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Régis Behmo e60e0071c4 Make feature flags interactive
Feature flags are now asked to the user interactively, as part of the
configuration step. This makes defining feature flags much more simple.
2018-09-30 14:37:49 +02:00

226 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf8
import argparse
import codecs
import json
import os
import random
import string
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
import jinja2
class Configurator:
def __init__(self, **default_overrides):
Default values are read, in decreasing order of priority, from:
- SETTING_<name> environment variable
- Existing config file (in `default_overrides`)
- Value passed to add()
self.__values = OrderedDict()
self.__default_values = default_overrides
self.__input = raw_input
except NameError:
self.__input = input
def as_dict(self):
return self.__values
def mute(self):
self.__input = None
def add(self, name, question="", default=""):
default = self.get_default_value(name, default)
value = self.ask(question, default)
self.set(name, value)
return self
def add_bool(self, name, question="", default=False):
default = self.get_default_value(name, default)
if default in [1, '1']:
default = True
if default in [0, '0', '']:
default = False
value = self.ask_bool(question, default)
return self.set(name, value)
def get_default_value(self, name, default):
setting_name = 'SETTING_' + name.upper()
if os.environ.get(setting_name):
return os.environ[setting_name]
if name in self.__default_values:
return self.__default_values[name]
return default
def ask(self, message, default):
if self.__input and message:
message += " (default: \"{}\"): ".format(default)
return self.__input(message) or default
return default
def ask_bool(self, message, default):
if self.__input and message:
message += " [Y/n] " if default else " [y/N] "
while True:
answer = self.__input(message)
if answer is None or answer == '':
return default
if answer.lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
return True
if answer.lower() in ['n', 'no']:
return False
print("'{}' is an invalid answer".format(answer))
return default
def get(self, name):
return self.__values.get(name)
def set(self, name, value):
self.__values[name] = value
return self
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Config file generator for Open edX")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default=os.path.join("/", "openedx", "config", "config.json"),
help="Load default values from this file. Config values will be saved there.")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
parser_interactive = subparsers.add_parser('interactive')
parser_interactive.add_argument('-s', '--silent', action='store_true',
"Be silent and accept all default values. "
"This is good for debugging and automation, but "
"probably not what you want"
parser_substitute = subparsers.add_parser('substitute')
parser_substitute.add_argument('src', help="Template source directory")
parser_substitute.add_argument('dst', help="Destination configuration directory")
args = parser.parse_args()
def load_config(args):
if os.path.exists(args.config):
with open(args.config) as f:
return json.load(f)
return {}
def interactive(args):
print(" Interactive configuration ")
configurator = Configurator(**load_config(args))
if args.silent or os.environ.get('SILENT'):
'LMS_HOST', "Your website domain name for students (LMS).", 'www.myopenedx.com'
'CMS_HOST', "Your website domain name for teachers (CMS).", 'studio.' + configurator.get('LMS_HOST')
'PLATFORM_NAME', "Your platform name/title", "My Open edX"
'CONTACT_EMAIL', "Your public contact email address", 'contact@' + configurator.get('LMS_HOST')
'SECRET_KEY', "", random_string(24)
'MYSQL_DATABASE', "", 'openedx'
'MYSQL_USERNAME', "", 'openedx'
'MYSQL_PASSWORD', "", random_string(8)
'MONGODB_DATABASE', "", 'openedx'
'NOTES_MYSQL_DATABASE', "", 'notes',
'NOTES_MYSQL_USERNAME', "", 'notes',
'NOTES_MYSQL_PASSWORD', "", random_string(8)
'NOTES_SECRET_KEY', "", random_string(24)
'NOTES_OAUTH2_SECRET', "", random_string(24)
'XQUEUE_AUTH_PASSWORD', "", random_string(8)
'XQUEUE_MYSQL_DATABASE', "", 'xqueue',
'XQUEUE_MYSQL_USERNAME', "", 'xqueue',
'XQUEUE_MYSQL_PASSWORD', "", random_string(8)
'XQUEUE_SECRET_KEY', "", random_string(24)
'ACTIVATE_HTTPS', "Activate SSL/TLS certificates for HTTPS access? Important note: this will NOT work in a development environment.", False
'ACTIVATE_NOTES', "Activate Student Notes service (https://open.edx.org/features/student-notes)?", False
'ACTIVATE_PORTAINER', "Activate Portainer, a convenient Docker dashboard with a web UI (https://portainer.io)?", False
'ACTIVATE_XQUEUE', "Activate Xqueue for external grader services? (https://github.com/edx/xqueue)", False
'ID', "", random_string(8)
# Save values
with open(args.config, 'w') as f:
json.dump(configurator.as_dict(), f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
print("\nConfiguration values were saved to ", args.config)
def substitute(args):
config = load_config(args)
for root, _, filenames in os.walk(args.src):
for filename in filenames:
if filename.startswith('.'):
# Skip hidden files, such as files generated by the IDE
src_file = os.path.join(root, filename)
dst_file = os.path.join(args.dst, os.path.relpath(src_file, args.src))
substitute_file(config, src_file, dst_file)
def substitute_file(config, src, dst):
with codecs.open(src, encoding='utf-8') as fi:
template = jinja2.Template(fi.read(), undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined)
substituted = template.render(**config)
except jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError as e:
sys.stderr.write("ERROR Missing config value '{}' for template {}\n".format(e.args[0], src))
dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst)
if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
with codecs.open(dst, encoding='utf-8', mode='w') as fo:
# Set same permissions as original file
os.chmod(dst, os.stat(src).st_mode)
print("Generated file {} from template {}".format(dst, src))
def random_string(length):
return "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(length)])
if __name__ == '__main__':