mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-06-26 08:52:34 +00:00
Régis Behmo 336cb79fa8 refactor: better config type checking
I stumbled upon a bug that should have been detected by the type
checking. Turns out, considering that config is of type Dict[str, Any]
means that we can use just any method on all config values -- which is
terrible. I discovered this after I set `config["PLUGINS"] = None`:
this triggered a crash when I enabled a plugin.
We resolve this by making the Config type more explicit. We also take
the opportunity to remove a few cast statements.
2021-04-18 18:02:02 +02:00

385 lines
12 KiB

import codecs
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Type, Union
import jinja2
import pkg_resources
from . import exceptions, fmt, plugins, utils
from .__about__ import __version__
from .types import Config
TEMPLATES_ROOT = pkg_resources.resource_filename("tutor", "templates")
BIN_FILE_EXTENSIONS = [".ico", ".jpg", ".png", ".ttf", ".woff", ".woff2"]
class Renderer:
def instance(cls: Type["Renderer"], config: Config) -> "Renderer":
# Load template roots: these are required to be able to use
# {% include .. %} directives
template_roots = [TEMPLATES_ROOT]
for plugin in plugins.iter_enabled(config):
if plugin.templates_root:
return cls(config, template_roots, ignore_folders=["partials"])
def __init__(
config: Config,
template_roots: List[str],
ignore_folders: Optional[List[str]] = None,
self.config = deepcopy(config)
self.template_roots = template_roots
self.ignore_folders = ignore_folders or []
# Create environment
environment = jinja2.Environment(
environment.filters["common_domain"] = utils.common_domain
environment.filters["encrypt"] = utils.encrypt
environment.filters["list_if"] = utils.list_if
environment.filters["long_to_base64"] = utils.long_to_base64
environment.filters["random_string"] = utils.random_string
environment.filters["reverse_host"] = utils.reverse_host
environment.filters["rsa_private_key"] = utils.rsa_private_key
environment.filters["walk_templates"] = self.walk_templates
environment.globals["patch"] = self.patch
environment.globals["rsa_import_key"] = utils.rsa_import_key
environment.globals["TUTOR_VERSION"] = __version__
self.environment = environment
def iter_templates_in(self, *prefix: str) -> Iterable[str]:
The elements of `prefix` must contain only "/", and not os.sep.
full_prefix = "/".join(prefix)
env_templates: List[
] = self.environment.loader.list_templates() # type:ignore[no-untyped-call]
for template in env_templates:
if template.startswith(full_prefix) and self.is_part_of_env(template):
yield template
def walk_templates(self, subdir: str) -> Iterable[str]:
Iterate on the template files from `templates/<subdir>`.
path: template path relative to the template root
yield from self.iter_templates_in(subdir + "/")
def is_part_of_env(self, path: str) -> bool:
Determines whether a template should be rendered or not. Note that here we don't
rely on the OS separator, as we are handling templates
parts = path.split("/")
basename = parts[-1]
is_excluded = False
is_excluded = (
is_excluded or basename.startswith(".") or basename.endswith(".pyc")
is_excluded = is_excluded or basename == "__pycache__"
for ignore_folder in self.ignore_folders:
is_excluded = is_excluded or ignore_folder in parts
return not is_excluded
def find_os_path(self, template_name: str) -> str:
path = template_name.replace("/", os.sep)
for templates_root in self.template_roots:
full_path = os.path.join(templates_root, path)
if os.path.exists(full_path):
return full_path
raise ValueError("Template path does not exist")
def patch(self, name: str, separator: str = "\n", suffix: str = "") -> str:
Render calls to {{ patch("...") }} in environment templates from plugin patches.
patches = []
for plugin, patch in plugins.iter_patches(self.config, name):
patch_template = self.environment.from_string(patch)
except jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError as e:
raise exceptions.TutorError(
"Missing configuration value: {} in patch '{}' from plugin {}".format(
e.args[0], name, plugin
rendered = separator.join(patches)
if rendered:
rendered += suffix
return rendered
def render_str(self, text: str) -> str:
template = self.environment.from_string(text)
return self.__render(template)
def render_template(self, template_name: str) -> Union[str, bytes]:
Render a template file. Return the corresponding string. If it's a binary file
(as indicated by its path), return bytes.
The template_name *always* uses "/" separators, and is not os-dependent. Do not pass the result of
os.path.join(...) to this function.
if is_binary_file(template_name):
# Don't try to render binary files
with open(self.find_os_path(template_name), "rb") as f:
return f.read()
template = self.environment.get_template(template_name)
except Exception:
fmt.echo_error("Error loading template " + template_name)
return self.__render(template)
except (jinja2.exceptions.TemplateError, exceptions.TutorError):
fmt.echo_error("Error rendering template " + template_name)
except Exception:
fmt.echo_error("Unknown error rendering template " + template_name)
def render_all_to(self, root: str, *prefix: str) -> None:
`prefix` can be used to limit the templates to render.
for template_name in self.iter_templates_in(*prefix):
rendered = self.render_template(template_name)
dst = os.path.join(root, template_name.replace("/", os.sep))
write_to(rendered, dst)
def __render(self, template: jinja2.Template) -> str:
return template.render(**self.config)
except jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError as e:
raise exceptions.TutorError(
"Missing configuration value: {}".format(e.args[0])
def save(root: str, config: Config) -> None:
Save the full environment, including version information.
root_env = pathjoin(root)
for prefix in [
save_all_from(prefix, root_env, config)
for plugin in plugins.iter_enabled(config):
if plugin.templates_root:
save_plugin_templates(plugin, root, config)
fmt.echo_info("Environment generated in {}".format(base_dir(root)))
def upgrade_obsolete(root: str) -> None:
# tutor.conf was renamed to _tutor.conf in order to be the first config file loaded
# by nginx
nginx_tutor_conf = pathjoin(root, "apps", "nginx", "tutor.conf")
if os.path.exists(nginx_tutor_conf):
def save_plugin_templates(
plugin: plugins.BasePlugin, root: str, config: Config
) -> None:
Save plugin templates to plugins/<plugin name>/*.
Only the "apps" and "build" subfolders are rendered.
plugins_root = pathjoin(root, "plugins")
for subdir in ["apps", "build"]:
subdir_path = os.path.join(plugin.name, subdir)
save_all_from(subdir_path, plugins_root, config)
def save_all_from(prefix: str, root: str, config: Config) -> None:
Render the templates that start with `prefix` and store them with the same
hierarchy at `root`. Here, `prefix` can be the result of os.path.join(...).
renderer = Renderer.instance(config)
renderer.render_all_to(root, prefix.replace(os.sep, "/"))
def write_to(content: Union[str, bytes], path: str) -> None:
Write some content to a path. Content can be either str or bytes.
if isinstance(content, bytes):
with open(path, mode="wb") as of_binary:
with open(path, mode="w", encoding="utf8", newline="\n") as of_text:
def render_file(config: Config, *path: str) -> Union[str, bytes]:
Return the rendered contents of a template.
renderer = Renderer.instance(config)
template_name = "/".join(path)
return renderer.render_template(template_name)
def render_dict(config: Config) -> None:
Render the values from the dict. This is useful for rendering the default
values from config.yml.
config (dict)
rendered: Config = {}
for key, value in config.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
rendered[key] = render_str(config, value)
rendered[key] = value
for k, v in rendered.items():
config[k] = v
def render_unknown(config: Config, value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, str):
return render_str(config, value)
return value
def render_str(config: Config, text: str) -> str:
text (str)
config (dict)
substituted (str)
return Renderer.instance(config).render_str(text)
def check_is_up_to_date(root: str) -> None:
if not is_up_to_date(root):
message = (
"The current environment stored at {} is not up-to-date: it is at "
"v{} while the 'tutor' binary is at v{}. You should upgrade "
"the environment by running:\n"
" tutor config save"
message.format(base_dir(root), current_version(root), __version__)
def is_up_to_date(root: str) -> bool:
Check if the currently rendered version is equal to the current tutor version.
return current_version(root) == __version__
def needs_major_upgrade(root: str) -> bool:
Return the current version as a tuple of int. E.g: (1, 0, 2).
current = int(current_version(root).split(".")[0])
required = int(__version__.split(".")[0])
return 0 < current < required
def current_release(root: str) -> str:
Return the name of the current Open edX release.
return {"0": "ironwood", "3": "ironwood", "10": "juniper", "11": "koa"}[
def current_version(root: str) -> str:
Return the current environment version. If the current environment has no version,
return "0.0.0".
path = pathjoin(root, VERSION_FILENAME)
if not os.path.exists(path):
return "0.0.0"
return open(path).read().strip()
def read_template_file(*path: str) -> str:
Read raw content of template located at `path`.
src = template_path(*path)
with codecs.open(src, encoding="utf-8") as fi:
return fi.read()
def is_binary_file(path: str) -> bool:
ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
def template_path(*path: str, templates_root: str = TEMPLATES_ROOT) -> str:
Return the template file's absolute path.
return os.path.join(templates_root, *path)
def data_path(root: str, *path: str) -> str:
Return the file's absolute path inside the data directory.
return os.path.join(root_dir(root), "data", *path)
def pathjoin(root: str, *path: str) -> str:
Return the file's absolute path inside the environment.
return os.path.join(base_dir(root), *path)
def base_dir(root: str) -> str:
Return the environment base directory.
return os.path.join(root_dir(root), "env")
def root_dir(root: str) -> str:
Return the project root directory.
return os.path.abspath(root)