2023-09-26 08:24:03 +02:00

586 lines
13 KiB

* The Load class
* @var Load
* @since 2.0.1
protected Load $load;
* The Insert class
* @var Insert
* @since 2.0.1
protected Insert $insert;
* The Update class
* @var Update
* @since 2.0.1
protected Update $update;
* The Session class
* @var Session
* @since 2.0.1
protected Session $session;
* The Share His Word Trigger
* @var bool
* @since 2.0.1
protected bool $trigger = false;
* Constructor
* @param Load $load The load object.
* @param Insert $insert The insert object.
* @param Update $update The update object.
* @param Session $session The session object.
* @since 2.0.1
public function __construct(
Load $load,
Insert $insert,
Update $update,
Session $session)
$this->load = $load;
$this->insert = $insert;
$this->update = $update;
$this->session = $session;
* The Share His Word Trigger
* @return bool True on success
* @since 2.0.1
public function share(): bool
return $this->trigger;
* Get Linker that has Access
* @return string|null Linker GUID that has access
* @since 2.0.1
public function get(): ?string
if (($linker = $this->session->get('getbible_active_linker_guid', null)) === null)
return null;
if (($access = $this->session->get("getbible_active_{$linker}", null)) === null
|| $access !== 'valid_access')
return null;
return $linker;
* Get GUID of a new Linker
* @return string|null Linker GUID that is new
* @since 2.0.1
public function getNew(): string
return $this->getGuid('linker');
* Get active Linker
* @param bool $setup The setup switch
* @return string|null Linker GUID that has access
* @since 2.0.1
public function active(bool $setup = true): ?string
if (($linker = $this->session->get('getbible_active_linker_guid', null)) !== null)
return $linker;
if ($setup)
$guid = $this->getGuid('linker');
$this->session->set('getbible_active_linker_guid', $guid);
return $guid;
return null;
* Get active Linker details
* @param bool $setup The setup switch
* @return array|null Linker details
* @since 2.0.1
public function activeDetails(bool $setup = true): ?array
if (($linker = $this->active($setup)) !== null)
// check if this is a valid linker (already set)
if (($name = $this->load->value(
['guid' => $linker, 'published' => 1],
'name', 'linker'
)) !== null)
return ['guid' => $linker, 'name' => $name, 'share' => $this->share()];
return ['guid' => $linker, 'name' => null, 'share' => null];
return null;
* Check if a Linker is valid active linker
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @return bool True if active valid linker
* @since 2.0.1
public function valid(string $linker): bool
// is only valid if this linker has an active password
if (GuidHelper::valid($linker) && ($password_name = $this->load->value(
['linker' => $linker, 'published' => 1],
'name', 'password'
)) !== null)
return true;
return false;
* Check if the linker is authenticated
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @return array Linker authenticated message
* @since 2.0.1
public function authenticated(string $linker): array
if (($access = $this->session->get("getbible_active_{$linker}", null)) === null
|| $access !== 'valid_access')
return ['error' => Text::_('Session not active.')];
// get current session
$current = $this->session->get('getbible_active_linker_guid', null);
if (strcasecmp($linker, $current) == 0)
return ['success' => Text::_('Session active.'), 'status' => true];
return ['success' => Text::_('Session active.'), 'status' => false];
* The Share His Word Trigger
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @return bool True on success
* @since 2.0.1
public function trigger(string $linker): bool
if (!$this->set($linker))
return false;
$this->trigger = true;
return true;
* Set Active Linker
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @return bool True on success
* @since 2.0.1
public function set(string $linker): bool
if (!GuidHelper::valid($linker))
return false;
$this->session->set('getbible_active_linker_guid', $linker);
return true;
* Revoke Linker Session
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @return array|null The success or error details
* @since 2.0.1
public function revokeSession(string $linker): ?array
// linker not valid GUID
if (!GuidHelper::valid($linker))
// hmm we can log this
return [
'error' => Text::_('Access revoked.')
if (($access = $this->session->get('getbible_active_linker_guid', null)) === null
|| $access !== $linker)
// hmm we can log this
return [
'success' => Text::_('Access revoked.')
$this->session->set('getbible_active_linker_guid', null);
return [
'success' => Text::_('Access revoked.')
* Set a linker name
* @param string $name The linker name
* @return array|null Array on success
* @since 2.0.1
public function setName(string $name): ?array
// make sure the linker has access
if (($linker = $this->get()) === null)
return [
'error' => Text::_("Without selecting the correct favourite verse,<br />you can't perform the initial action."),
'access_required' => true
// set the name of this linker
if (!$this->update->value($name, 'name', $linker, 'guid', 'linker'))
return [
'error' => Text::_('The name could not be updated.')
return [
'guid' => $linker,
'name' => $name,
'success' => Text::_('The name has been updated.')
* Set Access
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @param string $pass The linker pass value
* @param string|null $oldPass The linker old pass value
* @return array|null The success or error details
* @since 2.0.1
public function access(string $linker, string $pass, ?string $oldPass): ?array
// trim all empty space
$pass = trim($pass);
// password to short
if (strlen($pass) <= 3)
return [
'error' => Text::_('Password to short, use a longer password.')
// linker not valid GUID
elseif (!GuidHelper::valid($linker))
return [
'error' => Text::_('Invalid session key value.')
// get trying attempt counter
$attempt = $this->session->get("getbible_attempt_{$linker}", 1);
if ($attempt >= 11)
return [
'error' => Text::_('You have been blocked, you will need to wait one day before trying again, or contact support.')
// we log this, only 10 allowed
$this->session->set("getbible_attempt_{$linker}", $attempt);
// get linker
if (($_linker = $this->load->item(['guid' => $linker],'linker')) !== null)
// publish the linker if needed
if ($_linker->published != 1 && $this->update->value(1, 'published', $_linker->id, 'id', 'linker'))
return [
'error' => Text::_('Access already exist, but could not be reactivated.')
if (!empty($oldPass))
$oldPass = trim($oldPass);
if (($guid = $this->getPassGuid($linker, $oldPass)) === null)
return [
'error' => Text::_('Incorrect favourite verse selected.')
if (!$this->setPassword($linker, $pass))
return [
'error' => Text::_('Favourite verse could not be changed.')
// unpublished the old pass word only if new password was set
$this->update->value(-2, 'published', $guid, 'guid', 'password');
elseif (!$this->hasAccess($linker, $pass))
return [
'error' => Text::_('Incorrect favourite verse selected.')
elseif (!$this->setLinker($linker))
return [
'error' => Text::_('Session key could not be stored.')
elseif (!$this->setPassword($linker, $pass))
return [
'error' => Text::_('Favourite verse could not be stored.')
elseif (($_linker = $this->load->item(['guid' => $linker],'linker')) === null)
return null;
$_linker->published = 1;
$_linker->success = Text::_('Favourite verse successfully set.');
// add to session
$this->session->set('getbible_active_linker_guid', $linker);
$this->session->set("getbible_active_{$linker}", 'valid_access');
$this->session->set("getbible_attempt_{$linker}", 1);
return (array) $_linker;
* Revoke Access
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @return array|null The success or error details
* @since 2.0.1
public function revoke(string $linker): ?array
// linker not valid GUID
if (!GuidHelper::valid($linker))
// hmm we can log this
return [
'success' => Text::_('Access revoked.')
if (($access = $this->session->get("getbible_active_{$linker}", null)) === null
|| $access !== 'valid_access')
// hmm we can log this
return [
'success' => Text::_('Access revoked.')
$this->session->set("getbible_active_{$linker}", null);
return [
'success' => Text::_('Access revoked.')
* Has Access
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @param string $pass The linker pass value
* @return bool True on success
* @since 2.0.1
private function hasAccess(string $linker, string $pass): bool
if (($password = $this->getPassword($linker, $pass)) !== null)
return true;
return false;
* Get Password GUID
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @param string $pass The linker pass value
* @return string|null The GUID on success
* @since 2.0.1
private function getPassGuid(string $linker, string $pass): ?string
if (($password = $this->getPassword($linker, $pass)) !== null)
return $password->guid;
return null;
* Get Password
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @param string $pass The linker pass value
* @return object|null The GUID on success
* @since 2.0.1
private function getPassword(string $linker, string $pass): ?object
if (strlen($pass) > 3 && ($passwords = $this->load->items(
['linker' => $linker, 'published' => 1],
)) !== null)
foreach ($passwords as $password)
if (UserHelper::verifyPassword($pass, $password->password))
return $password;
return null;
* Set Linker
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @return bool True on success
* @since 2.0.1
private function setLinker(string $linker): bool
return $this->insert->row([
'name' => 'Default-Name',
'guid' => $linker
], 'linker');
* Set Password
* @param string $linker The linker GUID value
* @param string $pass The linker pass value
* @return bool True on success
* @since 2.0.1
private function setPassword(string $linker, string $pass): bool
if (strlen($pass) <= 3)
return false;
return $this->insert->row([
'name' => 'Favourite-Verse',
'linker' => $linker,
'password' => UserHelper::hashPassword($pass),
'guid' => $this->getGuid('password')
], 'password');
* Get a GUID
* @param string $table The table its for
* @return string The GUID value
* @since 2.0.1
private function getGuid(string $table): string
$guid = (string) GuidHelper::get();
while (!GuidHelper::valid($guid, $table, 0, '[[[component]]]'))
// must always be set
$guid = (string) GuidHelper::get();
return $guid;