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2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |----/
Vast Development Method
@created 3rd December, 2015
@author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
@git Get Bible <>
@github Get Bible <>
@support Get Bible <>
@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later -
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
* Routing class from com_getbible
* @since 3.3
class GetbibleRouter extends JComponentRouterBase
* Build the route for the com_getbible component
* @param array &$query An array of URL arguments
* @return array The URL arguments to use to assemble the subsequent URL.
* @since 3.3
protected ?string $defaultTranslation = null;
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public function build(&$query)
$segments = [];
$view = $query['view'] ?? 'app';
$this->defaultTranslation ??= JComponentHelper::getParams('com_getbible')->get('default_translation', 'kjv');
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if ($view === 'search')
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$segments[0] = 'search';
$segments[1] = $query['t'] ?? $query['version'] ?? $query['translation'] ?? $this->defaultTranslation;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$criteria = $query['criteria'] ?? null;
if ($criteria === null)
$word = $query['words'] ?? 1;
$match = $query['match'] ?? 2;
$case = $query['case'] ?? 1;
$target = $query['target'] ?? 1000;
$criteria = "{$word}-{$match}-{$case}-{$target}";
if (strpos($criteria, '-') !== false)
$word = $this->criteriaString(
$criteria, 0,
'allwords' => 'allwords',
'anywords' => 'anywords',
'exactwords' => 'exactwords',
1 => 'allwords',
2 => 'anywords',
3 => 'exactwords'
], 'allwords');
$match = $this->criteriaString(
$criteria, 1,
'exactmatch' => 'exactmatch',
'partialmatch' => 'partialmatch',
1 => 'exactmatch',
2 => 'partialmatch'
], 'partialmatch');
$case = $this->criteriaString(
$criteria, 2,
'caseinsensitive' => 'caseinsensitive',
'casesensitive' => 'casesensitive',
1 => 'caseinsensitive',
2 => 'casesensitive'
], 'caseinsensitive');
$target = $this->criteriaString(
$criteria, 3,
'allbooks' => 'allbooks',
'oldtestament' => 'oldtestament',
'newtestament' => 'newtestament',
1000 => 'allbooks',
2000 => 'oldtestament',
3000 => 'newtestament',
4000 => 'booknames'
], 'allbooks');
if ($target === 'booknames')
$target = $this->criteriaBook($criteria, 3);
$segments[2] = "{$word}-{$match}-{$case}-{$target}";
$segments[2] = 'allwords-partialmatch-caseinsensitive-allbooks';
$segments[3] = $query['search'] ?? $query['s'] ?? '';
elseif ($view === 'openai')
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$segments[0] = 'openai';
$segments[1] = $query['guid'] ?? '';
$segments[2] = $query['t'] ?? $query['version'] ?? $query['translation'] ?? $this->defaultTranslation;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$segments[3] = $query['book'] ?? '';
$segments[4] = $query['chapter'] ?? '';
$segments[5] = $query['verse'] ?? '';
$segments[6] = $query['words'] ?? '';
// remove what is not there
if (empty($segments[5]))
if (empty($segments[6]))
elseif ($view === 'api')
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$segments[0] = 'api';
$segments[1] = $query['t'] ?? $query['version'] ?? $query['translation'] ?? $this->defaultTranslation;
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$segments[2] = $query['get'] ?? '';
elseif ($view === 'tag')
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$segments[0] = 'tag';
$segments[1] = $query['t'] ?? $query['version'] ?? $query['translation'] ?? $this->defaultTranslation;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$segments[2] = $query['guid'] ?? '';
if (!empty($query['guid']) && ($tag_name = $this->getVar('tag', $query['guid'], 'guid', 'name')) !== null)
$tag_name = preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{N}\s]/u', '', $tag_name);
$segments[3] = urlencode($tag_name);
$segments[0] = $query['t'] ?? $query['translation'] ?? $this->defaultTranslation;
$book = $query['ref'] ?? $query['b'] ?? $query['book'] ?? '';
if (is_numeric($book) && $book > 0)
$book = $this->getBookName((int) $book, $segments[0]);
$segments[1] = $book;
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$chapter = $query['chapter'] ?? $query['c'] ?? '';
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if (strlen($chapter) && is_numeric($chapter))
$segments[2] = $chapter;
$verse = $query['verse'] ?? $query['v'] ?? '';
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if (strlen($verse))
$segments[3] = $verse;
// remove all values used
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
return $segments;
* Parse the segments of a URL.
* @param array &$segments The segments of the URL to parse.
* @return array The URL attributes to be used by the application.
* @since 3.3
public function parse(&$segments)
$vars = [];
$vars['view'] = 'app';
$this->defaultTranslation ??= JComponentHelper::getParams('com_getbible')->get('default_translation', 'kjv');
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$key = 0;
$vars['t'] = $segments[$key] ?? '';
// if first value is a valid translation, we are on the app page
if ($this->validTranslation($vars['t']))
$this->setAppVars($vars, $key, $segments);
// if the first value is search we are on the search page
elseif ($vars['t'] === 'search')
$this->setSearchVars($vars, $key, $segments);
// if the first api is search we are on the api page
elseif ($vars['t'] === 'api')
$vars['view'] = 'api';
// set the translation
$this->setTranslation($vars, $key, $segments);
$vars['ref'] = $segments[$key] ?? '';
// if the first openai is search we are on the openai page
elseif ($vars['t'] === 'openai')
$vars['view'] = 'openai';
// set the AI guid
$vars['guid'] = $segments[$key] ?? '';
// set the translation
$this->setTranslation($vars, $key, $segments);
// set the targets
$vars['book'] = $segments[$key] ?? '';
$vars['chapter'] = $segments[$key] ?? '';
$vars['verse'] = $segments[$key] ?? '';
$vars['words'] = $segments[$key] ?? '';
// if the first tag is search we are on the tag page
elseif ($vars['t'] === 'tag')
$vars['view'] = 'tag';
// set the translation
$this->setTranslation($vars, $key, $segments);
// set the Tag guid
$vars['guid'] = $segments[$key] ?? '';
// if the first tag is none of the above, we are probably on the app page
$vars['t'] = $this->defaultTranslation;
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$this->setAppVars($vars, $key, $segments);
return $vars;
* Set the app variables
* @param array $vars The active variables found
* @param int $key The active key state of the segment array pointer
* @param array $segments The URL segments
* @return void
* @since 3.3
protected function setAppVars(array &$vars, int &$key, array $segments): void
$value = $segments[$key] ?? null;
$book_number = 0;
$book_name = $this->getBook($value, $book_number, $vars['t']);
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if ($book_name !== null && $book_number > 0)
$vars['ref'] = $book_name;
$vars['book'] = $book_number;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$chapter_number = $this->getChapter($vars, $key, $segments);
$has_verses = $this->getVerses($vars, $key, $segments);
$book_number ?? null,
$chapter_number ?? null,
$has_verses ?? false
* Set the Search Variables
* @param array $vars The active variables found
* @param int $key The active key state of the segment array pointer
* @param array $segments The URL segments
* @return void
* @since 3.3
protected function setSearchVars(array &$vars, int &$key, array $segments): void
$vars['view'] = 'search';
// set the translation
$this->setTranslation($vars, $key, $segments);
// set the criteria for the search
$this->setSearchCriteria($vars, $key, $segments);
// get the search value
$vars['search'] = $segments[$key] ?? '';
// check if this is an API call
if (!empty($vars['search']))
$api_call = $segments[$key] ?? 'not_api_call';
if ($api_call === 'get_bible.json')
echo '<pre>';
var_dump('We have an API call!');
* Retrieve book based on the value provided
* @param mixed $value
* @param int &$bookNumber
* @param string|null $translation The book translation.
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* @return string|null
* @since 3.3
private function getBook($value, int &$bookNumber, ?string $translation = null): ?string
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if (is_numeric($value))
$bookNumber = $value;
return $this->getBookName((int) $value, $translation);
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elseif (!empty($value) && ($bookNumber = $this->getBookNumber($value)) !== null)
return $value;
return null;
* Retrieve chapter from the segments
* @param array &$vars
* @param int &$key
* @param array $segments
* @return int|null
* @since 3.3
private function getChapter(array &$vars, int &$key, array $segments): ?int
$value = $segments[$key] ?? null;
if (!empty($value) && is_numeric($value) && $value > 0)
$vars['ref'] .= ' ' . $value;
$vars['chapter'] = $value;
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return (int) $value;
return null;
* Retrieve verses from the segments
* @param array &$vars
* @param int &$key
* @param array $segments
* @return bool
* @since 3.3
private function getVerses(array &$vars, int &$key, array $segments): bool
$value = $segments[$key] ?? null;
if (!empty($value) && (is_numeric($value) || strpos($value, '-') !== false))
$vars['ref'] .= ':' . $value;
$vars['verse'] = $value;
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return true;
return false;
* Check if the request is an API call and redirect if necessary
* @param array $vars
* @param int &$key
* @param array $segments
* @param int|null $bookNumber
* @param int|null $chapterNumber
* @param bool $hasVerses
* @return void
* @since 3.3
private function checkAndRedirectApiCall(
array $vars, int $key, array $segments,
?int $bookNumber, ?int $chapterNumber, bool $hasVerses): void
$apiCall = $segments[$key] ?? 'not_api_call';
if ($apiCall === 'get_bible.json')
if ($hasVerses)
echo '<pre>';
var_dump('We have an API call, will return it from local DB. Soon!');
elseif (!empty($bookNumber) && !empty($chapterNumber))
elseif (!empty($bookNumber))
* Set The Translation
* @param array $vars The active variables found
* @param int $key The active key state of the segment array pointer
* @param array $segments The URL segments
* @return void
* @since 3.3
private function setTranslation(array &$vars, int &$key, array $segments): void
$vars['t'] = $segments[$key] ?? $this->defaultTranslation;
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if ($this->validTranslation($vars['t']))
$vars['t'] = $this->defaultTranslation;
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* Set The Search Criteria
* @param array $vars The active variables found
* @param int $key The active key state of the segment array pointer
* @param array $segments The URL segments
* @return void
* @since 3.3
private function setSearchCriteria(array &$vars, int &$key, array $segments): void
// set the criteria values
$criteria = $segments[$key] ?? null;
if ($criteria === null || strpos($criteria , '-') === false)
// the default is greedy
$criteria = 'allwords-partialmatch-caseinsensitive-allbooks';
* > words (0)
* 1 = allwords, 2 = anywords, 3 = exactwords
$vars['words'] = $this->criteria(
$criteria, 0,
'allwords' => 1,
'anywords' => 2,
'exactwords' => 3,
1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3
], 1);
* > match (1)
* 1 = exactmatch, 2 = partialmatch
$vars['match'] = $this->criteria(
$criteria, 1,
'exactmatch' => 1,
'partialmatch' => 2,
1 => 1, 2 => 2
], 2);
* > case (2)
* 1 = caseinsensitive, 2 = casesensitive
$vars['case'] = $this->criteria(
$criteria, 2,
'caseinsensitive' => 1,
'casesensitive' => 2,
1 => 1, 2 => 2
], 1);
* > target (3)
* 1000 = all, 2000 = old, 3000 = new, 4000 = book_name
$vars['target'] = $this->criteria(
$criteria, 3,
'allbooks' => 1000,
'oldtestament' => 2000,
'newtestament' => 3000,
1000 => 1000, 2000 => 2000, 3000 => 3000
], 4000);
* When we have 4000 we need to get the book name
if ($vars['target'] == 4000)
$vars['target_book'] = $this->criteriaBook($criteria, 3);
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
if ($vars['target_book'] === null)
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
$vars['target'] = 1000;
* Get the int value of the criteria string
* @param string $value The criteria string.
* @param int $position The criteria position.
* @param array $criteria The criteria target.
* @param int $default The criteria default.
* @return int The int value of the targeted criteria.
* @since 3.3
private function criteria(string $value, int $position, array $criteria, int $default): int
if (strpos($value, '-') !== false)
$array = explode('-', $value);
if (isset($array[$position]) && isset($criteria[$array[$position]]))
return $criteria[$array[$position]];
return $default;
* Get the book value from the criteria string
* @param string $value The criteria string.
* @param int $position The criteria position.
* @return mixed the book value
* @since 3.3
private function criteriaBook(string $value, int $position)
if (strpos($value, '-') !== false)
$array = explode('-', $value);
if (isset($array[$position]))
return $array[$position];
return null;
* Get the string value of the criteria int
* @param string $value The criteria string.
* @param int $position The criteria position.
* @param array $criteria The criteria target.
* @param int $default The criteria default.
* @return string The string value of the targeted criteria.
* @since 3.3
private function criteriaString(string $value, int $position, array $criteria, string $default): string
if (strpos($value, '-') !== false)
$array = explode('-', $value);
if (isset($array[$position]) && isset($criteria[$array[$position]]))
return $criteria[$array[$position]];
return $default;
* Get a Book number
* @param string $value The book name.
* @return int|null The book number
* @since 3.3
private function getBookNumber(string $name): ?int
if (($number = $this->getVar('book', $name, 'name', 'nr')) !== null
&& $number > 0)
return $number;
return null;
* Get a Book name
* @param int $value The book number.
* @param string|null $translation The book translation.
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* @return string|null The book name
* @since 3.3
private function getBookName(int $value, ?string $translation = null): ?string
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
if (!empty($translation) && is_numeric($value) && $value > 0)
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->quoteName('nr') . ' = '. (int) $value);
$query->where($db->quoteName('abbreviation') . ' = ' . $db->quote((string) $translation));
if ($db->getNumRows())
return $db->loadResult();
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
if (($name = $this->getVar('book', $value, 'nr', 'name')) !== null)
return $name;
return null;
* Validate if this is a active translation
* @param string $value The criteria string.
* @return bool True if its a valid translation
* @since 3.3
private function validTranslation(string $value): bool
if (strlen($value) > 0)
if (($published = $this->getVar('translation', $value, 'abbreviation', 'published')) !== null
&& $published == 1)
return true;
return false;
* Get a variable
* @param string $table The table from which to get the variable
* @param string $where The value where
* @param string $whereString The target/field string where/name
* @param string $what The return field
* @param string $operator The operator between $whereString/field and $where/value
* @param string $main The component in which the table is found
* @return mix string/int/float
* @since 3.3
private function getVar($table, $where = null, $whereString = 'user', $what = 'id', $operator = '=', $main = 'getbible')
$where = JFactory::getUser()->id;
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
if (empty($table))
if (is_numeric($where))
$query->where($db->quoteName($whereString) . ' '.$operator.' '.(int) $where);
elseif (is_string($where))
$query->where($db->quoteName($whereString) . ' '.$operator.' '. $db->quote((string)$where));
return false;
if ($db->getNumRows())
return $db->loadResult();
return false;
protected function checkString($string)
if (isset($string) && is_string($string) && strlen($string) > 0)
return true;
return false;
function GetbibleBuildRoute(&$query)
$router = new GetbibleRouter;
return $router->build($query);
function GetbibleParseRoute($segments)
$router = new GetbibleRouter;
return $router->parse($segments);