mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2025-02-02 17:38:25 +00:00
Régis Behmo e60e0071c4 Make feature flags interactive
Feature flags are now asked to the user interactively, as part of the
configuration step. This makes defining feature flags much more simple.
2018-09-30 14:37:49 +02:00

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Raw Blame History

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.PHONY: all android configure build update migrate assets run daemonize
PWD ?= $$(pwd)
USERID ?= $$(id -u)
EDX_PLATFORM_SETTINGS ?= universal.production
DOCKER_COMPOSE = docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml
-include $(PWD)/config/Makefile.env
post_configure_targets =
ifneq ($(DISABLE_STATS), 1)
post_configure_targets += stats
ifeq ($(ACTIVATE_HTTPS), 1)
post_configure_targets += https-certificate
extra_migrate_targets =
ifeq ($(ACTIVATE_XQUEUE), 1)
extra_migrate_targets += migrate-xqueue
DOCKER_COMPOSE += -f docker-compose-xqueue.yml
ifeq ($(ACTIVATE_NOTES), 1)
extra_migrate_targets += migrate-notes
DOCKER_COMPOSE += -f docker-compose-notes.yml
DOCKER_COMPOSE += -f docker-compose-portainer.yml
DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN_OPENEDX += --volume="$(EDX_PLATFORM_PATH):/openedx/edx-platform"
##################### Running Open edX
# other targets are not listed as requirements in order to reload the env file
all: configure ## Configure and run a full-featured platform
@$(MAKE) post_configure
@$(MAKE) update
@$(MAKE) databases
@$(MAKE) assets
@$(MAKE) daemonize
@echo "All set \o/ You can access the LMS at http://localhost and the CMS at http://studio.localhost"
run: ## Run the complete platform
up: run
daemonize: ## Run the complete platform, with daemonization
@echo "Daemon is up and running"
daemon: daemonize
stop: ## Stop all services
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) rm --stop --force
##################### Configuration
configure: build-configurator ## Configure the environment prior to running the platform
docker run --rm -it --volume="$(PWD)/config:/openedx/config" \
post_configure: $(post_configure_targets)
##################### Database
databases: provision-databases migrate provision-oauth2 ## Bootstrap databases
provision-databases: ## Create necessary databases and users
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN) lms /openedx/config/provision.sh
provision-oauth2: ## Create users for SSO between services
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN) lms /openedx/config/oauth2.sh
migrate: migrate-openedx migrate-forum $(extra_migrate_targets) ## Perform all database migrations
migrate-openedx: ## Perform database migrations on LMS/CMS
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN) lms bash -c "dockerize -wait tcp://mysql:3306 -timeout 20s && ./manage.py lms migrate"
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN) cms bash -c "dockerize -wait tcp://mysql:3306 -timeout 20s && ./manage.py cms migrate"
$(MAKE) reindex-courses
migrate-forum: ## Perform database migrations on discussion forums
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN) forum bash -c "bundle exec rake search:initialize && \
bundle exec rake search:rebuild_index"
migrate-notes: ## Perform database migrations for the Notes service
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN) notes ./manage.py migrate
migrate-xqueue: ## Perform database migrations for the XQueue service
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN) xqueue ./manage.py migrate
reindex-courses: ## Refresh course index so they can be found in the LMS search engine
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN) cms ./manage.py cms reindex_course --all --setup
##################### Static assets
assets: assets-lms assets-cms ## Collect static assets for the LMS and the CMS
assets-lms: ## Collect static assets for the LMS
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN_OPENEDX) -e NO_PREREQ_INSTALL=True lms paver update_assets lms --settings=$(EDX_PLATFORM_SETTINGS)
assets-cms: ## Collect static assets for the CMS
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN_OPENEDX) -e NO_PREREQ_INSTALL=True cms paver update_assets cms --settings=$(EDX_PLATFORM_SETTINGS)
##################### Information
# Obtained by running "echo '\033' in a shell
help: ## Print this help
@grep -E '^([a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*|######* .+)$$' Makefile \
| sed 's/######* \(.*\)/\n $(ESCAPE)[1;31m\1$(ESCAPE)[0m/g' \
| awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[33m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
info: ## Print some information about the current install, for debugging
uname -a
@echo "-------------------------"
git rev-parse HEAD
@echo "-------------------------"
docker version
@echo "-------------------------"
docker-compose --version
@echo "-------------------------"
#################### Logging
logs: ## Print all logs from a service since it started. E.g: "make logs service=lms", "make logs service=nginx"
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) logs $(service)
tail: ## Similar to "tail" on the logs of a service. E.g: "make tail service=lms", "make tail service=nginx"
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) logs --tail=10 $(service)
tail-follow: ## Similar to "tail -f" on the logs of a service. E.g: "make tail-follow service=lms", "make tail-follow service=nginx"
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) logs --tail=10 -f $(service)
#################### Docker image building & updating
update: ## Download most recent images
build: build-openedx build-configurator build-forum build-notes build-xqueue build-android ## Build all docker images
build-openedx: ## Build the Open edX docker image
docker build -t regis/openedx:latest -t regis/openedx:hawthorn openedx/
build-configurator: ## Build the configurator docker image
docker build -t regis/openedx-configurator:latest -t regis/openedx-configurator:hawthorn configurator/
build-forum: ## Build the forum docker image
docker build -t regis/openedx-forum:latest -t regis/openedx-forum:hawthorn forum/
build-notes: ## Build the Notes docker image
docker build -t regis/openedx-notes:latest -t regis/openedx-notes:hawthorn notes/
build-xqueue: ## Build the Xqueue docker image
docker build -t regis/openedx-xqueue:latest -t regis/openedx-xqueue:hawthorn xqueue/
build-android: ## Build the docker image for Android
docker build -t regis/openedx-android:latest android/
################### Pushing images to docker hub
push: push-openedx push-configurator push-forum push-notes push-xqueue push-android ## Push all images to dockerhub
push-openedx: ## Push Open edX images to dockerhub
docker push regis/openedx:hawthorn
docker push regis/openedx:latest
push-configurator: ## Push configurator image to dockerhub
docker push regis/openedx-configurator:hawthorn
docker push regis/openedx-configurator:latest
push-forum: ## Push dorum image to dockerhub
docker push regis/openedx-forum:hawthorn
docker push regis/openedx-forum:latest
push-notes: ## Push notes image to dockerhub
docker push regis/openedx-notes:hawthorn
docker push regis/openedx-notes:latest
push-xqueue: ## Push Xqueue image to dockerhub
docker push regis/openedx-xqueue:hawthorn
docker push regis/openedx-xqueue:latest
push-android: ## Push the Android image to dockerhub
docker push regis/openedx-android:latest
dockerhub: build push ## Build and push all images to dockerhub
##################### Development
lms: ## Open a bash shell in the LMS
cms: ## Open a bash shell in the CMS
lms-python: ## Open a python shell in the LMS
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN_OPENEDX) lms ./manage.py lms shell
lms-shell: lms-python
cms-python: ## Open a python shell in the CMS
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN_OPENEDX) cms ./manage.py cms shell
cms-shell: cms-python
##################### SSL/TLS (HTTPS certificates)
https_command = docker run --rm -it \
--volume="$(PWD)/config/letsencrypt/:/openedx/letsencrypt/config/" \
--volume="$(PWD)/data/letsencrypt/:/etc/letsencrypt/" \
-p "80:80"
certbot_image = certbot/certbot:latest
https-certificate: ## Generate https certificates
$(https_command) --entrypoint "/openedx/letsencrypt/config/certonly.sh" $(certbot_image)
https-certificate-renew: ## Renew https certificates
$(https_command) $(certbot_image) renew
#################### Android application
android: ## Build the Android app, for development
docker-compose -f docker-compose-android.yml run --rm android
@echo "Your APK file is ready: ./data/android/edx-prod-debuggable-2.14.0.apk"
android-release: ## Build the final Android app (beta)
# Note that this requires that you edit ./config/android/gradle.properties
docker-compose -f docker-compose-android.yml run --rm android ./gradlew assembleProdRelease
##################### Additional commands
stats: ## Collect anonymous information about the platform
@docker run --rm -it --volume="$(PWD)/config:/openedx/config" \
regis/openedx-configurator:hawthorn /openedx/config/openedx/stats 2> /dev/null|| true
import-demo-course: ## Import the demo course from edX
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN_OPENEDX) cms /bin/bash -c "git clone https://github.com/edx/edx-demo-course ../edx-demo-course && git -C ../edx-demo-course checkout open-release/hawthorn.beta1 && python ./manage.py cms import ../data ../edx-demo-course"
create-staff-user: ## Create a user with admin rights
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN_OPENEDX) lms /bin/bash -c "./manage.py lms manage_user --superuser --staff ${USERNAME} ${EMAIL} && ./manage.py lms changepassword ${USERNAME}"