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synced 2025-02-14 06:40:21 +00:00
Changelog management was starting to be a hassle: - there were conflicts every time a PR was merged - there were conflicts every time we merged the nightly branch in the new release branch, or vice versa. Now, all changelog entries are stored as separate files in changelog.d, including nightly. Nightly entries will be collected for every major release.
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145 lines
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.PHONY: docs
SRC_DIRS = ./tutor ./tests ./bin ./docs
BLACK_OPTS = --exclude templates ${SRC_DIRS}
###### Development
docs: ## Build HTML documentation
$(MAKE) -C docs
compile-requirements: ## Compile requirements files
pip-compile requirements/base.in
pip-compile requirements/dev.in
pip-compile requirements/docs.in
upgrade-requirements: ## Upgrade requirements files
pip-compile --upgrade requirements/base.in
pip-compile --upgrade requirements/dev.in
pip-compile --upgrade requirements/docs.in
build-pythonpackage: build-pythonpackage-tutor ## Build Python packages ready to upload to pypi
build-pythonpackage-tutor: ## Build the "tutor" python package for upload to pypi
python setup.py sdist
push-pythonpackage: ## Push python package to pypi
twine upload --skip-existing dist/tutor-$(shell make version).tar.gz
test: test-lint test-unit test-types test-format test-pythonpackage ## Run all tests by decreasing order of priority
test-static: test-lint test-types test-format ## Run only static tests
test-format: ## Run code formatting tests
black --check --diff $(BLACK_OPTS)
test-lint: ## Run code linting tests
pylint --errors-only --enable=unused-import,unused-argument --ignore=templates --ignore=docs/_ext ${SRC_DIRS}
test-unit: ## Run unit tests
python -m unittest discover tests
test-types: ## Check type definitions
mypy --exclude=templates --ignore-missing-imports --strict ${SRC_DIRS}
test-pythonpackage: build-pythonpackage ## Test that package can be uploaded to pypi
twine check dist/tutor-$(shell make version).tar.gz
test-k8s: ## Validate the k8s format with kubectl. Not part of the standard test suite.
tutor k8s apply --dry-run=client --validate=true
format: ## Format code automatically
black $(BLACK_OPTS)
isort: ## Sort imports. This target is not mandatory because the output may be incompatible with black formatting. Provided for convenience purposes.
isort --skip=templates ${SRC_DIRS}
bootstrap-dev: ## Install dev requirements
pip install .
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
bootstrap-dev-plugins: bootstrap-dev ## Install dev requirements and all supported plugins
pip install -r requirements/plugins.txt
###### Code coverage
coverage: ## Run unit-tests before analyzing code coverage and generate report
$(MAKE) --keep-going coverage-tests coverage-report
coverage-tests: ## Run unit-tests and analyze code coverage
coverage run -m unittest discover
coverage-report: ## Generate CLI report for the code coverage
coverage report
coverage-html: coverage-report ## Generate HTML report for the code coverage
coverage html
coverage-browse-report: coverage-html ## Open the HTML report in the browser
sensible-browser htmlcov/index.html
###### Deployment
bundle: ## Bundle the tutor package in a single "dist/tutor" executable
pyinstaller tutor.spec
changelog-entry: ## Create a new changelog entry
scriv create
changelog: ## Collect changelog entries in the CHANGELOG.md file
scriv collect
release: test release-unsafe ## Create a release tag and push it to origin
$(MAKE) release-tag release-push TAG=v$(shell make version)
@echo "=== Creating tag $(TAG)"
git tag -d $(TAG) || true
git tag $(TAG)
@echo "=== Pushing tag $(TAG) to origin"
git push origin
git push origin :$(TAG) || true
git push origin $(TAG)
release-description: ## Write the current release description to a file
sed "s/TUTOR_VERSION/v$(shell make version)/g" docs/_release_description.md > release_description.md
git log -1 --pretty=format:%b >> release_description.md
###### Continuous integration tasks
pull-base-images: # Manually pull base images
docker image pull docker.io/ubuntu:20.04
docker image pull docker.io/python:3.7-alpine
ci-info: ## Print info about environment
python --version
pip --version
ci-test-bundle: ## Run basic tests on bundle
ls -lh ./dist/tutor
./dist/tutor --version
./dist/tutor config printroot
yes "" | ./dist/tutor config save --interactive
./dist/tutor config save
./dist/tutor plugins list
./dist/tutor plugins enable android discovery ecommerce forum license mfe minio notes webui xqueue
./dist/tutor plugins list
./dist/tutor license --help
pip install .
tutor config save
###### Additional commands
version: ## Print the current tutor version
@python -c 'import io, os; about = {}; exec(io.open(os.path.join("tutor", "__about__.py"), "rt", encoding="utf-8").read(), about); print(about["__package_version__"])'
help: ## Print this help
@grep -E '^([a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*|######* .+)$$' Makefile \
| sed 's/######* \(.*\)/@ $(ESCAPE)[1;31m\1$(ESCAPE)[0m/g' | tr '@' '\n' \
| awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[33m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'