/** * The Previous Book number * * @var int * @since 2.0.1 */ private int $previousBook = 0; /** * The Previous Chapter number * * @var int * @since 2.0.1 */ private int $previousChapter = 0; /** * The Previous Verse number * * @var int * @since 2.0.1 */ private int $previousVerse = 0; /** * The Current Group number * * @var int * @since 2.0.1 */ private int $group = 0; /** * The paragraphs being build * * @var array * @since 2.0.1 */ private array $paragraphs = []; /** * Main function to get sorted paragraphs. * * @param array $items The items to be sorted into paragraphs. * @param string $translation The translation to be used. * * @return array The sorted paragraphs. * @since 2.0.1 */ public function get(array $items, string $translation = 'kjv'): array { $this->resetProperties(); // sort the items by book, chapter, and verse usort($items, function ($a, $b) { if ($a->book_nr != $b->book_nr) { return $a->book_nr - $b->book_nr; } if ($a->chapter != $b->chapter) { return $a->chapter - $b->chapter; } return $a->verse - $b->verse; }); $this->sortIntoParagraphs($items); $this->setUrls($translation); return $this->paragraphs; } /** * Reset properties before getting paragraphs * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ private function resetProperties(): void { $this->previousBook = 0; $this->previousChapter = 0; $this->previousVerse = 0; $this->group = 0; $this->paragraphs = []; } /** * Sort items into paragraphs. * * @param array $items The items to be sorted into paragraphs. * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ private function sortIntoParagraphs($items): void { foreach ($items as $item) { if ($this->isNotSequential($item)) { $this->group++; } $key = $this->getKey($item); if (empty($this->paragraphs[$key])) { $this->setDetails($item, $key); } $this->addVerse($item, $key); $this->updatePrevious($item); } } /** * Check if a verse is not sequential. * * @param object $item The verse to be checked. * * @return bool Whether the verse is not sequential. * @since 2.0.1 */ private function isNotSequential(object $item): bool { return $this->previousVerse > 0 && ((int) $item->book_nr > $this->previousBook || (int) $item->chapter > $this->previousChapter || (int) $item->verse > $this->previousVerse + 1); } /** * Generate a key based on the verse item. * * @param object $item The verse item. * * @return string The generated key. * @since 2.0.1 */ private function getKey(object $item): string { return $item->book_nr . '_' . $item->chapter . '_' . $this->group; } /** * Set details for a verse. * * @param object $item The verse item. * @param string $key The key for the paragraph. * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ private function setDetails(object $item, string $key): void { $this->paragraphs[$key]['name'] = $item->name . ' ' . $item->chapter; $this->paragraphs[$key]['book'] = $item->name; $this->paragraphs[$key]['data_book'] = preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{N}\s]/u', '', $item->name); $this->paragraphs[$key]['chapter'] = $item->chapter; } /** * Add a verse to the paragraphs. * * @param object $item The verse item. * @param string $key The key for the paragraph. * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ private function addVerse(object $item, string $key): void { $this->paragraphs[$key]['verses'][$item->verse] = ['number' => $item->verse, 'text' => $item->text]; } /** * Update the previous verse, book, and chapter to the current one. * * @param object $item The current verse item. * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ private function updatePrevious(object $item): void { $this->previousVerse = (int) $item->verse; $this->previousBook = (int) $item->book_nr; $this->previousChapter = (int) $item->chapter; } /** * Set URLs for the paragraphs. * * @param string $translation The translation to be used. * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ private function setUrls(string $translation): void { if ($this->paragraphs !== []) { foreach ($this->paragraphs as $chapter => &$paragraph) { $this->setVerseAndName($paragraph); $this->setUrl($paragraph, $translation); } } } /** * Set verse and name for a paragraph. * * @param array $paragraph The paragraph to be updated. * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ private function setVerseAndName(array &$paragraph): void { $verse = array_keys($paragraph['verses']); $first = reset($verse); $last = end($verse); if ($first == $last) { $paragraph['name'] .= ':' . $first; $paragraph['verse'] = $first; } else { $paragraph['name'] .= ':' . $first . '-' . $last; $paragraph['verse'] = $first . '-' . $last; } } /** * Set URL for a paragraph. * * @param array $paragraph The paragraph to be updated. * @param string $translation The translation to be used. * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ private function setUrl(array &$paragraph, string $translation): void { $paragraph['url'] = Route::_('index.php?option=com_[[[component]]]&view=app&t=' . $translation . '&ref=' . $paragraph['book'] . '&chapter=' . $paragraph['chapter'] . '&verse=' . $paragraph['verse']); }