2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| io.vdm.dev |----/
Vast Development Method
@package getBible.net
@created 3rd December, 2015
@author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https://getbible.net>
@git Get Bible <https://git.vdm.dev/getBible>
@github Get Bible <https://github.com/getBible>
@support Get Bible <https://git.vdm.dev/getBible/support>
@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
use Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\ListModel;
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
use Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper;
2024-07-15 09:56:23 +02:00
use TrueChristianBible\Joomla\Utilities\StringHelper;
use TrueChristianBible\Joomla\Utilities\Component\Helper;
use TrueChristianBible\Joomla\Utilities\GuidHelper;
use TrueChristianBible\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper as UtilitiesArrayHelper;
use TrueChristianBible\Joomla\Utilities\JsonHelper;
use TrueChristianBible\Joomla\GetBible\Factory as GetBibleFactory;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
* Getbible List Model for Tag
class GetbibleModelTag extends ListModel
* Model user data.
* @var strings
protected $user;
protected $userId;
protected $guest;
protected $groups;
protected $levels;
protected $app;
protected $input;
protected $uikitComp;
* Method to build an SQL query to load the list data.
* @return string An SQL query
protected function getListQuery()
// Get the current user for authorisation checks
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->user = Factory::getUser();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$this->userId = $this->user->get('id');
$this->guest = $this->user->get('guest');
$this->groups = $this->user->get('groups');
$this->authorisedGroups = $this->user->getAuthorisedGroups();
$this->levels = $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->app = Factory::getApplication();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$this->input = $this->app->input;
$this->initSet = true;
// Make sure all records load, since no pagination allowed.
$this->setState('list.limit', 0);
// Get a db connection.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$db = Factory::getDbo();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Get from #__getbible_tagged_verse as a
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__getbible_tagged_verse', 'a'));
// Get from #__getbible_verse as v
$query->join('LEFT', ($db->quoteName('#__getbible_verse', 'v')) . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.verse') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('v.verse') . ')');
// Get from #__getbible_book as b
$query->join('LEFT', ($db->quoteName('#__getbible_book', 'b')) . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('v.book_nr') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('b.nr') . ')');
// Get from #__getbible_tag as t
$query->join('LEFT', ($db->quoteName('#__getbible_tag', 't')) . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.tag') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('t.guid') . ')');
// Check if $this->tag is a string or numeric value.
$checkValue = $this->tag;
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (isset($checkValue) && StringHelper::check($checkValue))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$query->where('a.tag = ' . $db->quote($checkValue));
elseif (is_numeric($checkValue))
$query->where('a.tag = ' . $checkValue);
return false;
// Check if $this->translation is a string or numeric value.
$checkValue = $this->translation;
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (isset($checkValue) && StringHelper::check($checkValue))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$query->where('v.abbreviation = ' . $db->quote($checkValue));
elseif (is_numeric($checkValue))
$query->where('v.abbreviation = ' . $checkValue);
return false;
// Get where a.published is 1
$query->where('a.published = 1');
// Get where a.access is 1
$query->where('a.access = 1');
// Get where v.published is 1
$query->where('v.published = 1');
// Get where t.published is 1
$query->where('t.published = 1');
// Get where v.book_nr is a.book_nr
$query->where('v.book_nr = a.book_nr');
// Get where v.chapter is a.chapter
$query->where('v.chapter = a.chapter');
// Get where v.verse is a.verse
$query->where('v.verse = a.verse');
2023-08-02 21:39:24 +02:00
// Get where b.abbreviation is v.abbreviation
$query->where('b.abbreviation = v.abbreviation');
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$query->order('a.book_nr ASC');
$query->order('a.chapter ASC');
$query->order('a.verse ASC');
// return the query object
return $query;
* Method to get an array of data items.
* @return mixed An array of data items on success, false on failure.
public function getItems()
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$user = Factory::getUser();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->input ??= Factory::getApplication()->input;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
2023-07-26 22:29:41 +02:00
$this->translation = $this->input->getString('t') ?? $this->input->getString('translation', Helper::getParams('com_getbible')->get('default_translation', 'kjv')) ;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$this->tag = $this->input->getString('guid') ?? '';
if (!GuidHelper::valid($this->tag))
return false;
// load parent items
$items = parent::getItems();
// Get the global params
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$globalParams = ComponentHelper::getParams('com_getbible', true);
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Insure all item fields are adapted where needed.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (UtilitiesArrayHelper::check($items))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Load the JEvent Dispatcher
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->_dispatcher = Factory::getApplication();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
// Always create a slug for sef URL's
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$item->slug = ($item->id ?? '0') . (isset($item->alias) ? ':' . $item->alias : '');
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Check if item has params, or pass whole item.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$params = (isset($item->params) && JsonHelper::check($item->params)) ? json_decode($item->params) : $item;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Make sure the content prepare plugins fire on text
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$_text = new \stdClass();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$_text->text =& $item->text; // value must be in text
// Since all values are now in text (Joomla Limitation), we also add the field name (text) to context
$this->_dispatcher->triggerEvent("onContentPrepare", array('com_getbible.tag.text', &$_text, &$params, 0));
// return items
return $items;
* Custom Method
* @return mixed item data object on success, false on failure.
public function getTranslation()
if (!isset($this->initSet) || !$this->initSet)
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->user = Factory::getUser();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$this->userId = $this->user->get('id');
$this->guest = $this->user->get('guest');
$this->groups = $this->user->get('groups');
$this->authorisedGroups = $this->user->getAuthorisedGroups();
$this->levels = $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();
$this->initSet = true;
// Get a db connection.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$db = Factory::getDbo();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Get from #__getbible_translation as a
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__getbible_translation', 'a'));
// Check if $this->translation is a string or numeric value.
$checkValue = $this->translation;
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (isset($checkValue) && StringHelper::check($checkValue))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$query->where('a.abbreviation = ' . $db->quote($checkValue));
elseif (is_numeric($checkValue))
$query->where('a.abbreviation = ' . $checkValue);
return false;
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
// Load the results as a stdClass object.
$data = $db->loadObject();
if (empty($data))
return false;
// Load the JEvent Dispatcher
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->_dispatcher = Factory::getApplication();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Check if we can decode distribution_history
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (isset($data->distribution_history) && JsonHelper::check($data->distribution_history))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Decode distribution_history
$data->distribution_history = json_decode($data->distribution_history, true);
// Check if item has params, or pass whole item.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$params = (isset($data->params) && JsonHelper::check($data->params)) ? json_decode($data->params) : $data;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Make sure the content prepare plugins fire on distribution_about
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$_distribution_about = new \stdClass();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$_distribution_about->text =& $data->distribution_about; // value must be in text
// Since all values are now in text (Joomla Limitation), we also add the field name (distribution_about) to context
$this->_dispatcher->triggerEvent("onContentPrepare", array('com_getbible.tag.distribution_about', &$_distribution_about, &$params, 0));
// Make sure the content prepare plugins fire on distribution_license
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$_distribution_license = new \stdClass();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$_distribution_license->text =& $data->distribution_license; // value must be in text
// Since all values are now in text (Joomla Limitation), we also add the field name (distribution_license) to context
$this->_dispatcher->triggerEvent("onContentPrepare", array('com_getbible.tag.distribution_license', &$_distribution_license, &$params, 0));
// return data object.
return $data;
* Custom Method
* @return mixed An array of objects on success, false on failure.
public function getTags()
if (!isset($this->initSet) || !$this->initSet)
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->user = Factory::getUser();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$this->userId = $this->user->get('id');
$this->guest = $this->user->get('guest');
$this->groups = $this->user->get('groups');
$this->authorisedGroups = $this->user->getAuthorisedGroups();
$this->levels = $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();
$this->initSet = true;
// Get the global params
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$globalParams = ComponentHelper::getParams('com_getbible', true);
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Get a db connection.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$db = Factory::getDbo();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Get from #__getbible_tag as a
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__getbible_tag', 'a'));
// Get where a.access is 1
$query->where('a.access = 1');
// Get where a.published is 1
$query->where('a.published = 1');
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
if (empty($items))
return false;
// Insure all item fields are adapted where needed.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (UtilitiesArrayHelper::check($items))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Load the JEvent Dispatcher
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->_dispatcher = Factory::getApplication();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
// Always create a slug for sef URL's
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$item->slug = ($item->id ?? '0') . (isset($item->alias) ? ':' . $item->alias : '');
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Check if item has params, or pass whole item.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$params = (isset($item->params) && JsonHelper::check($item->params)) ? json_decode($item->params) : $item;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Make sure the content prepare plugins fire on description
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$_description = new \stdClass();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$_description->text =& $item->description; // value must be in text
// Since all values are now in text (Joomla Limitation), we also add the field name (description) to context
$this->_dispatcher->triggerEvent("onContentPrepare", array('com_getbible.tag.description', &$_description, &$params, 0));
// return items
return $items;
* Custom Method
* @return mixed An array of objects on success, false on failure.
public function getLinkerTags()
if (!isset($this->initSet) || !$this->initSet)
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->user = Factory::getUser();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$this->userId = $this->user->get('id');
$this->guest = $this->user->get('guest');
$this->groups = $this->user->get('groups');
$this->authorisedGroups = $this->user->getAuthorisedGroups();
$this->levels = $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();
$this->initSet = true;
// Get the global params
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$globalParams = ComponentHelper::getParams('com_getbible', true);
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Get a db connection.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$db = Factory::getDbo();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Get from #__getbible_tag as a
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__getbible_tag', 'a'));
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
// Check if GetBibleFactory::_('GetBible.Linker')->active(true) is a string or numeric value.
$checkValue = GetBibleFactory::_('GetBible.Linker')->active(true);
if (isset($checkValue) && StringHelper::check($checkValue))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$query->where('a.linker = ' . $db->quote($checkValue));
elseif (is_numeric($checkValue))
$query->where('a.linker = ' . $checkValue);
return false;
// Get where a.access is 0
$query->where('a.access = 0');
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
if (empty($items))
return false;
// Insure all item fields are adapted where needed.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (UtilitiesArrayHelper::check($items))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Load the JEvent Dispatcher
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->_dispatcher = Factory::getApplication();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
// Always create a slug for sef URL's
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$item->slug = ($item->id ?? '0') . (isset($item->alias) ? ':' . $item->alias : '');
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Check if item has params, or pass whole item.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$params = (isset($item->params) && JsonHelper::check($item->params)) ? json_decode($item->params) : $item;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Make sure the content prepare plugins fire on description
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$_description = new \stdClass();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$_description->text =& $item->description; // value must be in text
// Since all values are now in text (Joomla Limitation), we also add the field name (description) to context
$this->_dispatcher->triggerEvent("onContentPrepare", array('com_getbible.tag.description', &$_description, &$params, 0));
// return items
return $items;
* Custom Method
* @return mixed item data object on success, false on failure.
public function getTag()
if (!isset($this->initSet) || !$this->initSet)
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->user = Factory::getUser();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$this->userId = $this->user->get('id');
$this->guest = $this->user->get('guest');
$this->groups = $this->user->get('groups');
$this->authorisedGroups = $this->user->getAuthorisedGroups();
$this->levels = $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();
$this->initSet = true;
// Get a db connection.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$db = Factory::getDbo();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Get from #__getbible_tag as a
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__getbible_tag', 'a'));
// Check if $this->tag is a string or numeric value.
$checkValue = $this->tag;
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (isset($checkValue) && StringHelper::check($checkValue))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$query->where('a.guid = ' . $db->quote($checkValue));
elseif (is_numeric($checkValue))
$query->where('a.guid = ' . $checkValue);
return false;
// Get where a.published is 1
$query->where('a.published = 1');
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
// Load the results as a stdClass object.
$data = $db->loadObject();
if (empty($data))
return false;
// Load the JEvent Dispatcher
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->_dispatcher = Factory::getApplication();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Check if item has params, or pass whole item.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$params = (isset($data->params) && JsonHelper::check($data->params)) ? json_decode($data->params) : $data;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Make sure the content prepare plugins fire on description
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$_description = new \stdClass();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$_description->text =& $data->description; // value must be in text
// Since all values are now in text (Joomla Limitation), we also add the field name (description) to context
$this->_dispatcher->triggerEvent("onContentPrepare", array('com_getbible.tag.description', &$_description, &$params, 0));
// return data object.
return $data;
* Custom Method
* @return mixed An array of objects on success, false on failure.
public function getLinkerTagged()
if (!isset($this->initSet) || !$this->initSet)
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->user = Factory::getUser();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$this->userId = $this->user->get('id');
$this->guest = $this->user->get('guest');
$this->groups = $this->user->get('groups');
$this->authorisedGroups = $this->user->getAuthorisedGroups();
$this->levels = $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();
$this->initSet = true;
// Get the global params
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$globalParams = ComponentHelper::getParams('com_getbible', true);
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Get a db connection.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$db = Factory::getDbo();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Get from #__getbible_tagged_verse as a
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__getbible_tagged_verse', 'a'));
// Get from #__getbible_verse as v
$query->join('LEFT', ($db->quoteName('#__getbible_verse', 'v')) . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.verse') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('v.verse') . ')');
// Get from #__getbible_book as b
$query->join('LEFT', ($db->quoteName('#__getbible_book', 'b')) . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('v.book_nr') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('b.nr') . ')');
// Get from #__getbible_tag as t
$query->join('LEFT', ($db->quoteName('#__getbible_tag', 't')) . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.tag') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('t.guid') . ')');
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
// Check if GetBibleFactory::_('GetBible.Linker')->active(true) is a string or numeric value.
$checkValue = GetBibleFactory::_('GetBible.Linker')->active(true);
if (isset($checkValue) && StringHelper::check($checkValue))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$query->where('a.linker = ' . $db->quote($checkValue));
elseif (is_numeric($checkValue))
$query->where('a.linker = ' . $checkValue);
return false;
// Check if $this->tag is a string or numeric value.
$checkValue = $this->tag;
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (isset($checkValue) && StringHelper::check($checkValue))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$query->where('a.tag = ' . $db->quote($checkValue));
elseif (is_numeric($checkValue))
$query->where('a.tag = ' . $checkValue);
return false;
// Check if $this->translation is a string or numeric value.
$checkValue = $this->translation;
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (isset($checkValue) && StringHelper::check($checkValue))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$query->where('v.abbreviation = ' . $db->quote($checkValue));
elseif (is_numeric($checkValue))
$query->where('v.abbreviation = ' . $checkValue);
return false;
// Check if $this->translation is a string or numeric value.
$checkValue = $this->translation;
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (isset($checkValue) && StringHelper::check($checkValue))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$query->where('b.abbreviation = ' . $db->quote($checkValue));
elseif (is_numeric($checkValue))
$query->where('b.abbreviation = ' . $checkValue);
return false;
// Get where a.access is 0
$query->where('a.access = 0');
// Get where v.published is 1
$query->where('v.published = 1');
// Get where t.published is 1
$query->where('t.published = 1');
// Get where v.book_nr is a.book_nr
$query->where('v.book_nr = a.book_nr');
// Get where v.chapter is a.chapter
$query->where('v.chapter = a.chapter');
// Get where v.verse is a.verse
$query->where('v.verse = a.verse');
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
if (empty($items))
return false;
// Insure all item fields are adapted where needed.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
if (UtilitiesArrayHelper::check($items))
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Load the JEvent Dispatcher
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$this->_dispatcher = Factory::getApplication();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
// Always create a slug for sef URL's
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$item->slug = ($item->id ?? '0') . (isset($item->alias) ? ':' . $item->alias : '');
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Check if item has params, or pass whole item.
2024-01-22 10:48:28 +02:00
$params = (isset($item->params) && JsonHelper::check($item->params)) ? json_decode($item->params) : $item;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// Make sure the content prepare plugins fire on text
2024-01-26 17:18:26 +02:00
$_text = new \stdClass();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$_text->text =& $item->text; // value must be in text
// Since all values are now in text (Joomla Limitation), we also add the field name (text) to context
$this->_dispatcher->triggerEvent("onContentPrepare", array('com_getbible.tag.text', &$_text, &$params, 0));
// return items
return $items;