2023-08-10 10:21:17 +02:00

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* The Chapters class
* @var Chapters
* @since 2.0.1
protected Chapters $chapters;
* The Verses class
* @var Verses
* @since 2.0.1
protected Verses $verses;
* Constructor
* @param Load $load The load object.
* @param Insert $insert The insert object.
* @param Update $update The update object.
* @param Chapters $chapters The chapters API object.
* @param Verses $verses The verses API object.
* @since 2.0.1
public function __construct(
Load $load,
Insert $insert,
Update $update,
Chapters $chapters,
Verses $verses)
// load the parent constructor
parent::__construct($load, $insert, $update);
$this->chapters = $chapters;
$this->verses = $verses;
// set the table
$this->table = 'chapter';
* Sync the target being watched
* @param string $translation The translation.
* @param int $book The book number.
* @param int $chapter The chapter number.
* @return bool True on success
* @since 2.0.1
public function sync(string $translation, int $book, int $chapter): bool
// load the target if not found
if ($this->chapter($translation, $book, $chapter)
&& $this->verses($translation, $book, $chapter))
if ($this->isNew() || $this->hold())
return true;
// get API hash value
$hash = $this->chapters->sha($translation, $book, $chapter);
// confirm hash has not changed
if (hash_equals($hash, $this->target->sha))
return $this->bump();
if ($this->update($translation, $book, $chapter)
&& $this->hash($hash))
return true;
return false;
* Update translation book chapter names
* @param array $books The books ids.
* @return bool True on success
* @since 2.0.1
public function names(array $books): bool
foreach ($books as $book)
if (($_book = $this->load->item(['id' => $book], 'book')) === null)
return false;
if (!$this->chapters($_book->abbreviation, $_book->nr))
return false;
return true;
* Force book chapter sync
* @param array $books The books ids.
* @return bool True on success
* @since 2.0.1
public function force(array $books): bool
foreach ($books as $book)
if (($_book = $this->load->item(['id' => $book], 'book')) === null)
return false;
if (($chapters = $this->load->items(
['abbreviation' => $_book->abbreviation, 'book_nr' => $_book->nr],
)) !== null)
foreach ($chapters as $chapter)
'id' => $chapter->id,
'created' => $this->past
], 'id', 'chapter');
return true;
* Load the chapter numbers
* @param string $translation The translation.
* @param int $book The book number.
* @param int $chapter The chapter number.
* @return bool True on success
* @since 2.0.1
private function chapter(string $translation, int $book, int $chapter): bool
// check local value
if (($this->target = $this->load->item(
['abbreviation' => $translation, 'book_nr' => $book, 'chapter' => $chapter],
)) !== null)
return true;
// get all the books
$chapters = $this->chapters->list($translation, $book);
// check return data
if (!isset($chapters->{$chapter}) || !isset($chapters->{$chapter}->sha))
return false;
// add them to the database
$this->insert->items((array) $chapters, 'chapter');
// check local value
if (($this->target = $this->load->item(
['abbreviation' => $translation, 'book_nr' => $book, 'chapter' => $chapter],
)) !== null)
return true;
return false;
* Trigger the update of the chapters of a translation-book
* @param string $translation The translation.
* @param int $book The book number.
* @param bool $updateHash The switch to update the hash.
* @return bool True if update was a success
* @since 2.0.1
private function chapters(string $translation, int $book, bool $updateHash = false): bool
// load all the verses from the local database
$inserted = false;
// get verses from the API
if (($api = $this->chapters->list($translation, $book)) === null)
return false;
if (($chapters = $this->load->items(
['abbreviation' => $translation, 'book_nr' => $book],
)) !== null)
$update = [];
$insert = [];
$match = ['key' => 'book_nr', 'value' => ''];
// dynamic update all verse objects
foreach ($api as $chapter)
// hash must only update/set if
// verses are also updated/set
if (!$updateHash)
// check if the verse exist
$match['value'] = (string) $chapter->book_nr;
if (($object = $this->getTarget($match, $chapters)) !== null)
$chapter->id = $object->id;
$chapter->modified = $this->today;
$update[] = $chapter;
$insert[] = $chapter;
// check if we have values to insert
if ($insert !== [])
$inserted = $this->insert->items($insert, 'chapter');
// update the local chapters
if ($update !== [] && $this->update->items($update, 'id', 'chapter'))
return true;
$inserted = $this->insert->items((array) $api, 'chapter');
return $inserted;
* Load verses
* @param string $translation The translation.
* @param int $book The book number.
* @param int $chapter The chapter number.
* @return bool True if in local database
* @since 2.0.1
private function verses(string $translation, int $book, int $chapter): bool
// check local value
if (($text = $this->load->value(
['abbreviation' => $translation, 'book_nr' => $book, 'chapter' => $chapter, 'verse' => 1],
'text', 'verse'
)) !== null)
return true;
// get all the verses
if (($verses = $this->verses->get($translation, $book, $chapter)) === null)
return false;
// dynamic update all verse objects
$insert = ['book_nr' => $book, 'abbreviation' => $translation];
array_walk($verses->verses, function ($item, $key) use ($insert) {
foreach ($insert as $k => $v) { $item->$k = $v; }
// add them to the database
$this->fresh = $this->insert->items((array) $verses->verses, 'verse');
return true;
* Trigger the update of the verses of a translation-book-chapter
* @param string $translation The translation.
* @param int $book The book number.
* @param int $chapter The chapter number.
* @return bool True if update was a success
* @since 2.0.1
private function update(string $translation, int $book, int $chapter): bool
// load all the verses from the local database
$inserted = false;
// get verses from the API
if (($api = $this->verses->get($translation, $book, $chapter)) === null)
return false;
if (($verses = $this->load->items(
['abbreviation' => $translation, 'book_nr' => $book, 'chapter' => $chapter],
)) !== null)
$update = [];
$insert = [];
$match = ['key' => 'verse', 'value' => ''];
// dynamic update all verse objects
foreach ($api->verses as $verse)
// check if the verse exist
$match['value'] = (string) $verse->verse;
if ($verses !== null && ($object = $this->getTarget($match, $verses)) !== null)
$verse->id = $object->id;
$verse->modified = $this->today;
$update[] = $verse;
$insert[] = $verse;
// check if we have values to insert
if ($insert !== [])
$_insert = ['book_nr' => $book, 'abbreviation' => $translation];
array_walk($insert, function ($item, $key) use ($_insert) {
foreach ($_insert as $k => $v) { $item->$k = $v; }
$inserted = $this->insert->items($insert, 'verse');
// update the local verses
if ($update !== [] && $this->update->items($update, 'id', 'verse'))
return true;
$insert = ['book_nr' => $book, 'abbreviation' => $translation];
array_walk($api->verses, function ($item, $key) use ($insert) {
foreach ($insert as $k => $v) { $item->$k = $v; }
$inserted = $this->insert->items((array) $api->verses, 'verse');
return $inserted;
* Trigger the update of a chapter hash value
* @param string $hash The API chapter hash value.
* @return bool True if update was a success
* @since 2.0.1
private function hash(string $hash): bool
// load the chapter
$update = [];
$update['id'] = $this->target->id;
$update['sha'] = $hash;
$update['created'] = $this->today;
// update the local chapter
return $this->update->row($update, 'id', 'chapter');