@git Get Bible @github Get Bible @support Get Bible @copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved @license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html /------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text; use Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Toolbar; use Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper; use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper as Html; use Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout; use Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView; use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper; use Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\ToolbarHelper; use Joomla\CMS\Session\Session; use Joomla\CMS\Router\Router; use Joomla\CMS\Router\Route; use Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri; use Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper; use VDM\Joomla\GetBible\Factory as GetBibleFactory; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\StringHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper; /** * Getbible Html View class for the Search */ class GetbibleViewSearch extends HtmlView { // Overwriting JView display method function display($tpl = null) { // get combined params of both component and menu $this->app = Factory::getApplication(); $this->params = $this->app->getParams(); $this->menu = $this->app->getMenu()->getActive(); // get the user object $this->user = Factory::getUser(); // Initialise variables. $this->items = $this->get('Items'); $this->translations = $this->get('Translations'); $this->books = $this->get('Books'); $this->translation = $this->get('Translation'); // remove from page (in case debug mode is on) $this->params->set('openai_token', null); $this->params->set('gitea_token', null); // set the input object $this->input = $this->app->input; if ($this->params->get('activate_search') == 1) { // set the page direction globally $this->getDocument()->setDirection($this->translation->direction); // set the global language declaration // $this->getDocument()->setLanguage($this->translation->joomla); (soon ;) // set the enough verses witch $this->enoughVerses = GetBibleFactory::_('GetBible.Watcher')->enoughVerses($this->translation->abbreviation ?? 'kjv'); // set metadata $this->setMetaData(); // strip the slugs if (!empty($this->items)) { $this->removeSlugs(); } } // Set the toolbar $this->addToolBar(); // Set the html view document stuff $this->_prepareDocument(); // Check for errors. if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) { throw new \Exception(implode(PHP_EOL, $errors), 500); } parent::display($tpl); } /** * Set the page metadata * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setMetaData() { // set the page title $title = Text::sprintf('COM_GETBIBLE_SEARCHING_S_IN_S_S', $this->getSearch(), $this->translation->translation, $this->params->get('page_title', '') ); $this->getDocument()->setTitle($title); $url = $this->getCanonicalUrl(); // set the Generator $this->getDocument()->setGenerator('getBible! - Open Source Bible App.'); // set the metadata values $description = Text::sprintf('COM_GETBIBLE_SEARCHING_S_IN_S_TARGETING_S_WITH_S_S_IN_S', $this->getSearch(), $this->translation->translation, strtolower($this->getWordsText()), strtolower($this->getMatchText()), strtolower($this->getCaseText()), $this->getTargetText() ); $this->getDocument()->setDescription($description); $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('keywords', Text::sprintf('COM_GETBIBLE_SEARCH_S_S_S_S_S_S_BIBLE_S_S_SCRIPTURE_SEARCH_GETBIBLE', $this->getSearch(), strtolower($this->getWordsText()), strtolower($this->getMatchText()), strtolower($this->getCaseText()), $this->getTargetText(), $this->translation->translation, $this->translation->abbreviation, $this->translation->language )); $this->getDocument()->setMetaData('author', Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_THE_WORD_OF_GOD')); // set canonical URL $this->getDocument()->addHeadLink($url, 'canonical'); // OG:Title $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('og:title', $title, 'property'); // OG:Description $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('og:description', $description, 'property'); // OG:Image // $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('og:image', 'YOUR_IMAGE_URL_HERE', 'property'); // OG:URL $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('og:url', $url, 'property'); // OG:Type $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('og:type', 'website', 'property'); // Twitter Card Type $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('twitter:card', 'summary'); // Twitter Title $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('twitter:title', $title); // Twitter Description $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('twitter:description', $description); // Twitter Image // $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('twitter:image', 'YOUR_IMAGE_URL_HERE'); // Twitter Site (Your website's Twitter handle) // $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('twitter:site', '@YourTwitterHandle'); // Twitter Creator (Author's Twitter handle or your website's Twitter handle) // $this->getDocument()->setMetadata('twitter:creator', '@AuthorTwitterHandle'); } /** * Get the canonical url * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getCanonicalUrl(): string { if (empty($this->url_canonical)) { $this->setCanonicalUrl(); } return $this->url_canonical ?? $this->getBaseUrl(); } /** * Get the Bible url * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getBibleUrl(): string { if (empty($this->url_bible)) { $this->setBibleUrl(); } return $this->url_bible; } /** * Get the base url * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getBaseUrl(): string { if (empty($this->url_base)) { $this->setBaseUrl(); } return $this->url_base ?? ''; } /** * Get the search url * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getSearchUrl(): string { if (empty($this->url_search)) { $this->setSearchUrl(); } return $this->url_search ?? ''; } /** * Get the AJAX url * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getAjaxUrl(): string { if (empty($this->url_ajax)) { $this->setAjaxUrl(); } return $this->url_ajax ?? ''; } /** * Get the return url value * * @return string|null * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getReturnUrl(): ?string { if (empty($this->url_return)) { $this->setReturnUrl(); } return $this->url_return ?? null; } /** * Get the return url value * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getReturnUrlValue(): string { if (empty($this->url_return_value)) { $this->setReturnUrl(); } if (!empty($this->url_return_value)) { return '&bibleurl=' . $this->url_return_value; } return ''; } /** * Get the return url book value * * @return int * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getReturnUrlBook(): int { if (empty($this->url_return_query)) { $this->setReturnUrl(); } return (int) $this->url_return_query['book'] ?? 0; } /** * Get the return url chapter value * * @return int * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getReturnUrlChapter(): int { if (empty($this->url_return_query)) { $this->setReturnUrl(); } return (int) $this->url_return_query['chapter'] ?? 0; } /** * Get the Options Search Behaviour (text) * * @return array * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getOptionsText(): array { if (empty($this->options_text)) { $this->setOptionsText(); } return $this->options_text; } /** * Get the Words Search Behaviour * * @return int * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getWords(): int { if (empty($this->words)) { $this->setWords(); } return $this->words ?? 1; } /** * Get the Words Search Behaviour * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getWordsText(): string { if (empty($this->words_text)) { $this->setWordsText(); } return $this->words_text; } /** * Get the Match Search Behaviour * * @return int * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getMatch(): int { if (empty($this->match)) { $this->setMatch(); } return $this->match ?? 1; } /** * Get the Match Search Behaviour (text) * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getMatchText(): string { if (empty($this->match_text)) { $this->setMatchText(); } return $this->match_text; } /** * Get the Case Search Behaviour * * @return int * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getCase(): int { if (empty($this->case)) { $this->setCase(); } return $this->case ?? 1; } /** * Get the Case Search Behaviour (text) * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getCaseText(): string { if (empty($this->case_text)) { $this->setCaseText(); } return $this->case_text; } /** * Get the Target Search Behaviour * * @return int * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getTarget(): int { if (empty($this->target)) { $this->setTarget(); } return $this->target ?? 1000; } /** * Get the Target Search Behaviour (text) * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getTargetText(): string { if (empty($this->target_text)) { $this->setTargetText(); } return $this->target_text; } /** * Get the Search String * * @return string * @since 2.0.1 */ public function getSearch(): string { if (empty($this->search)) { $this->setSearch(); } return $this->search; } /** * Set the Search String * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setSearch() { $this->search = $this->input->getString('search') ?? $this->input->getString('s') ?? ''; } /** * Set the Case Search Behaviour * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setTarget() { $target = $this->input->getInt('target', 1000); $this->target = ($target == 4000) ? $this->input->getInt('target_book', $target) : $target; } /** * Set the Target Search Behaviour (text) * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ public function setTargetText() { // set the value names $target = [ 1000 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_ALL_BOOKS'), 2000 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_OLD_TESTAMENT'), 3000 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_NEW_TESTAMENT'), 4000 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_A_BOOK') ]; $this->target_text = $target[$this->getTarget()] ?? Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_A_BOOK'); } /** * Set the Case Search Behaviour * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setCase() { $this->case = $this->input->getInt('case', $this->params->get('search_case', 1)); } /** * Set the Case Search Behaviour (text) * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setCaseText() { // set the value names $case = [ 1 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_CASE_INSENSITIVE'), 2 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_CASE_SENSITIVE') ]; $this->case_text = $case[$this->getCase()] ?? Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_CASE_INSENSITIVE'); } /** * Set the Match Search Behaviour * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setMatch() { $this->match = $this->input->getInt('match', $this->params->get('search_match', 1)); } /** * Set the Match Search Behaviour (text) * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setMatchText() { // set the value names $match = [ 1 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_EXACT_MATCH'), 2 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_PARTIAL_MATCH') ]; $this->match_text = $match[$this->getMatch()] ?? Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_EXACT_MATCH'); } /** * Set the Words Search Behaviour * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setWords() { $this->words = $this->input->getInt('words', $this->params->get('search_word', 1)); } /** * Set the Words Search Behaviour (text) * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setWordsText() { // set the value names $words = [ 1 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_ALL_WORDS'), 2 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_ANY_WORDS'), 3 => Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_EXACT_WORDS') ]; $this->words_text = $words[$this->getWords()] ?? Text::_('COM_GETBIBLE_ALL_WORDS'); } /** * Set the Options Search Behaviour (text) * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setOptionsText() { $this->options_text = []; $this->options_text[] = $this->getWordsText(); $this->options_text[] = $this->getMatchText(); $this->options_text[] = $this->getCaseText(); $this->options_text[] = $this->getTargetText(); } /** * Set the return URL if it's provided and internal. * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setReturnUrl(): void { $encodedUrl = $this->input->get('bibleurl', null, 'base64'); if ($encodedUrl === null) { return; } $decodedUrl = base64_decode($encodedUrl); $uri = Uri::getInstance($decodedUrl); $router = Router::getInstance('site'); $this->url_return_value = $encodedUrl; $this->url_return = $decodedUrl; $this->url_return_query = $router->parse($uri); } /** * Set the base url * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setBaseUrl() { $this->url_base = Uri::base(); } /** * Set the AJAX url * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setAjaxUrl() { $this->url_ajax = $this->getBaseUrl() . 'index.php?option=com_getbible&format=json&raw=true&' . Session::getFormToken() . '=1&task=ajax.'; } /** * Set the search url * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setSearchUrl() { // set the current search URL $this->url_search = Route::_('index.php?option=com_getbible&view=search&Itemid=' . $this->params->get('app_menu', 0) . '&t=' . $this->translation->abbreviation . $this->getReturnUrlValue() . '&words=' . $this->getWords() . '&match=' . $this->getMatch() . '&case=' . $this->getCase() . '&target=' . $this->getTarget() . '&search=' . $this->getSearch()); } /** * Set the canonical url * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setCanonicalUrl() { // set the current search URL $this->url_canonical = trim($this->getBaseUrl(), '/') . Route::_('index.php?option=com_getbible&view=search&Itemid=' . $this->params->get('app_menu', 0) . '&t=' . $this->translation->abbreviation . '&words=' . $this->getWords() . '&match=' . $this->getMatch() . '&case=' . $this->getCase() . '&target=' . $this->getTarget() . '&search=' . $this->getSearch()); } /** * Set the Bible url * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ protected function setBibleUrl() { $this->url_bible = $this->getReturnUrl() ?? Route::_('index.php?option=com_getbible&view=app&Itemid=' . $this->params->get('app_menu', 0) . '&t=' . $this->translation->abbreviation); } /** * Remove all slug values from the returned items * * @return void * @since 2.0.1 */ public function removeSlugs() { foreach ($this->items as &$childArray) { if (is_array($childArray) && array_key_exists('slug', $childArray)) { unset($childArray['slug']); } if (is_object($childArray) && isset($childArray->slug)) { unset($childArray->slug); } } } /** * Prepares the document */ protected function _prepareDocument() { // Only load jQuery if needed. (default is true) if ($this->params->get('add_jquery_framework', 1) == 1) { Html::_('jquery.framework'); } // Load the header checker class. require_once( JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE.'/helpers/headercheck.php' ); // Initialize the header checker. $HeaderCheck = new getbibleHeaderCheck(); // always load these files. Html::_('stylesheet', "media/com_getbible/datatable/css/datatables.min.css", ['version' => 'auto']); Html::_('script', "media/com_getbible/datatable/js/pdfmake.min.js", ['version' => 'auto']); Html::_('script', "media/com_getbible/datatable/js/vfs_fonts.js", ['version' => 'auto']); Html::_('script', "media/com_getbible/datatable/js/datatables.min.js", ['version' => 'auto']); // Add View JavaScript File Html::_('script', "components/com_getbible/assets/js/search.js", ['version' => 'auto']); // Load uikit options. $uikit = $this->params->get('uikit_load'); // Set script size. $size = $this->params->get('uikit_min'); // The uikit css. if ((!$HeaderCheck->css_loaded('uikit.min') || $uikit == 1) && $uikit != 2 && $uikit != 3) { Html::_('stylesheet', 'media/com_getbible/uikit-v3/css/uikit'.$size.'.css', ['version' => 'auto']); } // The uikit js. if ((!$HeaderCheck->js_loaded('uikit.min') || $uikit == 1) && $uikit != 2 && $uikit != 3) { Html::_('script', 'media/com_getbible/uikit-v3/js/uikit'.$size.'.js', ['version' => 'auto']); Html::_('script', 'media/com_getbible/uikit-v3/js/uikit-icons'.$size.'.js', ['version' => 'auto']); } $search_found_color = $this->params->get('search_found_color', '#4747ff'); $table_selection_color = $this->params->get('table_selection_color', '#dfdfdf'); $url_search = $this->getSearchUrl(); $url_ajax = $this->getAjaxUrl(); $book = $this->getReturnUrlBook(); $chapter = $this->getReturnUrlChapter(); // add the document default css file Html::_('stylesheet', 'components/com_getbible/assets/css/search.css', ['version' => 'auto']); // Set the Custom CSS script to view $this->document->addStyleDeclaration(" .uk-table tr { cursor: pointer; } .uk-table table.dataTable tbody > tr.selected, .uk-table table.dataTable tbody > tr > .selected { background-color: $table_selection_color; } .uk-table tr.selected td { background-color: $table_selection_color; } .getbible-word-found { font-weight: bolder; color: $search_found_color; } .direction-rtl { direction: rtl; text-align: right; unicode-bidi: bidi-override; } .direction-ltr { direction: ltr; text-align: left; unicode-bidi: bidi-override; } "); // Set the Custom JS script to view $this->document->addScriptDeclaration(" const urlSearch = '$url_search'; const urlAjax = '$url_ajax'; const getAppURL = (book, chapter, verse, translation = 'kjv') => { // build search url return urlAjax + 'getAppUrl&translation=' + urlencode(translation) + '&book=' + book + '&chapter=' + chapter + '&verse=' + verse; }; const getSearchURL = (search, words = 1, match = 1, type_case = 1, target = 1000, translation = 'kjv') => { // build search url return urlAjax + 'getSearchUrl&translation=' + urlencode(translation) + '&words=' + words + '&match=' + match + '&case=' + type_case + '&target=' + target + '&search=' + urlencode(search) + '&target_book=0' + '&book=$book&chapter=$chapter'; }; "); } /** * Setting the toolbar */ protected function addToolBar() { // set help url for this view if found $this->help_url = GetbibleHelper::getHelpUrl('search'); if (StringHelper::check($this->help_url)) { ToolbarHelper::help('COM_GETBIBLE_HELP_MANAGER', false, $this->help_url); } // now initiate the toolbar $this->toolbar = Toolbar::getInstance(); } /** * Get the modules published in a position */ public function getModules($position, $seperator = '', $class = '') { // set default $found = false; // check if we aleady have these modules loaded if (isset($this->setModules[$position])) { $found = true; } else { // this is where you want to load your module position $modules = ModuleHelper::getModules($position); if (ArrayHelper::check($modules, true)) { // set the place holder $this->setModules[$position] = []; foreach($modules as $module) { $this->setModules[$position][] = ModuleHelper::renderModule($module); } $found = true; } } // check if modules were found if ($found && isset($this->setModules[$position]) && ArrayHelper::check($this->setModules[$position])) { // set class if (StringHelper::check($class)) { $class = ' class="'.$class.'" '; } // set seperating return values switch($seperator) { case 'none': return implode('', $this->setModules[$position]); break; case 'div': return ''.implode('', $this->setModules[$position]).''; break; case 'list': return '
  • '.implode('
  • ', $this->setModules[$position]).'
  • '; break; case 'array': case 'Array': return $this->setModules[$position]; break; default: return implode('
    ', $this->setModules[$position]); break; } } return false; } /** * Escapes a value for output in a view script. * * @param mixed $var The output to escape. * * @return mixed The escaped value. */ public function escape($var, $sorten = false, $length = 40) { // use the helper htmlEscape method instead. return StringHelper::html($var, $this->_charset, $sorten, $length); } /** * Get the Document (helper method toward Joomla 4 and 5) */ public function getDocument() { $this->document ??= JFactory::getDocument(); return $this->document; } }