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# final class Paragraphs (Details)
> namespace: **VDM\Joomla\GetBible\Tagged**
class Paragraphs << (F,LightGreen) >> #Green {
- int $previousBook
- int $previousChapter
- int $previousVerse
- int $group
- array $paragraphs
+ get(array $items, string $translation = 'kjv') : array
- resetProperties() : void
- sortIntoParagraphs(array $items) : void
- isNotSequential(object $item) : bool
- getKey(object $item) : string
- setDetails(object $item, string $key) : void
- addVerse(object $item, string $key) : void
- updatePrevious(object $item) : void
- setUrls(string $translation) : void
- setVerseAndName(array $paragraph) : void
- setUrl(array $paragraph, string $translation) : void
note right of Paragraphs::get
Main function to get sorted paragraphs.
since: 2.0.1
return: array
end note
note left of Paragraphs::resetProperties
Reset properties before getting paragraphs
since: 2.0.1
return: void
end note
note right of Paragraphs::sortIntoParagraphs
Sort items into paragraphs.
since: 2.0.1
return: void
end note
note left of Paragraphs::isNotSequential
Check if a verse is not sequential.
since: 2.0.1
return: bool
end note
note right of Paragraphs::getKey
Generate a key based on the verse item.
since: 2.0.1
return: string
end note
note left of Paragraphs::setDetails
Set details for a verse.
since: 2.0.1
return: void
end note
note right of Paragraphs::addVerse
Add a verse to the paragraphs.
since: 2.0.1
return: void
end note
note left of Paragraphs::updatePrevious
Update the previous verse, book, and chapter to the current one.
since: 2.0.1
return: void
end note
note right of Paragraphs::setUrls
Set URLs for the paragraphs.
since: 2.0.1
return: void
end note
note left of Paragraphs::setVerseAndName
Set verse and name for a paragraph.
since: 2.0.1
return: void
end note
note right of Paragraphs::setUrl
Set URL for a paragraph.
since: 2.0.1
return: void
end note
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> Build with [Joomla Component Builder](https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder)