
fmt.echo_error(f"Error rendering patch '{name}':\n{patch}")
rendered = separator.join(patches)
if rendered:
rendered += suffix
return rendered
def render_str(self, text: str) -> str:
template = self.environment.from_string(text)
except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError as e:
raise exceptions.TutorError(f"Template syntax error: {e.args[0]}")
return self.__render(template)
def render_template(self, template_name: str) -> t.Union[str, bytes]:
Render a template file. Return the corresponding string. If it's a binary file
(as indicated by its path), return bytes.
The template_name *always* uses "/" separators, and is not os-dependent. Do not pass the result of
os.path.join(...) to this function.
if is_binary_file(template_name):
# Don't try to render binary files
return self.environment.read_bytes(template_name)
template = self.environment.get_template(template_name)
except Exception:
fmt.echo_error("Error loading template " + template_name)
return self.__render(template)
except (jinja2.exceptions.TemplateError, exceptions.TutorError):
fmt.echo_error("Error rendering template " + template_name)
except Exception:
fmt.echo_error("Unknown error rendering template " + template_name)
def render_all_to(self, dst: str, *prefix: str) -> None:
`prefix` can be used to limit the templates to render.
for template_name in self.iter_templates_in(*prefix):
rendered = self.render_template(template_name)
template_dst = os.path.join(dst, template_name.replace("/", os.sep))
write_to(rendered, template_dst)
def __render(self, template: jinja2.Template) -> str:
return template.render(**self.config)
except jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError as e:
raise exceptions.TutorError(f"Missing configuration value: {e.args[0]}")
class PatchRenderer(Renderer):
Render patches for print it.
def __init__(self, config: t.Optional[Config] = None):
self.patches_locations: t.Dict[str, t.List[str]] = {}
self.current_template: str = ""
def render_template(self, template_name: str) -> t.Union[str, bytes]:
Set the current template and render template from Renderer.
self.current_template = template_name
return super().render_template(self.current_template)
def patch(self, name: str, separator: str = "\n", suffix: str = "") -> str:
Set the patches locations and render calls to {{ patch("...") }} from Renderer.
if not self.patches_locations.get(name):
self.patches_locations.update({name: [self.current_template]})
if self.current_template not in self.patches_locations[name]:
# Store the template's name, and replace it with the name of this patch.
# This handles the case where patches themselves include patches.
original_template = self.current_template
self.current_template = f"within patch: {name}"
rendered_patch = super().patch(name, separator=separator, suffix=suffix)
self.current_template = (
original_template # Restore the template's name from before.
return rendered_patch
def render_all(self, *prefix: str) -> None:
Render all templates.
for template_name in self.iter_templates_in(*prefix):
def print_patches_locations(self) -> None:
Print patches locations.
plugins_table: list[tuple[str, ...]] = [("PATCH", "LOCATIONS")]
for patch, locations in sorted(self.patches_locations.items()):
n_locations = 0
for location in locations:
if n_locations < 1:
plugins_table.append((patch, location))
n_locations += 1
plugins_table.append(("", location))
def is_rendered(path: str) -> bool:
Return whether the template should be rendered or not.
If the path matches an include pattern, it is rendered. If not and it matches an
ignore pattern, it is not rendered. By default, all files are rendered.
for include_pattern in hooks.Filters.ENV_PATTERNS_INCLUDE.iterate():
if re.match(include_pattern, path):
return True
for ignore_pattern in hooks.Filters.ENV_PATTERNS_IGNORE.iterate():
if re.match(ignore_pattern, path):
return False
return True
# Skip rendering some files that follow commonly-ignored patterns:
# .*
# *.pyc
# __pycache__
# partials
# Skip all hidden files
# Skip compiled python files
# Skip files from "partials" folders
def save(root: str, config: Config) -> None:
Save the full environment, including version information.
root_env = pathjoin(root)
for src, dst in hooks.Filters.ENV_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.iterate():
save_all_from(src, os.path.join(root_env, dst), config)
fmt.echo_info(f"Environment generated in {base_dir(root)}")
def upgrade_obsolete(_root: str) -> None:
Add here ad-hoc commands to upgrade the environment.
def save_all_from(prefix: str, dst: str, config: Config) -> None:
Render the templates that start with `prefix` and store them with the same
hierarchy at `dst`. Here, `prefix` can be the result of os.path.join(...).
renderer = Renderer(config)
renderer.render_all_to(dst, prefix.replace(os.sep, "/"))
def write_to(content: t.Union[str, bytes], path: str) -> None:
Write some content to a path. Content can be either str or bytes.
if isinstance(content, bytes):
with open(path, mode="wb") as of_binary:
with open(path, mode="w", encoding="utf8", newline="\n") as of_text:
def render_file(config: Config, *path: str) -> t.Union[str, bytes]:
Return the rendered contents of a template.
renderer = Renderer(config)
template_name = "/".join(path)
return renderer.render_template(template_name)
def render_unknown(config: Config, value: t.Any) -> t.Any:
Render an unknown `value` object with the selected config.
If `value` is a dict, its values are also rendered.
if isinstance(value, str):
return render_str(config, value)
if isinstance(value, dict):
return {k: render_unknown(config, v) for k, v in value.items()}
return value
def render_str(config: Config, text: str) -> str:
text (str)
config (dict)
substituted (str)
return Renderer(config).render_str(text)
def check_is_up_to_date(root: str) -> None:
if not is_up_to_date(root):
f"The current environment stored at {base_dir(root)} is not up-to-date: it is at "
f"v{current_version(root)} while the 'tutor' binary is at v{__version__}. You should upgrade "
f"the environment by running:\n"
f" tutor config save"
def is_up_to_date(root: str) -> bool:
Check if the currently rendered version is equal to the current tutor version.
current = current_version(root)
return current is None or current == __version__
def should_upgrade_from_release(root: str) -> t.Optional[str]:
Return the name of the currently installed release that we should upgrade from. Return None If we already run the
latest release.
current = current_version(root)
if current is None:
return None
current_as_int = int(current.split(".")[0])
required_as_int = int(__version__.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0])
if current_as_int >= required_as_int:
return None
return get_release(current)
def get_env_release(root: str) -> t.Optional[str]:
Return the Open edX release name from the current environment.
If the current environment has no version, return None.
version = current_version(root)
if version is None:
return None
return get_release(version)
def get_current_open_edx_release_name() -> str:
Return the release name associated to this package.
return get_release(__version__)
def get_release(version: str) -> str:
return {
"0": "ironwood",
"3": "ironwood",
"10": "juniper",
"11": "koa",
"12": "lilac",
"13": "maple",
"14": "nutmeg",
"15": "olive",
"16": "palm",
}[version.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0]]
def current_version(root: str) -> t.Optional[str]:
Return the current environment version. If the current environment has no version,
return None.
path = pathjoin(root, VERSION_FILENAME)
if not os.path.exists(path):
return None
with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as fi:
return fi.read().strip()
def read_template_file(*path: str) -> str:
Read raw content of template located at `path`.
The template may be located inside any of the template root folders.
return JinjaEnvironment().read_str("/".join(path))
def read_core_template_file(*path: str) -> str:
Read raw content of template located in tutor core template directory.
with open(os.path.join(TEMPLATES_ROOT, *path), encoding="utf-8") as fi:
return fi.read()
def is_binary_file(path: str) -> bool:
ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
def data_path(root: str, *path: str) -> str:
Return the file's absolute path inside the data directory.
return os.path.join(root_dir(root), "data", *path)
def pathjoin(root: str, *path: str) -> str:
Return the file's absolute path inside the environment.
return os.path.join(base_dir(root), *path)
def base_dir(root: str) -> str:
Return the environment base directory.
return os.path.join(root_dir(root), "env")
def root_dir(root: str) -> str:
Return the project root directory.
return os.path.abspath(root)
def _delete_plugin_templates(plugin: str, root: str, _config: Config) -> None:
Delete plugin env files on unload.
targets = hooks.Filters.ENV_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.iterate_from_context(
for src, dst in targets:
path = pathjoin(root, dst.replace("/", os.sep), src.replace("/", os.sep))
if os.path.exists(path):
fmt.echo_info(f" env - removing folder: {path}")
except PermissionError as e:
raise exceptions.TutorError(
f"Could not delete file {e.filename} from plugin {plugin} in folder {path}"