2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| io.vdm.dev |----/
Vast Development Method
@package getBible.net
@created 3rd December, 2015
@author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https://getbible.net>
@git Get Bible <https://git.vdm.dev/getBible>
@github Get Bible <https://github.com/getBible>
@support Get Bible <https://git.vdm.dev/getBible/support>
@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
2023-12-23 18:05:05 +02:00
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper as Html;
use Joomla\CMS\Layout\LayoutHelper;
2024-01-29 09:31:35 +02:00
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
2023-07-28 17:54:37 +02:00
<script type="text/javascript">
// set global values
2024-03-08 10:07:33 +02:00
const getbible_active_translation = <?php echo json_encode($this->chapter->abbreviation); ?>;
2023-07-28 17:54:37 +02:00
const getbible_verses = <?php echo json_encode($this->chapter->verses); ?>;
2024-03-08 10:07:33 +02:00
const getbible_book_nr = <?php echo (int) $this->chapter->book_nr; ?>;
const getbible_chapter_nr = <?php echo (int) $this->chapter->chapter; ?>;
const getbible_page_url = <?php echo json_encode($this->getBaseUrl() . '/'); ?>;
2023-07-28 17:54:37 +02:00
var triggerGetBibleReload = false;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
<div class="uk-section-default uk-section">
<div class="uk-container">
<div class="tm-grid-expand uk-child-width-1-1 uk-grid-margin uk-grid uk-grid-stack" uk-grid>
<div class="uk-first-column">
<div class="uk-margin">
<?php if ($this->params->get('show_top_menu') == 1): ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('getbibleapptopmenu'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('getbibleappbody'); ?>
<?php if ($this->params->get('show_bottom_menu') == 1): ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('getbibleappbottommenu'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
2024-01-29 09:31:35 +02:00
<?php if ($this->params->get('show_hash_validation') == 1 || $this->params->get('show_getbible_link') == 1 || $this->params->get('show_api_link') == 1 || $this->params->get('show_getbible_logo') == 1): ?>
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
<div class="uk-margin">
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('getbibleappfooter'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('getbiblefavouriteverseselector'); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
2023-07-28 17:54:37 +02:00
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('getbiblelinkermanager'); ?>
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
// function to access verses by number
const getActiveVerseText = (verseNumber) => {
2024-01-29 09:31:35 +02:00
const verseObj = getbible_verses.find(verse => verse.verse.toString() === verseNumber.toString());
2023-08-02 21:39:24 +02:00
return verseObj ? verseObj.text : '';
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_sharing') == 1 || $this->params->get('activate_tags') == 1 || $this->params->get('activate_notes') == 1): ?>
<?php if ($this->notes): ?>
var getbible_notes = <?php echo json_encode($this->notes); ?>;
<?php else: ?>
var getbible_notes = [];
<?php endif;?>
<?php if ($this->tags): ?>
var getbible_tags = <?php echo json_encode($this->tags); ?>;
<?php else: ?>
var getbible_tags = [];
<?php endif;?>
<?php if ($this->taggedverses): ?>
var getbible_tagged = <?php echo json_encode($this->taggedverses); ?>;
<?php else: ?>
var getbible_tagged = [];
<?php endif;?>
const getbibleFormatVerseSlider = {
from: function (formattedValue) {
return Number(formattedValue);
to: function(numericValue) {
return Math.round(numericValue);
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_notes') == 1): ?>
const setActiveNoteTextarea = async (verse) => {
// Find the textarea by id
const textArea = document.getElementById('verse-note-textarea');
// If the textarea exists
if(textArea) {
textArea.value = '';
// Loop over the data array
for(let i = 0; i < getbible_notes.length; i++) {
// If the verse of the current object matches the passed verse
if(getbible_notes[i].verse == verse) {
// Update the value of the textarea with the note of the matching object
textArea.value = getbible_notes[i].note;
// Stop looping as we found the matching verse
const setActiveNoteVerse = async (verse, note = null) => {
// Find the note verse by id
const noteVerse = document.getElementById('getbible-verse-note-' + verse);
// If the textarea exists
if(noteVerse) {
noteVerse.value = '';
// Loop over the data array
for(let i = 0; i < getbible_notes.length; i++) {
// If the verse of the current object matches the passed verse
if(getbible_notes[i].verse == verse) {
// if we have a new note we also update the object
if (note !== null) {
getbible_notes[i].note = note;
// Update the value of the verse (note) with the note of the matching object
noteVerse.textContent = getbible_notes[i].note;
// Stop looping as we found the matching verse
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
// if a note is empty we remove it completely
if (note !== null && note.trim() === '' || triggerGetBibleReload) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
<?php endif;?>
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_tags') == 1): ?>
const setActiveTags = async (verse) => {
// update the active tags
2023-08-01 06:44:49 +02:00
const canEditTag = (item) => {
return item.linker && getbible_linker_guid === item.linker;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
const updateActiveGetBibleTaggedItems = async (verse) => {
2023-08-01 06:44:49 +02:00
getbible_tags.forEach((itemData) => {
// if item is not in getbible_tagged array, move it back to all items list
let foundItem = getbible_tagged.find(item => item.tag == itemData.guid && item.verse == verse);
if (foundItem) {
let itemElement = createGetbileTagDivItem(itemData.guid, verse, itemData.name, itemData.url, canEditTag(itemData), foundItem.guid);
let allList = document.querySelector('#getbible-active-tags');
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
const updateAllGetBibleTaggedItems = async (verse) => {
getbible_tags.forEach((itemData) => {
// if item is not in getbible_tagged array, move it back to all items list
if (!getbible_tagged.find(item => item.tag == itemData.guid && item.verse == verse)) {
2023-08-01 06:44:49 +02:00
let itemElement = createGetbileTagDivItem(itemData.guid, verse, itemData.name, itemData.url, canEditTag(itemData));
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
let allList = document.querySelector('#getbible-tags');
2023-08-01 06:44:49 +02:00
const getBibleTagItem = (guid) => {
let item = getbible_tags.find(item => item.guid == guid);
if (item) {
return item;
} else {
return null; // or whatever default value you want
const setBibleTagItem = (guid, tagItem) => {
let index = getbible_tags.findIndex(item => item.guid == guid);
if (index !== -1) {
// If the item exists, replace it
getbible_tags[index] = tagItem;
} else {
// If the item doesn't exist, add it
2023-08-04 17:13:55 +02:00
// sort getbible_tagged by 'name' key in ascending order
getbible_tags.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.name < b.name) {
return -1;
if (a.name > b.name) {
return 1;
return 0;
2023-08-01 06:44:49 +02:00
2023-08-02 21:39:24 +02:00
const deleteBibleTagItem = (guid) => {
let index = getbible_tags.findIndex(item => item.guid == guid);
if (index !== -1) {
// If the item exists, remove it
getbible_tags.splice(index, 1);
} else {
// If the item doesn't exist, do nothing
console.log('Item does not exist');
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
const setActiveTaggedVerse = async (data) => {
let found = false;
getbible_tagged.forEach((itemData) => {
if(itemData.verse == data.verse && itemData.tag == data.tag) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
// add code to add this data from the getbible_tagged array
// add tag if not found
let verse_tag = document.getElementById('getbible-verse-tag-' + data.verse);
if (verse_tag) {
verse_tag.style.display = '';
// check if we should reload
if (triggerGetBibleReload) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
const setInactiveTaggedVerse = async (tag, verse) => {
getbible_tagged = getbible_tagged.filter((itemData) => {
return !(itemData.guid == tag);
let found = false;
getbible_tagged.forEach((itemData) => {
if(itemData.verse == verse) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
// remove tag if not found
let verse_tag = document.getElementById('getbible-verse-tag-' + verse);
if (verse_tag) {
verse_tag.style.display = 'none';
// check if we should reload
if (triggerGetBibleReload) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
<?php endif;?>
// Define an object with getter and setter properties
const getbibleActiveVerse = {
_value: 1, // the actual variable
get value() {
return this._value;
set value(val) {
this._value = val;
// Update all elements with the class name `active-getbible-verse`
let activeGetbibleVerse = document.getElementsByClassName('active-getbible-verse');
for (let i = 0; i < activeGetbibleVerse.length; i++) {
activeGetbibleVerse[i].textContent = this._value;
// Update all elements with the class name `getbible-verse-selected-text`
let getbibleVerseSelectedText = document.getElementsByClassName('getbible-verse-selected-text');
let verseText = getActiveVerseText(this._value);
for (let i = 0; i < getbibleVerseSelectedText.length; i++) {
getbibleVerseSelectedText[i].textContent = verseText;
2023-08-02 21:39:24 +02:00
// Update all elements with the class name `getbible-verse-pre-text`
let getbibleVersePreText = document.getElementsByClassName('getbible-verse-pre-text');
let pre_value = val - 1;
let versePre = getActiveVerseText(pre_value);
for (let i = 0; i < getbibleVersePreText.length; i++) {
getbibleVersePreText[i].textContent = versePre;
// Update all elements with the class name `getbible-verse-post-text`
let getbibleVersePostText = document.getElementsByClassName('getbible-verse-post-text');
let post_value = val + 1;
let versePost = getActiveVerseText(post_value);
for (let i = 0; i < getbibleVersePostText.length; i++) {
getbibleVersePostText[i].textContent = versePost;
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_notes') == 1): ?> // update the note
setActiveNoteTextarea(this._value);<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_tags') == 1): ?> // update the tags
setActiveTags(this._value);<?php endif; ?>
2023-07-26 22:29:41 +02:00
setSharedValues(this._value, this._value, true);
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
const setActiveVerse = async (number, update = true) => {
getbibleActiveVerse.value = number;
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_tags') == 1 || $this->params->get('activate_notes') == 1): ?>
// update all the active sliders
if (update) {
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_tags') == 1): ?>
// update the tag sliders
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_notes') == 1): ?>
// update the note sliders
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->params->get('enable_open_ai') == 1 && ($buttons = $this->promptIntegration($this->prompts, [2])) !== null): ?>
<?php foreach($buttons as $button): ?>
let ids = [];<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_sharing') == 1): ?>
ids.push('getbible-openai-sharing-<?php echo $button->guid; ?>');<?php endif; ?><?php if ( $this->params->get('activate_tags') == 1): ?>
ids.push('getbible-openai-tags-<?php echo $button->guid; ?>');<?php endif; ?><?php if ($this->params->get('activate_notes') == 1): ?>
ids.push('getbible-openai-notes-<?php echo $button->guid; ?>');<?php endif; ?>
setOpenaiUrl(ids, '<?php echo $button->guid; ?>', 0, number, getbible_chapter_nr, getbible_book_nr, getbible_active_translation);
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
const setActiveOpenModel = async (model, update = true) => {
// Your new value
let newValue = 'target: #getbible-app-' + model;
// Get all elements with the class name 'getbible-verse-link'
let elements = document.getElementsByClassName('getbible-verse-link');
// Update the 'uk-toggle' attribute of each element
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].setAttribute('uk-toggle', newValue);
// add this to memory
if (update) {
setLocalMemory('getbible_active_open_model', {target: model});
// update the tag sliders
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_sharing') == 1): ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('getbibleappshare'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_tags') == 1): ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('getbibleapptags'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->params->get('activate_notes') == 1): ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('getbibleappnotes'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
// check if we have values in memory
var tmp = getLocalMemory('getbible_active_open_model');
if (tmp !== null && typeof tmp.target !== 'undefined') {
let available_model = document.getElementById('getbible-app-' + tmp.target);
if (available_model) {
setActiveOpenModel(tmp.target, false);
<?php if ($this->verses->first > 3): ?>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var element = document.getElementById('getbible-verse-<?php echo $this->verses->first; ?>');
if(element) {
2023-08-07 10:33:21 +02:00
smoothScrollTo(element, 40);
2023-07-26 11:09:42 +02:00
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
// always make sure that we have the valid linker set
if (getbible_linker_guid !== null) {