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synced 2024-12-12 22:27:47 +00:00
Annotations were generated with pyannotate: https://github.com/dropbox/pyannotate We are running in strict mode, which is awesome! This affects a large part of the code base, which might be an issue for people running a fork of Tutor. Nonetheless, the behavior should not be affected. If anything, this process has helped find and resolve a few type-related bugs. Thus, this is not considered as a breaking change.
179 lines
7.2 KiB
179 lines
7.2 KiB
import os
import tempfile
from typing import Any, Dict
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
from tutor import config as tutor_config
from tutor import env
from tutor import fmt
from tutor import exceptions
class EnvTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_walk_templates(self) -> None:
renderer = env.Renderer({}, [env.TEMPLATES_ROOT])
templates = list(renderer.walk_templates("local"))
self.assertIn("local/docker-compose.yml", templates)
def test_walk_templates_partials_are_ignored(self) -> None:
template_name = "apps/openedx/settings/partials/common_all.py"
renderer = env.Renderer({}, [env.TEMPLATES_ROOT], ignore_folders=["partials"])
templates = list(renderer.walk_templates("apps"))
self.assertIn(template_name, renderer.environment.loader.list_templates()) # type: ignore
self.assertNotIn(template_name, templates)
def test_is_binary_file(self) -> None:
def test_find_os_path(self) -> None:
renderer = env.Renderer({}, [env.TEMPLATES_ROOT])
path = renderer.find_os_path("local/docker-compose.yml")
def test_pathjoin(self) -> None:
"/tmp/env/target/dummy", env.pathjoin("/tmp", "target", "dummy")
self.assertEqual("/tmp/env/dummy", env.pathjoin("/tmp", "dummy"))
def test_render_str(self) -> None:
"hello world", env.render_str({"name": "world"}, "hello {{ name }}")
def test_common_domain(self) -> None:
{"d1": "d1.mydomain.com", "d2": "d2.mydomain.com"},
"{{ d1|common_domain(d2) }}",
def test_render_str_missing_configuration(self) -> None:
self.assertRaises(exceptions.TutorError, env.render_str, {}, "hello {{ name }}")
def test_render_file(self) -> None:
config: Dict[str, Any] = {}
tutor_config.merge(config, tutor_config.load_defaults())
config["MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"] = "testpassword"
rendered = env.render_file(config, "hooks", "mysql", "init")
self.assertIn("testpassword", rendered)
@patch.object(tutor_config.fmt, "echo")
def test_render_file_missing_configuration(self, _: Mock) -> None:
exceptions.TutorError, env.render_file, {}, "local", "docker-compose.yml"
def test_save_full(self) -> None:
defaults = tutor_config.load_defaults()
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as root:
config = tutor_config.load_current(root, defaults)
tutor_config.merge(config, defaults)
with patch.object(fmt, "STDOUT"):
env.save(root, config)
os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, "env", "local", "docker-compose.yml"))
def test_save_full_with_https(self) -> None:
defaults = tutor_config.load_defaults()
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as root:
config = tutor_config.load_current(root, defaults)
tutor_config.merge(config, defaults)
config["ENABLE_HTTPS"] = True
with patch.object(fmt, "STDOUT"):
env.save(root, config)
with open(os.path.join(root, "env", "apps", "caddy", "Caddyfile")) as f:
self.assertIn("www.myopenedx.com {", f.read())
def test_patch(self) -> None:
patches = {"plugin1": "abcd", "plugin2": "efgh"}
with patch.object(
env.plugins, "iter_patches", return_value=patches.items()
) as mock_iter_patches:
rendered = env.render_str({}, '{{ patch("location") }}')
mock_iter_patches.assert_called_once_with({}, "location")
self.assertEqual("abcd\nefgh", rendered)
def test_patch_separator_suffix(self) -> None:
patches = {"plugin1": "abcd", "plugin2": "efgh"}
with patch.object(env.plugins, "iter_patches", return_value=patches.items()):
rendered = env.render_str(
{}, '{{ patch("location", separator=",\n", suffix=",") }}'
self.assertEqual("abcd,\nefgh,", rendered)
def test_plugin_templates(self) -> None:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as plugin_templates:
# Create plugin
plugin1 = env.plugins.DictPlugin(
{"name": "plugin1", "version": "0", "templates": plugin_templates}
# Create two templates
os.makedirs(os.path.join(plugin_templates, "plugin1", "apps"))
with open(
os.path.join(plugin_templates, "plugin1", "unrendered.txt"), "w"
) as f:
f.write("This file should not be rendered")
with open(
os.path.join(plugin_templates, "plugin1", "apps", "rendered.txt"), "w"
) as f:
f.write("Hello my ID is {{ ID }}")
# Create configuration
config = {"ID": "abcd"}
# Render templates
with patch.object(
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as root:
# Render plugin templates
env.save_plugin_templates(plugin1, root, config)
# Check that plugin template was rendered
dst_unrendered = os.path.join(
root, "env", "plugins", "plugin1", "unrendered.txt"
dst_rendered = os.path.join(
root, "env", "plugins", "plugin1", "apps", "rendered.txt"
with open(dst_rendered) as f:
self.assertEqual("Hello my ID is abcd", f.read())
def test_renderer_is_reset_on_config_change(self) -> None:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as plugin_templates:
plugin1 = env.plugins.DictPlugin(
{"name": "plugin1", "version": "0", "templates": plugin_templates}
# Create one template
os.makedirs(os.path.join(plugin_templates, plugin1.name))
with open(
os.path.join(plugin_templates, plugin1.name, "myplugin.txt"), "w"
) as f:
f.write("some content")
# Load env once
config: Dict[str, Any] = {"PLUGINS": []}
env1 = env.Renderer.instance(config).environment
with patch.object(
# Load env a second time
env2 = env.Renderer.instance(config).environment
self.assertNotIn("plugin1/myplugin.txt", env1.loader.list_templates()) # type: ignore
self.assertIn("plugin1/myplugin.txt", env2.loader.list_templates()) # type: ignore