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final class Load (Details)
namespace: VDM\Joomla\GetBible\Database
class Load << (F,LightGreen) >> #Green {
# Table $table
# Model $model
# Database $load
+ __construct(Table $table, Model $model, ...)
+ value(array $keys, string $field, ...) : mixed
+ max(array $filter, string $field, ...) : ?int
+ count(array $filter, string $table) : ?int
+ item(array $keys, string $table) : ?object
+ items(array $keys, string $table) : ?array
- prefix(array $keys) : array
note right of Load::__construct
since: 2.0.1
Table $table
Model $model
Database $load
end note
note right of Load::value
Get a value from a given table
Example: $this->value(
'abbreviation' => 'kjv',
'book_nr' => 62,
'chapter' => 3,
'verse' => 16
], 'value_key', 'table_name'
since: 2.0.1
return: mixed
array $keys
string $field
string $table
end note
note right of Load::max
Get the max value based on a filtered result from a given table
Example: $this->max(
'abbreviation' => 'kjv',
'book_nr' => 62,
'chapter' => 3,
'verse' => 16
], 'value_key', 'table_name'
since: 2.0.1
return: ?int
array $filter
string $field
string $table
end note
note right of Load::count
Count the number of items based on filter result from a given table
Example: $this->count(
'abbreviation' => 'kjv',
'book_nr' => 62,
'chapter' => 3,
'verse' => 16
], 'table_name'
since: 2.0.1
return: ?int
end note
note right of Load::item
Get values from a given table
Example: $this->item(
'abbriviation' => 'kjv',
'book_nr' => 62,
'chapter' => 3,
'verse' => 16
], 'table_name'
since: 2.0.1
return: ?object
end note
note right of Load::items
Get values from a given table
Example: $this->items(
'abbriviation' => [
'operator' => 'IN',
'value' => ['kjv', 'aov']
'book_nr' => 62,
'chapter' => 3,
'verse' => [
'operator' => 'IN',
'value' => [16, 17, 18]
], 'table_name'
Example: $this->items($ids, 'table_name');
since: 2.0.1
return: ?array
end note
note right of Load::prefix
Add prefix to the keys
since: 2.0.1
return: array
end note
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