/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  www.vdm.io  |------/
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	@version			1.0.0
	@created		26th December, 2016
	@package		Component Builder
	@subpackage		extrusion.php
	@author			Llewellyn van der Merwe <http://www.vdm.io>
	@my wife		Roline van der Merwe <http://www.vdm.io/>	
	@copyright		Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
	@license		GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html 
	Builds Complex Joomla Components 

// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

 * Extrusion class
class Extrusion extends Builder
	 * Constructor
	public function __construct(&$data)
		// first we run the perent constructor
		if (parent::__construct($data))
			// link the view data to the component
			if ($this->setAdminViews($data['id']))
					JText::_('All the fields and views from your sql dump has been created and linked to this component.'),
				return true;
		return false;
	 *	link the build views to the component
	protected function setAdminViews(&$component_id)
		// check if views were set
		if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->views))
			$count = 0;
			if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->addadmin_views))
				$count = (int) count((array)$this->addadmin_views) + 3;
			// set the admin view data linking
			foreach ($this->views as $nr => $id)
				$pointer = $count + $nr;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['adminview'] = $id;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['icomoon'] = 'joomla';
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['mainmenu'] = 1;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['dashboard_add'] = 1;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['dashboard_list'] = 1;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['submenu'] = 1;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['checkin'] = 1;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['history'] = 1;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['metadata'] = 1;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['access'] = 1;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['port'] = 1;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['edit_create_site_view'] = 0;
				$this->addadmin_views['addadmin_views'.$pointer]['order'] = $pointer + 1;
		if (isset($this->addadmin_views) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->addadmin_views))
			// set the field object
			$object = new stdClass();
			$object->joomla_component = $component_id;
			$object->addadmin_views = json_encode($this->addadmin_views, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
			$object->created = $this->today;
			$object->created_by = $this->user->id;
			$object->published = 1;
			// check if it is already set
			if ($item_id = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('component_admin_views', $component_id, 'joomla_component', 'id'))
				// set ID
				$object->id = (int) $item_id;
				return $this->db->updateObject('#__componentbuilder_component_admin_views', $object, 'id');
			// add to data base
			return $this->db->insertObject('#__componentbuilder_component_admin_views', $object);
		return false;