mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-09-26 19:29:03 +00:00
2020-01-14 12:01:06 +01:00

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from copy import deepcopy
import pkg_resources
from . import exceptions
class Plugins:
Tutor plugins are regular python packages that have a 'tutor.plugin.v0' entrypoint.
The API for Tutor plugins is currently in development. The entrypoint will switch to
'tutor.plugin.v1' once it is stabilised.
This entrypoint must point to a module or a class that implements one or more of the
following properties:
`patches` (dict str->str): entries in this dict will be used to patch the rendered
Tutor templates. For instance, to add "somecontent" to a template that includes '{{
patch("mypatch") }}', set: `patches["mypatch"] = "somecontent"`. It is recommended
to store all patches in separate files, and to dynamically list patches by listing
the contents of a "patches" subdirectory.
`templates` (str): path to a directory that includes new template files for the
plugin. It is recommended that all files in the template directory are stored in a
`myplugin` folder to avoid conflicts with other plugins. Plugin templates are useful
for content re-use, e.g: "{% include 'myplugin/mytemplate.html'}".
`hooks` (dict str->list[str]): hooks are commands that will be run at various points
during the lifetime of the platform. For instance, to run `service1` and `service2`
in sequence during initialization, you should define:
hooks["init"] = ["service1", "service2"]
It is then assumed that there are `myplugin/hooks/service1/init` and
`myplugin/hooks/service2/init` templates in the plugin `templates` directory.
ENTRYPOINT = "tutor.plugin.v0"
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = deepcopy(config)
self.patches = {}
self.hooks = {}
self.template_roots = {}
for plugin_name, plugin in self.iter_enabled():
patches = get_callable_attr(plugin, "patches", {})
for patch_name, content in patches.items():
if patch_name not in self.patches:
self.patches[patch_name] = {}
self.patches[patch_name][plugin_name] = content
hooks = get_callable_attr(plugin, "hooks", {})
for hook_name, services in hooks.items():
if hook_name not in self.hooks:
self.hooks[hook_name] = {}
self.hooks[hook_name][plugin_name] = services
templates_root = get_callable_attr(plugin, "templates")
if templates_root:
self.template_roots[plugin_name] = templates_root
def clear(cls):
cls.INSTANCE = None
def instance(cls, config):
if cls.INSTANCE is None or cls.INSTANCE.config != config:
cls.INSTANCE = cls(config)
return cls.INSTANCE
def iter_installed(cls):
yield from cls.EXTRA_INSTALLED.items()
for name, module in cls.iter_installed_entrypoints():
if name not in cls.EXTRA_INSTALLED:
yield name, module
def iter_installed_entrypoints(cls):
for entrypoint in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(cls.ENTRYPOINT):
yield (entrypoint.name, entrypoint.load())
def iter_enabled(self):
for name, plugin in self.iter_installed():
if is_enabled(self.config, name):
yield name, plugin
def iter_patches(self, name):
plugin_patches = self.patches.get(name, {})
plugins = sorted(plugin_patches.keys())
for plugin in plugins:
yield plugin, plugin_patches[plugin]
def iter_hooks(self, hook_name):
yield from self.hooks.get(hook_name, {}).items()
def iter_template_roots(self):
yield from self.template_roots.items()
def get_callable_attr(plugin, attr_name, default=None):
attr = getattr(plugin, attr_name, default)
if callable(attr):
attr = attr()
return attr
def is_installed(name):
plugin_names = [name for name, _ in iter_installed()]
return name in plugin_names
def iter_installed():
yield from Plugins.iter_installed()
def enable(config, name):
if not is_installed(name):
raise exceptions.TutorError("plugin '{}' is not installed.".format(name))
if is_enabled(config, name):
if CONFIG_KEY not in config:
config[CONFIG_KEY] = []
def disable(config, name):
while name in config[CONFIG_KEY]:
def iter_enabled(config):
yield from Plugins.instance(config).iter_enabled()
def is_enabled(config, name):
return name in config.get(CONFIG_KEY, [])
def iter_patches(config, name):
yield from Plugins.instance(config).iter_patches(name)
def iter_hooks(config, hook_name):
yield from Plugins.instance(config).iter_hooks(hook_name)
def iter_template_roots(config):
yield from Plugins.instance(config).iter_template_roots()
def iter_commands():
Iterate over all plugins that provide a `command` attribute.
for plugin_name, plugin in iter_installed():
command = getattr(plugin, "command", None)
if command:
yield plugin_name, command